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<br />.82- t~G2750 <br />I^; `=f?E DISTRICT COURT ,Og .HALL GOUt3TY, ?VESRASKA <br />CERTIFICATE OF RELEASE <br />:'uR.S UiNI7T TO SECTI©[~ ~2-1L1 <br />`7EBP.ASiC_'v RL-:7ISErJ STA`I'U_:'S <br />The. undersicned, Duane Henn,-Gierk of t`~e District Court, <br />of Hall County, Nebraska, dces nereliv certify that or, the 2nd <br />day of 7uiy, 1982, at ~~^" o'clock ~ !~'. GENE KAI <br />ENTERPRISES, fNC. as principal and STATE Si1F.E7.'Y CGMPA~v'1', as <br />Surety, filed in my os£ice their undertaki^_~s pursuant to .2-- <br />121, Nebraska Revised S*_atut~s; that said undertaking fully <br />co~pl.ies with all requir uUents of 52-121, Nebraska Revised <br />Statutes, necessary to secure the release of the flechanic's <br />Lien filed as Instrument ~:o. ol-OU1546, Lien Records of Hall <br />county, [Jebraska; that pursuant to t3ie authority vested in me, <br />L hereby =elease the following descrked real estate, to-wit: <br />East two hunur~d sixty feet (u60') of I,ot qne <br />{1). American Ley ion Additicn tp tFie City of <br />Grand Island, }call Couray, Ner.,raska <br />from tFre Mechanio's Lier, records tiled as Instrument `do. 81- <br />DD;546 of the Lien P.ecUres of -tali County, aebraska. <br />DATER this T n~: day GF }', 1982. <br />^~ <br />~ ~~~ <br />i~ o t Dis rict ._ourt <br /> <br />_.__J <br />