<br />- 5R^- R.£At. esr~TE '.YORTGAG~. `t'??;n. T:x Clause)' Rev. ~ ~ Rottman and Felton 8 Wolf. Walton, ke bS4tit
<br />r
<br />_..~ KNOW a+I,L ?rtEN 2;Y THESti PRASE:A'f5: 'Chat L..' ^_ , 3[.C'1 ~ ~T3@ -t3url~WOS't;-ty'. "?ll8b2^d Und
<br />a~ :v 1 ~ 8
<br />~ of 7 i C~~unty, and State of ~ in considers Lion of the sum of
<br />'18_ .`:r 285'x_9
<br />TDNO '!'LSO L'68:7~ S@V<'' + to d:~~- .^_~ itill,^ _y~ ~^~~ --- ?' •' Dl7LLARS ~~~'
<br />_~ m hams' ;wid, do hrreFry SF.I E. and Ct)'v VE }` un[>
<br />~:':'@ Jdlli' I ~~^ 1 t'r .^
<br />c.f ~ ! ugh, ~ +i the following described Premises situated
<br />i ~o .;. CT'S h i
<br />in fta i i C un~y, ann ±sDR• of " Er JPG af.3 . to-wilt
<br />PAR'" Or' '~ S yr,r ~ r ° ~ 0!T;"'{ ~t'?D :~I';T `Jr i1R"' Oh 'P :E S() m~
<br />HALF (S ~~ uF S~ TIG-i :1TE.,,7;, i .~v~T_s..~P ?'I~.~ ~~~ tiv,;'I`~?, :;A~'v~ aI?:E
<br />~9i SL~ST :':I SI:{Tt: .... I'.. iA:.L rC':,~._ ", -.~,;:ASi:A, '+Ji?~ PAR:?CU~.k:t~T.Y'
<br />DF.SLRT3=.`D~AS FOLI.GrJS, ~ 'r1= _ . SEi .. ~r+G A'': L. , _ :1 _ ~'E"' "J~~ST ^=
<br />':'c{E' ?~SRTriEAST %CRNE.~ 0: Sn~E LS; I' .,.::::... L`t.:~~.-~ ~c;~~~Ei~ftL'nI,J;]J A~'D
<br />~'PJ?) A Li,E' 28.1 ~~5"_' ~' i1?= i ~::A~,~..., nr .r,.~ ..~:ST ~T`r10F SAID IIJT
<br />7, A ~r_S?`A^+%" .~, 81 :'G~E- _.,~t;,_ Ra`'._..: .+~: 'i:Y ='A:~tA,LLF;L 1'0 ""?E ,
<br />`dDA"''1 LT.. CF SAID i.0'" ~:, A D_ '"A.., ... ~ FT. -;:..;^ ~I.~':Ii:G TdOPc'~"r.-
<br />s','':~ul ~JyitCA:. ~L ,~~ _T.A ~ _.%r.. .. ~1,~ '...f.-. ~, ~ +.Ji~rfri ~:: ~. ~.~'. i.~1.`J "lT>
<br />I m;;t,...2dCE RU?i";Z'~D .i~_~:.; ALA',', .a ;iP-~ + ~':°. _-`.~P... LI^,~ .. ~SA?rJ Li, "' ~y A
<br />~ The. intention beEn€ to e. cey hcmbs' :,n at, .S++tn ^th~ +n mp:e. Inc{udutg tel. thr~ righw cf h¢mectead and dower.
<br />TO t{AYE A[<U Tf)nHQLI? the. ircmiw~s + ;ti.~ .4~x t..1i. with ;dl th+' apy~u rtensncas lhereunA~ oeionging, unto the said i
<br />mart,;n}tee (s} and io hls_ h-- or then, hairy ant a. :+g^. ~... r=i9ed always. sad these present. z+rc upon the express e
<br />cvnditian that i[ the !raxl mortgeg+x+c, tvv, Err ur a:ei,r k cs .x tutors, adniinistraLO~ or a~igns shall pny or caux to be
<br />I
<br />paid to the xaSd mortgagee fa%. his, her .;r then 4eir; eze+rt.uuK. aci~nmatrators w assigns, the principal sum of 3~~c'., ~3 j. G~
<br />} payable aw follows, to wit. .~ati}~.}~• ~@.^ ii.a'"+t-: :.r :GG IS`~i15 .: i-F.` ei SiN;liSt ~., 1yQ"'.
