<br />$2ltlir)279(-
<br />'Ihir lMortpRe is entered into between Dxv~ ; F P ~' 1 ,.r1 Phala E Boll ~3us c~nd ~3nd_
<br />~~~~. as 3oi~ T~n~nts Wit; Right ~f Sur~•ieorship and not as t~na(~, in common
<br />-_ in "Mortgagor) end
<br />:.FIFE Pt3Ih,S SAVK
<br />----- - (herein "Mort~ee").
<br />''~or4aeor u indebted to Mort~ee in the pdncipN sum o[S~s2,000~,L, evidenced b More
<br />- Y gagor'snote
<br />dated _~~~~^9 ~ R2 ~ (herein "Note^) providins for payrnentx of principal end interest, with she balance of the
<br />iadebtedttess, it roc snorter pstd, dtte and paya.bic rsn Ihcem(~_;,6 , ~Q~1 .
<br />Toaewre the payment oL the Note, with iatareat as provided. therein, the payment of all other sums, with Interest,
<br />advansxd by Mort~agse to protect the sestitnry of this'alort~e, end the C ;ormanse of tho covenants and agrcerrienta of
<br />the 11(ortg~or contaitrM hercie, Mortp~or does hereby tnartp~e and vnrey to Mortga~ew the [dlowing desc!ibed
<br />property- locates! in.-..~.~ wall _ County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Cvc (~j of Case.}` Subd~ivisian to ttte ~ -*~~ of i,:~1nd
<br />Is L'aad, I~,~' :'.aunty, ;Jebra~ka
<br />Trapthrr ~ dt brtitdtnf.itnpsrwsreenta, fixtures, staters, alieyt, paaaa~eways, casements, rights, pnvileRes and
<br />lobaed theROn M N anyrpe PenaininL thereto. and ttre rcnu, itsuax and profits, rereraioaa uid rcrnainsten
<br />thereof: insindtty, bat not 7ianted to, hta~rt; and codfnt etpripment and such peawnai property thu is attached to the
<br />imprewoafrtta so r to eoesttWtR s tlztttre; al{ of trhieh, induditsg rcplacemenu and.additions thrrcto, is hrreby declared
<br />to~~0as't of the teat cattle assured by the Ikn o[ this ;Slortp~e and aU of the (sxe~int 6sing rctetrtd to herein u the
<br />1HwtNor hiatlrar edsnaaaiits slid spew, with 1#~ttrt~gar as tall.-..a;
<br />- ~, rVltlaaL Tb PaY ~ it>•sbtednaaa sad. the in teteattberesxt aa.prorided in this Mort*a{e and the Note.:
<br />2, TNY, llatp~gr in the owaer oL the rroperty, ttar the ri~tt anal. autbaniy to mortpgr the Property, and
<br />w~natat-teat the.,iko cas~aisdhseaby. isa [ietmd prior lien as rise rropeny, rtccetxasmay othrnriae be set forth herein.
<br />5'1 T1tr: Ro*trty is aah~ersto a A4ortpre wherein ~~'££~'._:L,t,i1G:~._C~~k _
<br />t c ±Y ?F-C103b~3 S f~#-~03Lkt'f ~~"
<br />is the ti{aaya'e, rscucdad u _ . 7'ya.._ nL the iMort~c Records of ~~la 1 J. County,
<br />7W~reatfia, whldl l{ottp~a is a lisp pAOr io tha lien Wasted itsreby,
<br />^ Ofiarpriorlien.aaeocurabaatisw:______w__,.~_--._.~ .__~
<br />~. '1'azir4 Aaesa~aals. To pay. ir6eo dwe all tatter, spzcial asae~amrnts sad aU other char~sa apiasl the. Property
<br />~.-rP°9 wRttsn dtrmand by ~itltE~aMe, to add to the.paytnentl restarted under the Note secured hereby, such amount. as
<br />- seq.-be wfAeiettt to ntrb{e the to pay srsM tattea, aresamen4 or other rbarCec ss they. became due.
<br />1. Lneawee_ '.To. keep,. the. imparr~ermts rto~.or herrafter..to-_atsdon. the oral. castle dsw~ri;xd herein insured
<br />~t ~~ ~ ~ sad awd °C~ hanrda as may regaie-, is atrwunts and with tom
<br />1{ertdyaR, sad ;with lass payahir to the llOrtppe, In case atlsass under. xuch p+ntes acceptable to the
<br />~~, ~ pdr4'ksthe lint-{else uautbwizsd [o
<br />~pcoaoire, is its ttberetion. aY dales thetnmdsr at itr sole option, :uthoriud tueither apply the
<br />~taCMb to l4':.raatotatioh oL tae lta+arty orupaa.the rndebtedrrsa se~uredhecrby, but payments hcteunrte-shall cot,
<br />tytar uagl tiF +trvaessvnd he:sby are paid in Lull.
<br />~'- '-I ~tern7w 8~ Tatas sad lawva~os. NexsrithaundinN cnythjng corttarned in psrx~raptts 3 and 4 Hereof to the
<br />+~1f[Y.'~tp•o[ shall Pay to tflek[ort/yre-at the tsrtae al payiry the monthly inctdlntents of principal and inurext,
<br />ooa-twalttit of tit yttrty. Wcxa. assearmsats, hazard. irir:urance pterniu»ts, and liwtnd ernts (if a:ry) wrath may attain a
<br />pT met tqk lfortg+eaf ~ u r.~cona6ry ~str~alad Lrom ums to time trv the
<br />~'bY Ihs without rielaust a,nd applied to the Mor~x- The amounts so paid shall be
<br />8epwilad. ,~ fYJtiw ~ ~ brat '.payrrurnt.vl-the iteaa< in respect W whFah such amounts were
<br />imdet us' Pk'dfed u additioaal-security for the indebtedmw- accused by this '"i'_
<br />~t+Me, Aforyyorslu@ pwy to S(oft~yea• the. amswnR oL soy. de
<br />paxmratns rind lid aenb att4 the ~krkY between the x`tuat tasex, asseaxrttents, insunnoe '=
<br />pattneat thetcof: drpw4' hereveder within 10 dayx a[Ler dettund is made upon 3loayagor ruquetitrng f ,
<br />as.-~~__ ~ ~~
<br />d- 1~M~• rW l'~ae, Tu prsxmpily rrpau>. ,earn,, or rebut#d any t*+a~ding; o;- impmvements sow or
<br />ht'sf!atlea aa. rite /topsrrtY;to keep the Properiyin. pond crrtt+fitioa andrepair..withnut waste. xnd fete ftttrn mechanic'x or
<br />akharGuu ~t exi-tr+iJY sosd t4 the liar. Rrcao[t noZ ~2 rseYe, suLLar or perrmt any nuisan4v to exist, rear co diteia.
<br />ifh- or imy~wr ttie ,alas of live PropeatY by any aetar c~Irrtisut to mct;aod to cc>rsept, w}th ati rnyu3n,mertts of tar with
<br />t t:r fhp !'Rn;rrrty.
<br />