52~A-Ri:AL ESTATE MDRT~AGE-i With [ax Cl~usel R ~. -,~ Heitman atld fdlipp& WAIL. ~Wallptl. Nd. 68461.1
<br />anti ~'onstrt:ctio*1 ecur~ty ~reemen~ '
<br />€~rfow SILL ~fsty ur rxr:ss 1>]u:~F~TS rl,:,t Sonr_ie D. Raot and' Joyce J. Rood,
<br />Husband and tdi T_'e
<br />of Adams county, xna stete ~,t Nebraska `
<br />Twenty-nine Thausand & No 100 q _• ia_con.ideration n[ the dam of ;
<br />~ ('S2,,000.QO)-------- - - --"LIJLLARS
<br />is hand pair;, do hereby S'E L,L and (b:~VEI' unto i`f1E B3n~i Of ?]pIl i'ph2P., L1t3rii ph lY}, ?Qebr 3Sk3
<br />f of Ha12 County. State of N6`.b~"i38~.£a the following drwcribed premised situaQ~d 1 '
<br />' in Hal ~ Counts, and Srxt~ of '_~?ebraska ~ ,town: ' '.
<br />Lot irrent ~-Se~ren (?'~) in Am~ck Acrss, I3a3.1 County., Nebraska,
<br />beYng a cart of the West Half of the Southriest quarter IW~SVF~-) of
<br />~- Sectior_ ~TV,ra (?), Torrrshi~ Nine (~), Noxbh, Barge Ten (lOj, West
<br />of t2-te Wit:-. ?. M. , Halt Count, Nebraska
<br />J
<br />00
<br />The erslenticn t>Fing < n <•y~ h,. e.hF un utr,ro to c frrc• mfiie. inckaaiag sll the rights f h m snsm] and drawer-
<br />T'O k1,4VE AAL) "3 Y) FqQ[ I} the fir mart c r t ntrrl »ith al: 'ha• sppurt-n sea ,h~.reunto t L~ngin[F_ unto the wad
<br />i mcsrtt:aceel d:i and to 1 is, r,cr r in-.: ?r 1 and ,a a f:reti: r pmvKled ulwayy nd .he5e presentis ar<~ ulwa the. cigrc ed .
<br />.vnrtition that if t},r. vrrkl mort{,a~ ris~i_ 1 1-~.r or ,t er t.._irx _x'vZrtot~, :u9minist iwrc ,>r aait;nv shall par or iaune w be 7
<br />F rr~~
<br />Lwid to the rates mortAagee+tyt_ }e:r< het or thcar hel rn, ccetnrto rs. :i~fninlxlrB U,xs or asdignq the princi~~prral sum of $q, ~.U~. CO
<br />pa!.•ah3r as inlt:,ws, to wit. WOt P_ CateLl ~ --~-L~2 yeas l.Il~, Ilt er(35t 3t 1%l~'r dlle 1.~~..-}0-L72
<br />. ~
<br />»ith tntere7tt acixirain6 tts `,}ie tvtuir arui c9rrt o] rho nv~rt~gt, r.:.t.>n praanid-orv noto beariryt c~-er, dote with thew' prr~ee td q
<br />and ~mlf pwy ali ta>•eu at>ri a5ar., yr rats 1_ t ut~:n wid r<•al restate. and a3t a_ther taxes. lah-icw and ase~eEernent~ loc•Sed ut"x>n thi>i
<br />rnrxtgaKO or dra rrfle 'whi it thq rtrcrrt~age CCo~x ~trcn Fz mu re, be#orr the ..v,~ hPCOtntivr de3itrqurnl., and kawp Ehe kntildings on
<br />i :ratd.Imnft,yes iadurrd Cur the suerz ,d g 27, ~~J•i.'C'i tcayx, t[ soy. pgyahle [u the said rnartgagce, then the.r preaenta
<br />to be void, otherwhw.-- tc: A.~ anti rornein in fuP fcrere
<br />1'1' i8 PL'R ~MEH ACiI2Ef.:U 1 L 'Fhtt ii th* naid u:c~rtpa got aiw12 fail to pay ~-uch tncey +>r prcrure eu¢h inxurnnce. t6F~ j
<br />satd martJTaKti rosy pay wuk •.,,c=r arxt pznncnr :arch mxnranc e- and the sum sc.:rivgnc d, with mterent rat per ~
<br />Beret nhall f>s rMwid by savl mortgapnr, u,vi <}.e. n,oregage nhafi sand as xec trite for the wtzte. {2) Thn[ a failure to pay any
<br />i v( maid rrurarrY_ either grtnx5rwf or mtmrwe_ w-nw~ t€m -snmc her ot,~ •g dUe. or a Iailurr tc~ vmf,jv with any of lhn igreRoing ;
<br />iPreermtiW, ahwll cuu.e the »}wte xanr ui inc,noy hnrr4+r >,~red Sn t +>mnc al ua end cal3ctiXlble at orur, at thn option of the -
<br />mortKa(ee.
<br />s;~„rd thM 3rd tray :>{ July ]s 82 .
<br />' ~'
<br />In presre : ,.`a~'~..~:~GL _.,.-~-=;. ~r-~F-'
<br />? ! ___..
<br />` ~ ` >~-
<br />.._ _ _.r - -~.- . ter. ~! ~
<br />_ _ _._
<br />_. _ _ __ _ _
<br />___. .
<br />b'TA'CE aF .... NEF~AvKA ...... County of ...KA:.L
<br />' 'ChB 'Coreguing ictstrvntent wad acknowledgcKi More me . _ - ... Jt?~ 1', ~ ,.~.~Y~~. 19 ...
<br />by ....$aTJI1,ie..D..,Ra~~.;~.t?a Joyce 1. Boot
<br />i
<br />_ ~r-.r.~,wF,
<br />C~~iX/~ `~tKtta[ure of Yer~.in TakinK AcknnwdrKl~ment.
<br />~!~ iR ~ ~
<br />tv'Ctvt,";r
<br />'T'itle .... .. ......
<br />S`TA3'~ i7F __.... _ ..
<br />' C+xtrfty .. _ _... ~ !; 'R'. nRt?st~}~e,ttriacr~i rlka.*d. fy}~ct.~ ~.+ud1 C. uat5• tt•.~~+
<br />_ _. _. _.._3.ay n€..~ __.. _. ... L`~+ _. at:. _._ .._. ..._ n'ckeclc axxi _.,.. .._ Ai. '~
<br />- _.. .. n: icu:,~~
<br />.° tmti rexsrr+Sti ct Ek -u ... at.. _ _.st *,*r.£,:... _ .. __ _.._ ,
<br />