¢~~ Huffman andFf.Iton & Wolf.: Walton. Ne 58-0fii
<br />
<br />CARQL JEAN+ PALiJ,, atsc know:i as CAROLJEAN` A. PtIT U,
<br />a -sin~l.e taoman, I
<br />. Graator,'whether'one-mr more,
<br />in consideration of "Four l}.'l OtlS&II'.; ilGl ~-ar5'~.`~~,u ~F, Ot~n. Q~ -------------
<br />', receipt of which is hereby acknowled~{ed, con~~eys tq
<br />~I?T."%~Y c . Y.Titilht$L clad JA?3ET A. ~?t*~1.ti1F_L ,Grantees,
<br />i
<br />a& joint xrttaats and not as tenams iu catnman, [he following described real estate (as defined
<br />in Neh. Rev. Staff. ~?8-017 in }i3 L I:.. Coanty, Nebraska:
<br />'.ot give (4~ a 4':12~t Subdiczsian, being; a part o:~ the
<br />;lortheast Csuarte: or the PSc}rthaasC t~uarte:- (NE't7FL;
<br />o~ Stct_io~ T?z__~y-fh.- {33) Tai.~ship Eleven. x;111
<br />Mort'}, flange .,c~ ,,9l,n~est o.+'"thn Sixth Print-pal
<br />[•lerid~a~, Half ;oust:, '•'pbras>ha, _.._~ptistg 4lierc~~r~m
<br />chat part chemo' r.,tr;~~ved to h^ eta ~, ~ )veb.aska
<br />by ',darrant Deed reworded in-Sonic .37. at~i?ag., ~71,
<br />o~ the Decd Records o~ i{al. Caunt~:, Nebraska, rind
<br />exccnez;~v a tract :~f )at}d -~o~„ p~r-.~~ul~rly ,{e,:-
<br />__bed _.. w:rrauty J~~c: _orci ~ ,.~ Do~uziFeitt ;3taraber
<br />[i0-J07930.
<br />C~ranior covenants {fort=t!y and ~~e.rrai?y. i° r„ore ?hac~ e7pi hi:h the Granteeti Lhat Grzntor:
<br />{ l) ea lawfully seised of such rrxi estate ar~d :ha: .: as :rrc `rnm encumorancet: . ~
<br />'a5C'tGi1C5 31 1=~ .,: is '. _ _r,. 'C!. .-~ t L ,
<br />{'l} has legal power and lasfue auehorsty :.e ear,_~ei~ :he Name;
<br />13) warranttx and wilS defend the Leis tp tt~w r eyt: e- agauyit the l~rxful ciatn~a of all crrHO??s.
<br />'li G~'it fli Fr'~~~-i
<br />i;':A ~t,'MEfvTI~
<br />SLAA~?. 7:9X, ... .
<br />
<br />Sta.e of Flebraska
<br />County of .._~tal1-
<br />
<br />The foregoing instrumen*_ vras ackr:o:ctedge~ ~e ;.. ,. ~.: . .. .. ,,
<br />t,.,,... ar~i scan _a'?s ~ts~> -gin ;}, '.. ~ ,,. , i . ~> .. a~i t
<br />~iiillfYt ~QtVll .few tl Igptiif ~ =~ p ~ r . , .. _.
<br />CsEJAP1E ~ ~UNMf .. _ _ x 4.~ .e.. e-~-,ra ~ ! ~ :~ ~: ". .. _ . .
<br />M1~-t,~w~w bF+>~~iti~b J~ ~.. '.. 'LIJ i ., _'
<br />STi+Tc: C}F ?JY:t~-I~tiSlCt~
<br />i•'ii~d is-s- recr:rd anct eiz<er. 1 ;n ?.,_, ,. __ ?...~ ,,,,
<br />1C ...._ 6'Ci ;r.ic
<br />