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<br />82....ti~~2t3~~~ <br />d For better scenrit}• of the indebtedness hereby .secured, upon the request of ttre martgagee, its successors <br />or assigns,: mortgagor shalt "e~iecute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any. additions, <br />improvements, ar betterments made to the prnpcnv hereinabove described and aU property acquired by it after <br />the date hereof {all in form satisfaMOry to mongagee). Futhcrmore, should mortgagor tail to cure any default <br />in the payment of a prior or inferior enntmbrancc on the property described by this instrument, mongagor here- <br />by agrees to permit mongagce to cure such default, but martgagee is not obligated to tlo so; and such advances <br />`shah }tecome pan'of theindelYtedttess secured $y ibis instrument; subject to the. same [arms and eonditionss <br />e- The ri3htscreated by this conveyance shalt remain in foil forc;c and effect during any postponementar <br />extension oY the tirrte of the-payment. oi' 4hc indebtedness evidenced by said pramisscary .note ar notes, ae any <br />part therecaf securted;hereby. <br />i. To cantinunusiy maintain hazard insurance, of such type o~ types and in such amounts as the mortgagee <br />may from Ume to Fime squire on the improvements now• or frere~ "ter on said property, and will pa}• promptly <br />v: i,er, due any areiniums therefor. Ail insurance shall be carried .,, companies acceptable to tortgagee and. the <br />polirrzs and renewals ihcreof shalt be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor <br />at and its form accepaabie to the mortgagee: fn event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing. <br />to rnorteagce, and martgagee<may make proaf of loss if not made promptly by mortgagor, and'each insurance <br />earnpan.• t`oncrrrted is herctty authori~xd and direceed to make payment for such doss directly zo mortgagee <br />insrrad nC to mortgagor and mongagce jaintiy; and zhe insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, [nay be applied <br />b~ rrortgagec at its-option either to the reduction of the iidebtedness hereby secured fir to the restoration or <br />rep~tr of the property darnagedor dcstrtryed: in event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or otttcr rransfrr of title <br />to sFOid prttpeny;n extiagitishment o3' flier indebtedhess secured hereby, all'-right, title. artd interest of the <br />mortgagor ;n and to any. insurance polices [:hen Sn Corse shall pass: to tite purchaser or mortgagee or, at the <br />option of the mti-raagec, rnaY ~ surrendered for a refund. <br />g Ta keep all huiidiugs and athrr improvements an said property in good repair and condition; to <br />permit, commit, er suffer na waste„impairment, detcrioratrun of said property or any-pan thereof: 'tis the-event <br />of failure of ;hr mongagor'~ta kecpthe buildings on said preruises a,-td thosrarected on said prcrnises, or <br />irnprevrmcnrs therepn, rat:$ood repair,:.the mongageemay,mak.~ stash repairs as in: tsdiscretianit may deem <br />netcsarF for the proper presrnation thereof; and the "ruff amount'of each and every such payment shalt he <br />znrrriedtateiy auc and payatate; and shah be secured !sy afte kelp of this mortgage. <br />ft. To no+. +olumarily create ar potent[ to be created against the property;~:ubject to this mortgage any: hen <br />ar hcns.irnferaor rs~ rh+- I.en t~f this mortgage u^ithout written a.7nsetit of the martt;.tgee; and f[[[lier. thaf'mort- <br />gagor will keep -and rt:a.ntafothc same. free from the. claim of aibpersons ~trpplying labor or ntaterials~far-Con- <br />structiaitisf any and a!1 t?uiidtngs or impravetrtents paw being ctei.