<br />82°U02769
<br />Wc'1RRA.N`i'1- e7EEI~
<br />TUk2NER GRAIN GO:?FANY, LTD., a Nebraska limited partnership,
<br />herein called the ~.rar,tor ~ for end irc consideration of the: sum :of
<br />ONE HLrtiDREII THIR'"r^.F` '"riOL',~,ANt? 4NE HU~dDRED AND N0/100 DOLLARS
<br />IS1ii,iv0.00) rece_v~d ~_LOr.: Grantees, goes g.rant~ bargain, sell,
<br />conve;~ ar.~ ,.,` ~ rn .:r.to ?RNOLD C. KYHN and' GRACE E. KYHN, as `
<br />equal tena~}'ts to cu:rTO.?, herein called the C.- ~,*pes, the r~llotoing-
<br />described real estate i:1 :all Countd, "i+"`traska:
<br />The Savth :Ia~f ,,= section Szx (~) ~ .'~'~ rnsi?ip T~z~~l~:e f t 7)
<br />,Jvrt;, :ianae TcJei~.%e (I2) Nest of ti`te 5th ._. , n i{all
<br />Cou^ _ :la'.; ack~~ ex^:Ut a trac.` - '_~r.<_ __rpr_sin,
<br />part = file ~ ~h: Est ~1,~.tAr (S~a>s) ~... .. Dart o }he
<br />[d:~rthwest ~.~uar*Fr ^f ~., Sout`r=a .- r"~ ___ {,-.,;
<br />Section Si_•: i;5! To~msrip ~we:<'e (.,? :'~:>rth, F,anq_e
<br />TW?.LVe il~i ',ti L'St ,"_ the ht:; 1'.:~~ ..~ _. ~-~ ~', Oll P.tV,
<br />~Ve~ru SfSa, ~P.O.r~ Jar ~i._".ll3r l\' :j. ~-S^.. .bed ciS u~U~l1:;w5.
<br />&ec~ir..-rng ..~ ,: t~~oir.t ore the ~,_st ii!:_ ~.= said Sect_ior
<br />Si.~ +6) .,aid po~r.t :~ei r.~ ~~_. _. f'andr^c ir;et~.-Nine and
<br />F•~rt',-I`t.o-riundredt~<; ~r,e1 4'} c- -
<br />- t•x - _ ~ _ ...__th o~ the south-
<br />' west r_orner of said c:rtion Si:: c(o) ; thence northerly
<br />alor.c the west _..^.e :,` .,aid _ floe Si}: (6) ~ distance
<br />o~ One Thousana Ei4h*_ :iundred ;'our and Fourteen-Hun-
<br />dredths (~ X04.14) ~iee. co t:~e :,orthwes ccrner o: sal:
<br />Southwest. ::;varte_ iSY.'~") t1:~.^.ce. easterly along r_;-ie
<br />north line th,Y Svuth zfeL` (S~) ~_~f sales Sec*ion Sig.
<br />{F), 3 ~l t.'.;:C° J~ 'n Ci T1oUSar~~. C~ ?.1*1C l".Undr~G y17. uP.Q
<br />Sixteen ri+.rdre~'t'.:.<_ 1 ~' , 306.7 6 i r~a_± • *_hen~e de=lectinc7
<br />:i>?ht lQa` r?' S9" and ru:,r:lrq soutt.westerly, =+ L?~istance
<br />O S1X.t y-r iv2 8.G ~t C~'a :"-iCn': }"i5 iF~,~;) ,7__ti Li1e:lCE
<br />G'`E'L l~Ctiny ~1t. :1 `_ L`y° 4=' i)O~ -1 :3 C1 rU:1;111-i Cj r~:)L't,^.47 t?.S't.~T'.~iJr
<br />_ a dista::c. ~~ Tw; Eiur:~r4~t3 ,._r*,, an3 give-"ante; ;240.:,)
<br />feet; the^ce ~._i.ectir.g left: 34` -,~ ~4" anti. running
<br />p r
<br />soutnwest~ri•;t, _ 3istan__ „_ "ri`*-ever: :~rd Fivi'-~cr;ths
<br />{57.5) __~e~ *he,^ice de:':ec-ing :Left 22° 24' _'l" an3
<br />ruzninq southwesterly> 3 ::istxnce o C?ne hundred 5,isty-
<br />Sir: ('_5b.0i ~eett :?tencc- dc~*leeting richt 6l° aL' 44"
<br />and ru°Zning seuthwesterl:~, a distance o* Five hundred
<br />llinetl,•-Eight {598.4] zeet; thence defie~atin9 richt 82"
<br />35' 26" and rvn.^.irg northwesterly, a dis*_ance o*
<br />Fi`t;-Eight iSP.O) feet; ti:enoe aef3ectirtg le`t B7° ;8'
<br />04" and runni.nq southwes*_erly, a ::istance of. i'iiree
<br />1?undre•d Pnrt-,~-Eight gees Fives-Tenths (348.5? feet;
<br />thence def?eotirg right 2:1` 51' 40" and running north-
<br />wester3y, a distance cf Two hundred One and i`+ae .ty-
<br />Eight-Itundreaths (201.28) feet; thence defic-cti,~:cr left
<br />G8° t?3' i8" eon rnr~ning ncrtnw2steriy, a distance oY
<br />Two Hurnazed Thirteen {211.0} feet; thence d~flECting
<br />right U2= 25' 16" and. rcn:tine -!orthweuterl~; , a 3istanc~=
<br />oP Pour Hurd.ed Eleverf and F'i-.~e-Tenths E41 i .51 Beet;
<br />*_hence 3eflectir.4 .eft 87` 5l' 22" ar.u rurninq south-
<br />wPSteriy, a distance of Oae Hur?drEC: corty-&ir.e and
<br />Fives-Tenths (149.5) _eet; ~..~_•r.ce deflecting ri~lht 1:"
<br />?5 i4" and runn~,:g _octiiw~ste: ,_ distant ~ o` O1~e
<br />tIu^drec `:^wer,t~•-Si>; .any? ri~.,F_.~ntns (?Zb-~i *eet; ._it_nc~.
<br />de:lectinq «qht ]4" 59' S9" and running 5'~authw.~~s;erly,
<br />distance _ '~wo ..°. u.?dr~.~ Sever.' -Seven (~7; .0} :"eat
<br />thenca ~?efi~~*_i:,^ ,;gi?t~3i <". __ _nd runn~.g _.out:~-
<br />west-erl a ,_~st-...:e of ;wo and>^ed .._ -cvur :?;:d
<br />c'~a:t•d-52.en-+t~.r:=~' ';t- {234., 'F.~ _h2tc~ ._`7.__x,
<br />e``~ _ ~75' ~s`' a,,:: ru, _ir,a at:r.~~ _rl~ ~. ~. a~:r:>_~
<br />~~~ TT'1Yc'@ ~':.l;.Cl: 3Ci ..CV ESIl a. i] .~1 _-1'E: .. (. 1 ~ .~~} _ _~-:t;
<br />rrtH,:Cg `d E;°ic:CL,,.;ij L"'` 4(" Zia ;`•' v _ Lam, i. l._:E:
<br />,r q
<br />iL.. a 3ista:.es- or, _~E i'ut.ata;: S~ ~r ._ _a_~e -.,? Lr . -
<br />t`JcY-F:x3na'Y .fit.., i7~3 9~7 _-1 C_ ~__. ~ JC'` 't ,_ a[
<br />3:, '~i aP.'~? L :O is "_, ~'w ~ _tY ~. ..i ~- __., ~_-
<br />