<br />Lean 4,498$ _ '--~- - 18
<br />a ~A r~:: $2- t~(~2'74$
<br />I\ CONSLT)LR;ITIO~ of the full/Qede~} pa}•ment of the debt named therein, the »ndersigned FIRST
<br />FEDEYt 1l 3AGI;~GS 1VD LO ~N Aa~,OCLaTION OF LI\COLN, a United States Corlwration, hereby re-
<br />iesse; the mortgage n:acie bi.. --....?ii,:,heel...1,~.-Faaney.cutt..and..l,inda..?•4.-- 13DneX~utt,..hus6and..and-.wife.
<br />_ ____ __
<br />tin said FIRST FEDERAL 9A~~iNG5 AA'D LOAS ASSOGLITIO~ OF LII~CAL\ on the following descrihed
<br />property. Lut Fortq (4~)z iloiSe'S Subdivision, Hall. Conti, Fehraska,
<br />which is ternrded in Book. XX%%_ ~f R,:al ]istate \4ertgageslas Instruncnt Numbetg0-D0344~n \TSCrotihn Ro11
<br />\umber ~~~--. P ~ _ o: the records of _ -.__-. Aa'1
<br />..~~r~ ;r;~_.
<br />__ _ _ __ -_
<br />„..3~,~e~.,, .,
<br />County, \ebr}~~tia~/fiiAaeR the asaiQement of rents which i~ n~corded in Book.-%~3'?i .--ot Page_..X,-.
<br />of the ~_ `~ •.•~,_-'/4~',- Comity, Nebraska.
<br />iNCOF?PORATED: O $
<br />IN ~'E'I~i0~1i~ ~PjIER~,~he said FIRST FF~DER;11~ ~AFCNGS AND LOAti :ISSOCIA'fION OF'
<br />LINCOI'>'~~ caused there p[/~e~ta }~, ~~~ by its Preaidentl and attested by ire
<br />,) ~•._ p~
<br />~~~er its corporate seal, Lhu+ ..._-.30___ ds~• of .....June ly8?
<br />~~~.~ 1`~ .~~` _ _ .._-._LD.....-- ..
<br />Attest: ,, ~
<br />''•~••uu...:~
<br />_._.. _
<br />. _t,.. ..._. _
<br />lr ^-
<br />~~ f ~ In ~ ,., -.
<br />~'TATf: OF '.r EBI: ASI~..4, j
<br />ilouglas ti ~ On this-,19_.-..._ day ot..-..JuaR.._-.-_.___., 19..$2., before
<br />.___. -__.~.._.CO'GNTT
<br />::~e, the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said
<br />Counh- personally came Charles T3, Thorne President of the First Federal Savings
<br />and Lean Association oI Lincoln. to me personally knowen to 6e the President and identical
<br />person ~rhpae roans is at5ied to the above release and acknowledged the eiecuiion thereof to b~ hie voluntary art
<br />artd deed as such o~cer, and the voluntary act and deed of the said First Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br />of Lincoln.
<br />Witaens my hand and notarial Seal at ... _..OnaTla....-. .. Nebraska, in said (.=ounty the day and year feet
<br />shove written.
<br />!~ / ~
<br />Ety commiaoon -~ wtRU rorur- s~.:. ,a k ~ ;y„ r .~ts~ i~ / . -~ /` r ,, r .
<br />4tlrer~r'~olrtxs~, .. ~':~S,E~_?.' ti~~tar: PubJiC
<br />~ of Deeds Index ~- ee :. _,.ered ~o
<br />i
<br />ti _. __ ___ _ __
<br />
<br />
<br />