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<br />Q ii2'753 <br />`"~ ~lSt~ter ~ec~erityof the indebtedness hereby see:ured, upon the request. of rite mortgagee, its successo-s <br />ar :,signs, mor[gar;nr shall execute and deliver a supplementai'inartgage or mortgages covering any additions, <br />improvemerxs. or betterments mszdeto the'.prape~rty h<reEttabovedesccibeci Imd aU:propenyacttuired6y i[after <br />the date hcreof tall in farm satisfaczor}~ toinart~agc~). Fathecmore;shauld mortgagor fait ro cure any defank <br />in ;he payment of :[ prior or inferior en vmbrance on the pmpert}' described bs thisinstrument, mortgagor tacre- <br />b}~ agr^e~ ra perm[[ ntvt~tgagee us cure such default, but morrgacee's not otsargated,to do co; and such advances <br />shall become ,art of the indebtedness secured by this ir~stntmcnt, iubic'ct tv the same erms and conditions. <br />c. "T'he rights created hp th Lr canWeyance shall remain in toil Crxre and cf3eet dunng an}' ^ostpvnernent qr <br />extension of [he Lame ctit~ the {sayment of theendebtcdnes evidenctd by~said prorziissor} note or notes, ur any <br />part [hcreof secured hereb}~. <br />1. To cun[inuously maintain hazard insurance, of <uch type or topes and in such atnounts as the mortgagee <br />may from time ro zimr require on' he impr4vcments now of he after on said property, and will pay promptly <br />when due any premiums :huefor. ~:~li iaturancc chat! be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the <br />pohciec and rrncwals thcrxdf .ha¢t ~ held bytrrartgneen and ha.e attached .hereto lore payable clauses in favor <br />of and in form arceatable to the mortgagee, In e'en; of loss, mortgagor ~a-i[I giva imtnediate notice in writing <br />to mortgagee, and mortgagee trayhsake pro2if rrf loss ii' not made promptly by mortgagor, and each insurance <br />company concerned i< hcrebs authorized ~nddirectcd :c makr payment fcr such igssdirectfy to mortgagee <br />instr~d of to morrpagar and mnrtgs$zx $ointly, andthc ~nsurantr pmcxds, or any part. thereof, may be applied <br />by mortga>ee at iu ap[inn rtthcr tci'the reduet~on of the indebedness hereby .erurcd cr to the restoration yr <br />repair of the propestr damaged tit dot=oyed. En erem of feredosure of Chi, mortgage, w other transirr of title <br />to said property m exringvtshment ul ehr mdcbtednes ~.ecured hereby, all right, title, and interest of the <br />rnortaagor in and to ant ;nsurance ~~lictcr, then. ;n tutee chap paws'v the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the <br />option at the morrgakec, rfi s~ be sorxcnd,rcd inr a rrfund. <br />g. Ta kcxp all bmidmgs and other improvements or_ raid property in good repair and condition; to <br />permit, Commit, or sulfer no want, tm;atrmrnr, detrrioration eC said prorxrty ar any part therrof; in the went <br />of faiiurr of the mortgaitsx u, keep the buildings or, said prennses and those era:ted on said premises, or <br />imprrn~cmen~c therrnn, in good report, the mortgagce mac make such repairs as iriits discretion it m:+V deem <br />noes°rs for the propr. presenanon [hereo7: anti the Yu[I amount of each and even ,uch payment shall be <br />immedutcty due and payahfc; and shah he +CtiurCd by the ieirs of {his mortgage. <br />h. To nor coluntanl}~ crcatr of perm;[ w he crreted aeaimt thr propcsty subirct to this morteagc an}~ lien <br />or firati inierter to the Iirn of thts mortkage w~ithc+ut ~..~ritte^ s-rtreser;t t5! the trortgag~r; and iuther, that mort- <br />gagor will keep and mrarntasn tt'.e same free from ;he dsiny of all fxrsors sapptying labor or nrater,afs for cc,n- <br />struction a!' any and all hu+Sdings or rmprov~ns now !xinH ezctsrd ur to be erected ,.