52--- t~%j~'784
<br />S+T:~.RR4NTX D~Ei~
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<br />':'itFT`ISR. G:-:AI\ CJt•Ii'r~_~tX, i,TFi. , _ ?If=brask.=. i imit~d ~artr.e~~~;hiP,
<br />Herein caned the ~; an tor, For and _ _oarsideration'of`the ~surn o*
<br />IXTY TfIOUSA' , A~;D Cd0/ i 00 ^c'LLrtRS ' S 6!i , O C 0 . S)0) r@ceiVer9 i rcm
<br />Gr.3ritee, ~1pcs gra_~t :~argai r _,_1l, ~Un„`J, and -enrr~: ~rto
<br />``<RVIN A!. ~.~1I,J4~a'ICJ «nd i:ia.F: ^.V?7 r3?,LUPy?td, ., _, ?cual tenants .n
<br />cc:nmcn, '.,erein ra?.led t.'r,.~ .ranters, the fo~iowinu-d _a; crii?d real
<br />_state in Bali ~our,t. ..s.`:ras;ca: -
<br />The ~a~ . iIa' ( ~; Sec cr. Pqur~ en t i r "i-•Gr ~nrp
<br />Tw~.er; (I2) .,:r tel:, I~_ na._ ~,~'elue (121 east ,. cr.„_ ~t1,
<br />R.t4. E?ail "ountt', _iebraskz, tY,at _.~~ soutF ~f tl~e
<br />er:ter - = the ~hi:~acc, Sur_naton an;': l;~ui ~.ailroad
<br />torinaay'., riui~t-o;.-wa,r' .ceptinq those Nar~., ,_~rr:>e~~_,.d
<br />tv tree St~~te of Nebr.:xska` ~v +ar_~.. _ L'~~r. : zscrded _,.
<br />f3ooY. at Page £;4~ _n the. :~*~ice ..~ the ..e:7i;:ter o±
<br />DaedS, [fail Counts, tienras;;.a; --,nd ~:<cet~;:u ~ tract ;~,i
<br />land ;core _ .~..icu.iarlc d~scrz~~~3 ~:> °ollor:s:
<br />Becir_n_::;I at - point ,gin t`_:a east ;.i:~e e`_ said Sc:-ticn
<br />Fourteen (l4} ~ai.-, sirs bai:.a _'ri cv Three {~t3.r7}
<br />:eet nor~h c ~ :;-' .:o,~tn~asc corner n_ aid Sc--coon
<br />FutirteA^ Ei4) aio being _ ->c-~r.~ on the iiorther2~>
<br />right-~~s-4.ag i.iae o` 'r:iq.>way~.'dq. _ thence westerly
<br />parallel to tie south _ine of sal::<Section Fourteen
<br />(.4} and aio.^.a =aidriigwa;. nigh;-cf-way 1,;ne a d~s-
<br />tance of Fire Hudred .~eae^~t~:-ri_ve .snd ,:~,^.~-Tenths
<br />(575.'_} _`eet• t?pence deflect_r.~ yQ` - 30" and
<br />-ig~-
<br />rurning northerly a?cng s,~ai~~! ~riyh.~~ot-4ray line a
<br />3istance of Te^ and F;1ur-Tenths {10.4{ =ee~4 co _ point
<br />43.4 feet ncrt^ c` the south 's..:,c <:t ..aid Section
<br />tourteen {ly) : thence dE~l«~ctir.4 ? eft 90" OC' anc
<br />running west~riy ai~.~r:g said Yiyht-~,4-way _ine a uis-
<br />tarce of Titreeraadred This~~-y- ~ ive -end ti'ive.-Tenths
<br />X335.5) ;:net to c: point d7_E =ea=' '~orth of the south
<br />line .~f said Section Pourt.^.°n I-'~j; thence deflecting
<br />left 36` 41' and running sauthw~scerl.y along said
<br />right-of-wad line, ~: drstancr <~_ '"wer.ty-: ~.:~e !25.0)
<br />feet to a point ?3.I lent nr>>-th -,:~r Lhe s~;utii line or
<br />saiu Section courteHn (lie); thence dezl,_=ctica right ~6°
<br />45' and running westerly along said riv>^t-of-wa_~r ~in~
<br />distance of Two Hundred Sixty-.'ivr= and Si:<t•~-]'our-
<br />t?undredths !165.64) feet to a print ~G.S~ f!>t no*t:^.
<br />of ti2e so~;th line o3: said Seotit?r Fourteen !i4) thence
<br />detlectir~g right 39° ~)1 ` and ru:~:~irig northerly. a
<br />distance of Twee Hu:~dred ,+ir.ety-Fi°:e ind Ong-_lundre:dtn
<br />_ i3?5.01) feet; thence da*tectir.,g night 94" iiC~` ?0" and
<br />runaiirg snutrzeasteriy a distaneG o~ Two Hu;;ir.~_d E;i~~hty-
<br />Eight end ~;q[5t.<-'r`ive-Il;aare>:tis= (28~?.cS) r"eat; t?;er.cs
<br />deflecting ie°t >6° 20' anc: ru;{ning nortneasi_er1- a
<br />distance of ^~'~vo Hundre:: Thirt~r-Gne ~-:d ;'_ighr_y-Cne-
<br />riunda'edtY~~ 1231_61) reef thence de~l~~tinc rim a 'u`
<br />53' 40" ana running nortii~;ast~rl• a distanca ._ 'Pwc:
<br />Ilundred tdinety-right a;:d _ _.. -T';.r~e-Ilurc:re the ~i~Z98.5.3 }
<br />feet, tine^::~ ce;.ler_t~ra 1eit. S3" ~6` and ;-unn:ng
<br />,,^.cr~rea~tYr1. a d.i; ta:scc _ ~ .yir.et'~-'_°.r~a end Tince-
<br />i-zurdr~dti~s (92.J3) fe,~r; the;r.~ dt>±ier•ir,r_: iE:_` 19' ~i'
<br />2C" an~ _.:na~ .g .... t::er1;•- ~ <__stan ;~ :~i .ne vur~ re^
<br />might." d.~ld Fiin?-+'E'.i~~. l~J~`;1 :f>~:~_ tip=nf^~ i,~.~_L:~~:.l r;g
<br />righr ~'c5R` ~~.~~ ~~:.~ .fir <~~r~,t, _ .3. -~.~~,, c. ~ 3t~~'.. _ ;ir
<br />"oLir ,~Inad_r.~: ~ ;ea: ~ic~..t an. ~ui":J ~:n~___ :itxnd ~..ith~
<br />4M7&.4at °r<~._ tc _i-_. rust. yin;. _~."c _._ i~^,n =~,.r~,
<br />(14}, t rc _<?ut`rerly :.iJ=y + e .-.3 __. ...- ,_v
<br />..:7 ..t;4r "C.S-~: ,.Y~ ?ti l.. E.'.'`L£'L?C'.f1 E`~i~7J -E1.. fr .,. ~3;_°
<br />t, _`. ir~c:~J _;~g .en-~ cam: ;ai.n:.n.~ - r ~'. :,..<<. .,r : ~ ~ es~.
<br />~,~.~
<br />