<br />SC'2VZC'~?}ZSfiI~ i~r7ARRr'1DITY I?EED
<br />r
<br />'~URhER ~RIIN ~Oi~PA_N'_, ;.TD., a Nebra:.k~ 1~:'iit2d partnership,
<br />hereir. called the nrar,t.or, in COnsid2ratio:l of EIGHTY-SEVEN
<br />TBQUSAPID ONE HU\uftED T9T_R^Y-FI6B A1~TB NOf tG0 DGLLA~RS [$~ i , i 35.00 )
<br />recei~.~ed zrom Graraees, eons gra.r.t baYgair, veil, ccnVey and
<br />confirs: :;2to JERRY tti. "r.'JL~'DE[v 5ND ~It;TA?~ ~~. G~•IDE^ husband and
<br />ioiie, as Joint tenants ~•ith right ~.~ surrivornhip anti riot .~~
<br />_ tenants in common, l;ezeia called the c~rast'es, the .-oilowing-
<br />,_ described real estate in :iiil ~ou:av, 'cde~rasKa:
<br />The Sout::~.•est uuarter iS~~:{„ r,_ Sectio^
<br />t 7!:rtE:2^ l-y}_p TO*«:!5 h~~ ..: t'_?z;F i~.~i ,
<br />Npr~t; ,-~ ;3~pre 'iW2 iVe (it'.) Ltie St uS tt'i c.
<br />5t.h P.,'.. , ial1 you^.t'_~, P+ecrasb.a, e::cept~n~
<br />that_ arrt tf.ereu conveyed to the Stu e of
<br />~aebras}:a !-,ti° narranty Deed recorded in >oo
<br />~7; Page 64i v~ ..::e Iced F2ecords ~~ fir~li
<br />Tf~ 3AVE AP1D TO T:3:,D the above-<~esc~ri~bed premises together
<br />with ail ..= ne;:e~:t;; herzdtax~e^ts an;: ;oaL:-te:nas~ces thereta
<br />b~longin~ ur.t~ *_he .,ran*_e:s :3nd ~.~ tht_ir asscrr;c;, or _1 the ;eirs
<br />dff Cj U3S 14n5 ... ~. t.:0 Ell r'd 2`:Or OL t~,~ID, fC~re'.=er.
<br />Arid ~-.ant~_ ~7>_s hers ~-a~en;:,~ _th t7~ ,;r:i^tees that
<br />;cantor is iawiu.iy ,-,.?zed o s;aici _ remise.,, '~_hat: t..~=y are frame
<br />`_rnm en~isnbraac~; `ha:. .^e~~ =r~ ..~rti-cY.,d .~j~~.. _ to ~.x~.~ena.^ts
<br />_: nditiont~, restrir?t~_,,._., .._servatirins and ~asozmer:ts :,f record;
<br />that Bran±or nas ~raL~.right an:: iac,'iul aur_hcrity a cor,•~ey the
<br />sa~:e; a;~d thaL "_ nr::r ws~rrar,_., __.-3 a•i'~. __~_~=nd ti°,e ~~tP to sa-id
<br />pr~;ni.~_~ aga,nst t,~ tea'+~ci ~i~,...,., _,_ a..1 ,:ersi.:.~ wnorlsoever..
<br />S.t _a the _r:te_;tic~n ,c ?3i ;ar_~_., Hereto that. !n the ev,~nt
<br />of the. death of _~t`zer e,` ~. _ _.;a7tc>es, the 2n.rix:e `ee sir.,pl~
<br />~Itl~ _-.. t "1?i T?b~3 .t ^: t21 tt3 i;:~l, ~f915T L_l tlF_ ->t1r~.'J 7. ily aL'3RtC'°.
<br />.IUI. b 198?
<br />qq~~~/ .2 Y
<br />L1~- ~'
<br />T~ii~tSE~ Gr~tZ!v ~.C;~`Prv3Y, I:TD_ A
<br />yes~rayka ~,i!~ited {'~+rtncrship
<br />'~N.e1en urine SC~iLa_'1d
<br />.~ener~~_ Pa:*_n~r
<br />' J
<br />tier--i~: I./Turn~z ~ _~
<br />Uerera'_''art~r
<br />~' )
<br />t
<br />T„~'i Qt4 _.F ~ ~G`'v 1r ~.i1 ~" ~ ~r 'iii:; t J .Z` "5 ~. ~. '.'r a:;tc.
<br />?"I~.~i'i A71 P.E :7Ji~2nC;. .7 ;,2...3 ._dr L^<_'r ?T Tu __, ,P"d 1T. __T,~..i.;,J,
<br />~„`.['~. c 3 '+P.t~L °ii r,~ J_,.,.,._~r"1 - rr nE".i-~ R_O. ,.:?c,vSJ Tl .. "P :? ~... ~yF~ 7 ,G27~~~ 1
<br />partner o£ "^~rn~~ .~raL i _ .x.i~anti>, _tc. __rc~ ,_ .~ _.. __ - r;oz~.
<br />w:to ;any+3 t'~~e `_c .going Sur- _ ~_;nia :~a.r:..t,r e~s~.~-icd ..rknosa?.-
<br />acig~d r_h~ ex~uuc:i > %:~•ee~->. ~e .~r ~clunta,~,' r~:-~~ i ._ u~ ~e3.
<br />-.
<br />'7 ~ .2.. _ ~ ~.~
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