$~-' 11(3274®
<br />EASE~tntvT AGREE`SE~IT
<br />THIS EASE:HG~-T AGREE~.14~1"i e,ttiered into by and between the foi.lo;~-
<br />.ng persons: Cr';??.OLiN? V. McP.AtitiEL, P^rsonai Representative of the
<br />~atate of OLGA S. 5I?U~iMUtiD, Deceased, hereinafter referred to as
<br />sRliM;~fdND, and 7..ARRY D. CGFFI\ ann ti~~ F. COFFiy+, each in his and
<br />her ow^. right and as the spouse of each o:.;ter, hexe-inaY.ter referred
<br />to as CQFFIti.
<br />HRti~flili`~D is the owner o` Lot Tuo ~.l i~ Stock
<br />Eight 131, in ?oliiris' ~+ddition ~~ Che City of
<br />Grand Island, Kali Count,, Nebrasi_~, hereinafter
<br />referred to as TRACT :a.
<br />CGFFIP is C~~e owner of Lot Three (3), `_n Sioc~c
<br />r i,~itt Kam- , in ~O! __ loditi.::n CG tl'le ~' c. `y' CIi
<br />Grand isia::ri, ria11 ^cunty, Y.ebraska, hereinafter
<br />referred to as T1tACT 3.
<br />,A Piat is attached he:eto and incoroorut~d herein by re~:erence,
<br />showing the survey :~~ =Nharles ,. Beer, dated .luly 1982, for said.
<br />Lot iwo 2i, iTract n.) ar,ci, inciuu': _, portions of^said Lct Three: (, 3)
<br />(Tract B.), as far as such port;ens are rela:•ant Co this easement
<br />Agreer„ent.
<br />iT IS hGREED a joint dr<veway s toc;,ted on a part o~ TRACT A.,
<br />anti a part of :?ACT ~. Suoh driveway _, : or the common use of boot
<br />SRti~i~ti:ND and COFs~T,+ fcr custo^~a; ; -?rveway :~urpeses.
<br />IT LS ni..SO AGREF.L1 that BRU`ifititiI} and COcFIti will ire jointly ar.ci
<br />egvally responsible ror the e:cpense o l:eepirg the joint driveway in
<br />a reasonaaiy ,cod state of repair; each o~ the parties steal]. carry
<br />reasor.aoly adequate nubliC iaiilicv insurance on ::heir joint and
<br />severa; interest in such drivewav.
<br />BRL't9.*tL'4i, snd L'GFF:'~ each a~;_ee that .hey wi.1t be responsible for
<br />:~ae,ing such criveway passab:e at a1i eimes and this wi:;. _rclude
<br />not only ;ceepint suca oir~t tiri••~wav fr•~e o: snow and rie:bris, but
<br />eisa free of any obscruct~ans w"ttich~ would prevent t're reasonabi.c
<br />and normal use oz such driveway sy the ether party.
<br />:Wherever used Ln thiti~ Agreer,:ent, s'iF2C*4KU::B and CGFFI\ nr_Lude
<br />themselves, their in~•itces, guests, fa~~ily members ~~nd any other
<br />persons cor:ir.s to their premises.
<br />THIS AOREE,yEhT shall ruzi whit the land and bi.id not only `_he
<br />present owners of each TracC, but also their successors in title
<br />anc any lessees,
<br />DATED this day of ~ <_ ;:, ~ 1982 .
<br />- /> ~ ,
<br />~! RAT l;v>v a `'3c;7A`v\'..~,', r5onu~
<br />Representati.~e o% the Estate of
<br />;)LGA :~. BRi;!i;~u~ID, Deceas ':~
<br />~_. ~~ ff) ~ ~~~ .
<br />LA:~tRY D. GOFrI -7T--
<br />JTALE OF NuBR.4SKA ~~~~`
<br />.'1t11: Ctir
<br />GC1L''Sc1Y 3P :?ALL
<br />~i'; k!?' 1'C7~~?~}.O :. Z'tE 1L3'a`~rli!1iL~I1.:: ;.ras 8C1Cil4 i.; .~ ~'r~r, C': ``~ uG: „ar_ t: 'l ~. ~ ' ~ r,;1 •:
<br />.Y~jrr i`'sb ~ 74 .irQ. t..: ~; ~iC.`w'.i' cE o'S1 .f..D 1. i ~ i ~;.
<br />Cff. ~.JC tf-' "~i. i,~ ~'-J '7T11^t~, ~~k'.C~ i~tr r'i, c ~ ._ F",J i` i _ ;~.~ [3E'
<br />i.~z...~ .. ri~i] .. .. ;Yi.S i3 ,.,,, :"t8: own Ti Y'iC 3„i: eS _n~a S~.S ,~. E;c 7..
<br />_,i ti'il C. i7 P. I',
<br />;"~)Y ~~tT~ ~?i.:.i j)V SQL tCA~r4'An Stls Cep.
<br />! ~, r+wrtx.~al t
<br />Mlr Get E.~s Ain ~. 3fC
<br />