<br />~32~ 1~r2~3~'S
<br />~` f IN TlIE n1_sTRZCT coL=R1' cF xAl.t. coUNT~, N~~rzAS::a
<br />NEBRASKA, a Ccrpnration, ) r~q
<br />~ / J-~~~
<br />- P' c.tiif, ) CASE N(?. --~-___--
<br />1
<br />vs.
<br />- 5
<br />xa;~~R1' .; . ~~xE~.L.E~ Ana NA19CY 3
<br />L. 4~REE~I,ER; FIRST fi_FDERAi: ~ ): :~~~1'I,GF. OF i.15 PEtiI)ENS
<br />atl~'INGS b I,~?AN ASSG~G% 1iTt~N }
<br />OF LIFCOLIJ, A '~'r.axed StaCr'3 ~
<br />Corporatz~rc; and aLAii 5':!'a(Y~: }
<br />and BARBaR~ GcTT'MAN-5 x vflW , )
<br />'?e=endants. I
<br />Tb i+T[I4?~t fT "IAt CJNCERN:
<br />Yeu 3-e heresy r~c~tiiied chat nn the _~_ day oT .t~1y, 198?,
<br />the Flainciff named al;~+'e piled its ?etitinn and action in this
<br />C:~.~ust against [he ak~ove-naz~ea ;~ef:~ndac~'_s, the ~biec[ of which is
<br />to foreciosr~ s. c~ertair +at;rr.~;ag" ei S139,&74.8's cc: the foll:?win~-
<br />des~ri.t+ed :e~vl ~4tac~:
<br />..~?k ~:XCtrgrt (z6), 81~:,:k tc:elr.t. '1_""} Fia~;<
<br />anti hill i+,;diLi:n, +`:_[~{ <:T !_ra:ac9 Is)rcnd,
<br />H~~iI- i;t~crlCd. :~ehraska
<br />Thfr '•1art~a~;a a3s dated ac~4cary '~ , l9b< r=nd ~;a:; rrcurded i*.7
<br />the E3Yi'iee c~i it?e Register of Deeds CC EIa11 ~~aurct}, `it>5rask[i, on
<br />~taatuary 6, :.452 as ^~ccc+mene No. .rs2-C'ft~U037 a;cd re-r2curded ~sn !^7a,r
<br />tf, 198'1 as Docucrent Mcr. 87-(7~.~I8,&5.
<br />Pl.ain[iff claims that [here is acv duc i[ up to acrd izilun-
<br />ing Jraly ~, I4$i, Cfie total sum c,f j139,8i4.83, p1~.s ix,terest
<br />3C Che '-'a~t~ vL , 6'„ percent ~.er ~,.,.,~.u ::-c.^. iat:~ _ ~, 1982 _ Fi ~ zn-
<br />tii'f prays for ~u:Igeient as tc the s~t¢o:~a[ owir,h oc: ;aid hf~rcga~e
<br />and t~~zx sale o~ the rea? es*ate above-descr_ba~d to ,a[±sa >uch
<br />arau~uyt, C.;~ctY2rr :°itn ic~Eerest ar=~: cc-urt .costs.
<br />Dae~« ;;his ~_ ,~:r ;:f .iu~, '982_
<br />TN z; "r'xRti, ~i.~,~'iF)[vfti_ 3\Nti C) C;i.AbiL}
<br />rStvi-?, ~i±iJCi ISLafvC, ~uF>8F?S'c:e~..
<br />__ +.crp~f aci_oe, c'i.ai`~:~_if
<br />~^:r''.'~[i ~.iJFSIv~x, .fit. .rR=!'r
<br />~ r . P 4~ r.a' r e:M1 z ~, a ~:t ir.r;
<br />'"",~
<br />' j
<br />~~
<br />'S + -' ..
<br />