•ted,or ra'*r: cr~-ted an .said prerrtises. <br />i, To.r,cx rear .x a>sign aRV pan. of thcre'iZ 1C said mortgaged propene or'demoiish,or remove. ,or <br />subszmtiiatlp aitrr unl bu,fding uuEu7itt t!te~writtcn srunsent at zt+' rnortgagea <br />t. Alf swerd< of damage ,n cornecr+~r. wstn an. condemnation for pubic ust of; or tnjury~w any of~the <br />;yttrpcr<} subje~,t ze this ;n~:?rtKaKc .ter ;trrchy ass;KCtri and italE be paid to mrartgagec, .c-ho may applytitesamcto <br />paYmcnt oat tits utstalfmcnts last due ender raid note. and ^tnrrg>tgce ts`hereb}- atuher-ir,ed, to the nameafthe <br />mortgagor, to e_tictiate and delis~cr ,niid a yvitrances rherroi' :and w a;ttk ai irnm am such award,. <br />k. The morrgagct• shall ha.r the nght a,, insprc~t rhr mongageci itremiscs at ar~ti rrmsonable time <br />i. ?b comply v.irn the nro.sic~ns of any lease ai this Marxgagr is on a ir'a,ehuJd. i? this ~fortpage ison a <br />utut sn z co~omiaiunt ur a piantx-i: cent cievclopmer,,, Burn.rwer r,s:ali prribrm all cif Borrower`s obligations. <br />under ate declaration or 4ovrnants .creating or go+zro:ng rise ce~ndtsminiurn er planned unit de~:e3opment,the <br />by-ia~rx nntl rrgviations iiC the cvicdonunium ~r ~idnned uni[ deve!apmcnl, a:ad +:canstituent documents. <br />~. Defautt ir, any c:; the co+^enanrs ar ~onduionc at the tat~amrrtt tt: of the. note rr !can agernent securedhereby <br />;hall terrrunatc the ntonirtytor's riKht to usus,ion, ux_ and r'njoymeni of the i~~ropcrty, at the option of-the <br />mc-rtgagcc nr assigns (it being .~raed r`tat thamortgagar slick] ha+-e such right natal default). l,'pon any Bach <br />default, ;he mortgagor shah hecvnie t?tc nw-net at" ai3 0± the rents and f±rorits aeeuriag otter default a •.ecurity or <br />the ir_dcbtrdncs. se_irsrd h.rcbv, w-iih the right taenicr upr,n said l~rropertV .or the purpose of <oilcctiag sucl> <br />rents and profits. This hrsutintent shall operattas an,ass6~mc t~ or artq rental; arz said pt~opcr.r ;<~ char rxteru. <br />-- ;f the mcrrtgagar defatuCC, avid `ails :u ma><e any.,.paymentr. ~.ohen :iuc ~r to cuninam to grad corziply ~ r 'i any` v£ <br />.he :ronditian4 ar agreernNarts coatinr,-d in F:;i,*, cnprt~$e or the pores s h ~i~ u es, :hen tae uuirc ~'issCipaL <br />w~ 3 ~ ~ ~, ' <br />±ara artd accrued interest shall a: once i>c~_rlme due and , a}a~lc, n:4 drax _ ~s_r ,: nt t _._`_ • of ir.rcrest <br />thereafter until paiu at The eicction p: the mvagagee;and ti'ds racrtgagc n•ay riser u, c:, ~c `areGiost~d ammeWiately. <br />For the whole s~` the indei2tc'tiioess i;erchy itured, :ncludi..g i!1c cost :, c i~rtdang ,hr_a~ustraet at utiic arc~nt the <br />d:Ytc u1 trts tnortgaKe to •:>?e ti;n~ os cc>rnntenci3t.¢ suchstr~t. <br />d. }n zhc nnx!i of s 4Otealci,ure tx default ys providtd heron, fhb rtottg,.+ rnc ~, a: oncebe enittiv"d ia7 thepo3- <br />. _, 1 <br />s;+asicta, ta•s:, end :n;opmeet c,( ttrc tea! t•_a:e afG .arc: anti - _.,_ , . .__.. _, paiLC•>, ~enEi.Pr~,,it~, ,!tersof, - <br />irurn. the %~xtit'uin~ ,,,f .uc~l: rights and u+;ring t';e rxnu .rev: c,; r _rt!~i~;r ~ r._~r~' ska~itpt',r.-• ;i,rn., <br />-tc•. <br />st~lf aE ts35ce '?x' c.etncrtd ,a the ~nnrt~,;t,gre u,.trn r__iuc :. =,h~ ,t ; vac: ~ ~:;i; strt;h b?sSCS ort n,;.r (*r <br />"n toot.: ny rirz:pagcE Ery rnc ..a pc,apria:e i%-t:a;, ,.aeli,^.~ ^.~ca.c- r nc r~~°+t riV~ <br />it=c ~r~xi~ ., sn>r vats r.. v:id p~o(sert ~ ,,.,.,.;'a _ ,tr ~ ,._ t .-. haill+e tipi t v3 f,.. u+ <br />j`a ^•C c..~, .., 'tiu fF;R r.. t. i C 4 ausiC., ir1C ~".[(`(', A•, C' 3,';i. r.:;t ~ i __ ..,i_~ 1. ,',1 ~.4:t ; r ._ 1.,, <br />ra>c, i.eL...~,r, s-. ~,. ash. n:o ~; }_ , r .,,_ ., ,. r,c.:.e .. ~ w ~ ,..t rC-;~_ t,>a,1~ deY. ,•¢ ,.. .,< <br />tx .._ ; r ,,. nt t+ t.,_ - x r-_. . ~. ~ .ate;; <br />