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<br />F£A -i?7
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<br />(Rev. '.1-21-20;
<br />THIS !~RTG AGE is made and entered into by )1IZ1, 9~1l1'~s d Sttl4lf .1s
<br />residing in {t~l Coaaty, Nebraska, whtisc post office address is
<br />~~ ~ ,Nebraska 6883?.
<br />herein called "$exrawa." utd:
<br />WHEREAS Borrower is ir+debtcd :c the Unned Stales of America, acting throir{h the Fazmers Home Rdmin-atntion,
<br />i3nitcd StatesDepartrnent r:E Ap~icufcuac, irerrin ca[7rd'the "foverttinent," ssevidenud by one asrnoi-e pmmsnry note; s)
<br />or aaauraption agreernent(s'•, herein caikd "note," u-Isielr hu been axeeutrd-b.• BrjTrOwet, is payable to the order ofche
<br />t,overnment, authorizes arsrlr_rarion oY the entire indebttdnass xt the aptionof the(ioverttment upon an.~ default by Bor-
<br />roxer, and is described as Fnibws:
<br />r4nrwul iRute fheZ?ate of Frnal
<br />Dste o~ fissin.rrsertr Princilxsl :l mrnrnr o Interest Ins[aUntent
<br />July 8, 19H2. S4G,OC0.00 I3.~54 July 9, 2015.
<br />r lE tSc interest tart u lean elan ~~ ~ for farm ®wn~ship ar op¢ating loaats} settared by this inatrumenc, thenzhe
<br />rate may be chatyted v pros•ided iaxaha twee;}..
<br />And the note c.ideaus a loan ;0 9orrsswer and x},e (;oerntnenr, at anytime, mayasacgn xhenot+e andinsurr the pay-..
<br />mcnz thereof pursuant to the Cnnsntidated Firm utd:Itnryl 3?tv+eip$snent Aczor7'itk Yofzhe.NousvtgAct of:19#9 or any
<br />ot6a atawte adrnvttarered by the Frmers Home Admmistra.Lton
<br />Arai ct is the purpose sad assent of this ursrrumenc that, amotsg other t}iutgs, st al3 timm when the nnze is held by the
<br />Gnvumnent, ox in the crcn[ the l:o.errment shoutdaa thin inamtmantwizhautis[suraneetiEthenate, chin itistxtnnent:
<br />aball secure garment o! ttx txe'.e: text when the nuv is. }ee{d. byan iasnred hokin, this instnxtztant stall noc ~ecurc payment.
<br />of the nvec or utxa to the debt cs-idenced thercbw, iwc aato tbr:nate and such t{ebcshallconstitute'an indemnity mtxtgage'
<br />to secouc the t'.owernmen: agiireat leer i:ndc-r ru :nsatancc contract. by r~wnofany defauttbv Forrower;
<br />.Lnd trait in su r:ment slur r-c urea the recapture of anv tatesext cram: J7 subsidy which nay ?ie granted Loathe Botrawer.
<br />6;r the ::mr:t.'nt at pursuant co 1? f.;.5.~. ~IiclOa.
<br />±fi]W.- T'FiE RE FOKE, :n ~onardcra eicrn :,f [hc }r3an(a, and 'a' ac all tiMCSwhen chc Hate is held by the t:overnment, o:
<br />in the ewenr the i;astrnmmc s$ould vs»o thu insa^finent xichrx;t i2atxfaucc of the payment +~1 chc note, to secure prompt
<br />payment at the nose and :nr rcnawals acd eraena>tona tht: rof and act agcezcnena a,nnined there tn, including any pmriaion
<br />for the payment of as inrssrtce or other chrEe, ;i~l at all tunes w!SCn the :rote a held by an ssurcd hnlder, to secure per-
<br />forrnance of Bart owes agreemcnc herein to indemnify and sax leartsa less the Gr>rernmrnt againse toss under its insurance
<br />cc.ntraex bt' ccasan of any default by 23orrarrcr, and (c; in any event and at ail threes to ;ecisc eke prompt payment of xll
<br />adrancea sad upendit ores made by the Goverrtmen t, with en [cress, a hereinafter described, .nd ttrc pcrf nrmaace o£ever}'
<br />cowestane and s~rsrncnt aE 8orrn,ra caa uirsec teercui. ar in any auppkmen ury aglecmcnc, Borrower does hert}sl'
<br />grant,
<br />.
<br />barlpin_ s.e)j, comer ant assn, with general warranty, roan the Government floe following pro perry situated in the Stat<-of
<br />Neisnalu, Connty(ics} of Hill
<br />Sot ~tp-stns (39) t Ril.s~rs Ms~cio~ .^'ubdivisit~n tae t~ tln Village t~£
<br />Dortip4~t, Hall Oo~srt.Y, *7a6~skn.
<br />FmHA s27-t NB iRev ti-3t~i0;
<br />
<br /> ~ -
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