~~- ~tt~2~3~.1
<br />!t~ 7;vu the tt„r[gagnr will Acep the huilding~ t.txtis~said prrmisey incoodrepain, and: neither~comrniiaUrpeemtit waste
<br />upon raid-and, our ta~erthe Wid prernisct to ter used foranynn3awfut purpow.
<br />IL "T1iat if the oremiscs, ~~r sm- pan thcroa', hic cwdcmncdumltt ihe}~Iwer of emittent dumain,or acquired fora~ublic
<br />usc. ;he damages s~~arded. the proceeds For the taking of, ,ar111e'cottsidecafion'farsuchacquisitian,~to the'eCtent of itie'fup
<br />amour,[ of imiebtedrtcs upon this mortt,age and the rn~te > hich it esgiven mcrrura [emainihq~unpaFd, are harehyiavsi~ed by the
<br />Marteigor to the Mortgagee, aed shall hr paid funhu~~th u, amid ?t<fe3E't€aRee sn he appliedbt the Satter on account of thrnaxt
<br />maturing inszalfinentc of such tifdebicdnec_e_
<br />7~. Tire Martgagxx further :agree: that eheu[d ;his mrr(gage.'amf the r,oie te.ured h=.eeh~~ n,~t ;?e rlieihle far in-
<br />xarant:e under tbr'~ational flonsing Act within s3?tty days - from the date hs-rcof (wfitten <tafem~nt of anyoflicer
<br />of the I~partmem of Housing and Urbmt i?esrlnpment ,~r :mahc?rued ;,Kent of me Sactatarg pf Housing ,md '>,Trhan
<br />lcveh?pmentdatedsuhsequentmthe szxtt~ days timcfromrh±datecfihismOrtgARe.deciininetumturrcaid-.
<br />note :uxf th+•, mortgage, hr;ng dtemed ~oncu_i ~c tf such ine6gibilit}~?, the Ltoetgagee. t7r holder o! the nr1{r
<br />may. zit itt upturn, declare .~;i :amt secnrred hrr~hr imrr edietth' ifuc and or vable.
<br />L'~. That if the ~longagor iai7< a? m:akc anq payments eF~moncy when the camebcceme due;at fails to eorrfurm ro anti
<br />comply with any of the cor[diiions car acreements contained it thi: mottgage, or the neat whic h n seeSltt s.:hen The entire princi-
<br />ps! solo and ac rued :ntrre~t shalt ai in becone fete and ra.at~ic. rtt rh e e ^enon of the LfortGagec: and this mxtkage may
<br />thereupurtrx fatc„bscd immediately f~.r the who~c of s;,;d marep~. iater~et, anthdy paements ~osrs. ground rents taxes and
<br />ttsc cast of cxICndirg the atxstract c-f tide £rom the Dare of This Inan to the tuna of enmmrnnng suih Ir+rectoaura t.ait. and a rea-
<br />sonable aliornc}°~s foe. A{J t>( which .hall he Included in t5e decree eat 'i orecl,~sure: and tie contr,.c[ ernh ulieA in thi< mortca~e
<br />and tba data secured hergbe. shall in al? re>peCtc h.; ¢?Iti~crned, constn~ed and ~rd;•rdged h}° the htwt of Nehraska. where the
<br />same is made.
<br />T'lre .^aaenanre heron tan tined slwii hirxi, and the tunehls znd adt.~ntaKe> shalt iriure I~?, the respe,^ve heirs, executors.
<br />rutministratxs. u.ceYaors;,nd assigns of the panics he*et:._ y~'henex~er aced. she sengular r.umhershall m 'ude tae phtrs~, the
<br />plural the sirt~rlar. and tl+e use ka ant' geode shat! be uFphcable to al; gendtrt.
<br />T1rc foregoing condition°, s;l and ; ngu;ar_ tvrnh xriotr.t,,l atccxo nc to th it ^ahrra! nd legsi imps r[, [hie conveyance
<br />shat! he chid sod said premrtca tekrased at ,he cx~n_e of the ~.?rtGAeor ntherwit. 7n he and rr main in fu{I force: nd etTcc[_
<br />SNiViT;vESS~VFi£REi~F.thc'l,xckagorr;shs,~ her~unea5ne~~e1r. t><<nd(-,thcdaYSndtearh,t
<br />atx?ve ,~_ritten.
<br />fn txescncc a};
<br />i~\
<br />i SEAL ;~
<br />-- ..CRY, ~
<br />i s~.a[. ;
<br />"~ `. ~~~`~~'`/~ ~SEAI.I
<br />D~nixB M. ~F . ~J t~~'
<br />~ ~e:~r
<br />- <,.._H
<br />ST',A'TEOFtiEFilt.~SKA,
<br />Lt)Ultil'Ylli- Ha21
<br />ey
<br />On thus 7til day' of July ~. ~. ;482 .:xt~arc mc,
<br />a Votary Public in and ier+aiJ ~:nun[Y, ~ :r.unully carne
<br />.7arry 3e:fers acr9 Diatre fit. .Tatters, Husband end Wife
<br />cnuualic to ;;tr kno?in
<br />[a be the r<itmrLal pcrssns. wna>p rums re ai(ixe6 to the above anu tore-
<br />l;oing iaslronxnt as Stortgagor.snd c;~y :,eve acktwv<icigeC the s -id instrument anu [he
<br />eaccutgn there~af tv;,e tne~r saiuntari~ act mrd decd. for the purpose' t?terein expre>sed.
<br />lc tcetunany wheceoF, I hose hcrcueuu ut mu handanaatTiaed by %'-'='~riai;~al;,I ~~~;t3 Island, Dl~
<br />on theuararn:datetasratwse>knueu.
<br />I
<br />~_ L-= ' i
<br />STAT£tiE?3E[3R.~tSlti.q s,
<br />Fite-ri for rc;;,rd this day of [7 ~ q
<br />at .i'duck a-, find entered to Au:rterica Indr z. .god
<br />recardc^d in Hcwk
<br />~i ~1 UIIg:I};zi, ern
<br />Yayc c,i
<br />... Rcgistc~ ~ DecJs
<br />