<br />1 and f"i~a2 pay :e t ~ue ~_y ~ l!!°~ -
<br />+nth inlrre+ct ucrr,.,rdi.ny, to the iaru.r -uttl .•P..aa '!~r :ntri~ngo rs wr - nR,rniv»ory nets bP.annp, even date with !kaex4' prc+eonta i
<br />and ahtli pay all tuxes anti a+w~san.rtt lin'+<s: utxsn >,+t1 rrui r iutr, ted -!' atbcr +~:ctif, )vies aaxl as+w~s»me.ntw levied utxr^ ih~n S
<br />nwrtgagr or the note 'w Fuch thin r_n rtgnge s given to ~w ;)r:ox th.~ .came lxtiumea dr~inquenf and keep the bu it ling. on ?
<br />Wiv prem~ ~wrwi !or th' som of $ 7 7 i J.~ } leas, d any, iTxynb{e to the said ttnrrtgagee, then !hens prr:vnte
<br />!n be void, t~[Ixrwi~e to }w: 3n!! n•nLiin +n jail !+,rrt.•
<br />' fT [3 PCIFt'I"HER .AGRY.F,D (U TF+a! if tlw soil nu+r! a ~~
<br />g g°..r dull fail try pay si.eh tazrra or procure such innuwncw, [he i
<br />.. 1 said morlp(agec mqy pay' surA taus an.l pre.curv urh vuuranr«. anf the sum ra~ advanced, wiU+ in terezt [rt ?_ j ~ 5''_) per
<br />oenl, sinf[i be repaid by ~+il rnortXagvr. axe ,his rnakrtge,Ke ahxt) ~alaiui as sr~:u rite for the same. (2? .Phu a failure [o pay tfD~y
<br />' o! aald nwnry, eittsr l:rmexpaY or in ee rclt, when the ~.ma Sx~comes due, or a failure to ~ntnply wiU+ any n{ the foregoing
<br />agrrerrx~nta, shall cs~uae. the wh:+J<' :iun+ of !runey herr,n tiKti red to txrcrtne <{ue and cotlectible at once at the option of [hr
<br />mortgy;t..~..
<br />i
<br />$G ned this dag of p 19 '>
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<br />Fn prrwencY +>f
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<br />`~dt .. -,... r-% ~.,.'+._`.l:L~.-...u~.O.r I1 J, ~?._..~L' 7` KO>1,'%~}1
<br />STATE 01=' .. s e or2s,oa Cotmty of .. ".a-. ~ ....... .
<br />The forgoing inaLrumerSL was acknowledged before me: .!'::,.e..2~..... 19 . '`~.
<br />by ..I.arr.3r.aw. ~.,~u~i~. n.x,s-u::o^~n
<br />1
<br />Jew A !N~
<br />' ~trKi <:~DL~R1A~.
<br />Si~.ri_T.1 .
<br />1?ATS O: NP oi:.raA
<br />._ ~~~ ~ ~~
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<br />__.. _dtly of... .... ._. ...... S8.
<br />i xtWl rcrti csl+xS in. Etrs.k __ _. _. :.,!_ _.
<br />____~ ~~ ,
<br />Si)~ture of Y©rtwn Ta;:ing ~c'tct;owiedKmen; ~~
<br />~[~? t ~f.
<br />entered r:n n.me cv; irxlras u~ui Sled far retool ~,
<br />in the i7~•~,Hkc•r o! lltwxfa Vtk.~ cd wid t`c~untc Lh?
<br />ut . ... _. p'c tOCZ a:ui _..._. .mic+7iaa ~5.,
<br />
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