>n said premises. <br />t. To not rent or asrgn any err ~sf the rent of .a+ci mcngagtd prctpertp or demolish, or rerno~:r, cir <br />substantially abet any buikiin>p withswt the wrtres; snscnt as _ : rnvrtgagre <br />y..gil awards of danitiges to s:[mrxctiou wsh and :ondemnstion for public usr of nr injury to any of the <br />property sub}at tU this asrnYpag>; are [rcrrbv asstgrred and shall be { 3fd to morxw~agce, who may apply the wme to <br />paymrnt a( the initaliments 'cast d~c under and rto*.r, and murtKagrc is hereby authoriLCd, in the name vr' the <br />rrrorr6agor, to exerrtr and delrvrr valid acquittzrre± [hcrro! and rn appal (torn any such award. <br />k. The martga;cc shall hsvr ttze right zo ins*~t the rnortgagcd premises at any reasonable time. <br />1. To comply with the provisions at any leas: if *. his ~tongage is on a leasehold. {C this "s1ortgage is on :, <br />unit in a a'andamirium or a planned unit devrir?pmrnt- Borrower shall perform ai! tzi Burrower', obligations <br />under the declaration or ~ovetrartts ;:rating or govern+ng the condominium ctr planned unit devclv{?ment.the <br />by-taws and regulations of [hc ~~undominium ar planned unit drveloprnmt, and ~onsriitrent dcxuments. <br />~, l'iefault in soy of :hr ;ros'enants or conds2ions of this mstrumen: er of the note or 9van ageement sectned hereby <br />sha}I [ertniaate the mortgagor ; ri~tht to possession, usr, and enjoyment of the property, at the pp[ion of the <br />rreorrgagee or axsigtu (it i~nd agreed that the torgagor shai3 hate such right unrl detour[}. U}wn anp such <br />defau-t, ihr mortg~ee shalt becortie=,hc owner of all oC'he rents and prafiSS accuring after default as se~:uriiy for <br />the indebtedness secured txreEY, with the right to enter upon said property ter the purtxtsc of collecting sut•h <br />rents and profits. This irititrumen[ shall operate as an asstgnmen[ o! any rentals on .said property to that cxterst. <br />~_ 1! tke cttartgagor defaults, and fait, to [noire anp paysc, ~ ,.v-hen ::uc or o~ ~.onfarr.~ ro and cornplq wrth and, ref <br />Fhe cvrtditions or agreements contained in ;his mortgage :yr rhr notes which i*. xcura=_, then the rntiee principal <br />ium amd ac:c~~rutd interest siwii at once become due and payable, and draw _~ per cent { L?,.;3'%a'{ interest <br />rhtxeafter arrtiil paid at the election oI the rnorigaga: and this may thereupon he f:cc[oscd imated3ately <br />for the whole of the inde±~red:trss her~hy sactr~, including ±hc cost of cx[rndirrg the ~ai>strac~t of rtle [tom the <br />dart vP [hit maxEgagr to tftx titnc of c~rmntc_Tx:inK such ~u4t. 'SavEni~^t•r. ar;d one-~u.aster <br />s. In tfu torn[ of a f,~xrCle+i'utt t+r default as {7tovidcd tteYein. the mortgagee ;ha.! at orr;e be co:itlcd ts~ the pos~ <br />S ~atm, u, ant? cni+.~tnent ref the rrai rstare aloresaiG Chu ~ *_he 2'n is ors n~al cs, and nr rt,t the rni. <br />F irr+mt`se x>:uing of su',h rirxhts and durssg the pcrtden:,~, t fv~cv~7os e ;~rc~ccctng°~ rJ <ueh { c ~s_'c_r, ~~u <br />t` slttef? at a+s~e -hie dtE.verei! :o the maflgagsr spun rts~urt, ,e{xtr Catture .obit dcitcetq : t ,te't ;~ossr, rtn to ~c ,ii <br />r-.n1cm by n5lyrt~agee. by aav arms:~,riara [tyro"s prtxcedirsgs, ineladtnY a rte,^~s~ct f ur +h~ crc,,;erts~. <br />i. ~£`;K grn~,'zst3s i-t Grp vzfz` zf gsil groprf't~ rtt :~cetardaacr ..-iYh the ~r~._eCtrt>?• t , it: a,^.'... n:.i; t~ s:.,,;iz~ci rir.~ -~. <br />r`»y =.'U .... acr:i crocuses <,'. ~d sase> ;He c±t±^rc.~ ;rt~_trrcd Ely ah~ ..~.,µ;au _ nt tt~c coccus. s Tyros "c`_ r <br />.~-s-rtf_s:n; rrfi ~. ccE ~s~c:T',rv~;. +erva*`b;y. 5:.~ Pao ova ~!t~.]trres recur..., hu_~~+~-, ar ~ ;}.;...1, , ~~~ ~~a G -.~ ., ,+r <br />.ti,:•c :.:.. t~ x r.'xcr • . ~.;crc~n ?cscs~l{r crh-?~; r4lcrx,:., <br />