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<br />82--uU2"39 <br />MORTGAGE _~x '. -- <br />- - - --~.- <br />~c~RT~cacr•. LftAN N0. _L 24~ G47 _ <br />1cNnw At1, ttev av ntr`38 PRC~E*iTS;'Fttat Elo;%se L. Sherxy, a single -person,.. <br />yartga6ear, whethar rnte or stwte, in corssixlcntion of the stun of <br />Sixteen Thenisareu and ~G 1G0-- ---- --- -------------- <br />- ---- --~----- _...___._ - 1--_--- -- __~ --~~ :. --- .. ._--- -~--- ---.. ----- DOLLARS <br />itrarcrJ to said tmrtga~or by ;}s Fyuitsh}e Bmliling arx? L~an.3ssatCtatiutr III Grams Gsland, ;Vnhrnska, Morty,7~EC, reps 1bG iwres of rtocdt of <br />said h~'SCICL+k'iION, CcrYifacate Yo C Ly , GY i 3n h<rrby bran:, ptnvcy snd mutYgrlRe tmto the aid :+SSOCIAnON tlti (oltuwind <br />Aescribu2 real estate. sitaaaed :n. flafl C=ounty, :Vcbras3ca.: <br />Lct T~+e li? , in Slack Eight !8) , n Rol lists' <br />Ackiition to the City of Granc I_lat:d, !tali <br />ra~zrher vetch atl [.he tentntrnts, hcredsUlreuix arn' afipnrier>anazn tllerctm:,, 5e?oniastg, irrJ u..hrrg s.[actacd ITwr u: veritr6s, all wRndow~ screens. <br />vnrsdovr stradn, htirnis, srr.rm t+rrtti.-rws, as.ntn{a, irracrrt~, an 4~.rxLt.~artrnR., and plunth:,ng and watzr cgviptrxnt uxi acczssuries Ittercru, VuraPs, stoves, <br />rcfryeratras, and aiher (ixtares and equty;ttrnt ry+rw or -ncrcatu+ attscc'xd :o w' meC u+ amrrriiern with .nw rri} csatc. <br />And whncas tht su.i ttsurt~x has agtcod asx3 J<xs hcrrDs rK; rr ;hs• the nvst~aR+x ilntt aed rill pay ill tuts and asaesYnents leveed or <br />atascd uprn vd prrtrmes and uc rn thss m;a:cytc am? Ihr !kind rcwrd 'hcreh. ;tic rtm: shalt ',ecorrxc delingtrnt: to famish approsxd <br />ur_vuanr upm nc~ brnidinvs oa tasd prrntrres y,tuated s:a the ntatn ut S i6, GGQ. UO Fray whir to ad AS.S(XIATION uu1 to deliver to sdd <br />t1S.S(?CIA~2l(Ni lbe µriuan f r svi msurtu~.ard , ~t ;n ~wnrru<- or per:mt a y astc on ur s#~ut sanf pr!maer. <br />In nsr of tidsvlt :n the p:riurman.:c u! usy of tfm icrma and uenda:cros of rlvx rzx,rr~t ur [lee bond +c~w ed hereby, ttu moriEa}{ce shall, <br />eso drnutsd. he rnniied to ntznfediate puseaatm of +he rst<rrt}taped prcmascs arni thr ox~rt~tor frc:cby awRr s, irutsfers and sets orer [n [he <br />mortp~ec afl the rrnts, rtxntscs ud tnccxne to 6e derrved Imm rAe mutts: ~ +c,aes d:urtstt su It rime as the rtrottgage mdtbtedrte~ shtl] tcenin <br />urpard: ant the nxrrt~re ~R hae ttr power to app,int usy aScne ex >N,rnxs ,x nay aft~~c for the purPt»e oC tepaiirtir~ sod prem~ and renty~ <br />the saw and tu8te[trs6 thz ants. rrxruxts and rtnnrrx. asx3 °,t msv psv nut of uxf +n.....,< alt exprmes of :epauins saw! prt:nusea and nexsury <br />arosnssams and expcmn mcurrtd in rcntusf amt ttwnaRi'~ ttK iurnc and :r ,.;+rn~ trnuLs thetetrtxn: tht bakancr rerrrinistR. if any, to bt <br />appiinl usrard the 3t+.charpy; a-,', vi.t rx:rtssge ,ndeJrtott xse; th+,x rpgAts .d a.?x ,ix+r Ratter any h cxr: coed at anv time dtuugt the exraterxx of such <br />defatdt, trrespcatve aC any tcmpaxaty waive[ of the ate. <br />TMse Paraeots_ §uweset, arc atn r+ t't+e Ct~ael:: nen_ T~}mst ,f thr wrk A4iut~ir d:ail iepgy nni kem un ar txtore :he maturoty of sod ~urzs irv <br />pnymen[; pay mwtihfy ds urd AtiSe?Cl.1 ~,'l l7ti „i ;},t :rsrn soeczfr-et w .he tM.,rxt xrnreG h<schy as mores[ and pr [appal un astd loan, o^ or belore <br />the Twenticttt day of wvt ^ad :very ;txmt}t, unto axl kean n Pul!5• pad: pay aU ^rxn and assessarnts Itned aptnst said prormses and on this Mortgtee <br />and the Nwd serzrrtd tfxrebt, bticrrr dtkmyucn:,y, [ta n:sh apptrrnd :nsuraruz u+*m fhr bwMauq thneun in the sum of S i6 , GGQ . GG payahle <br />m and ,lSSCt('IATiOIv ~, rzpay u, urd A;:SOl'L1?7C7ri ap<x+ dcrruwd all ncney by :: pad ten such taxn, asxivtnents and irnurance with intemt at <br />the truasmm~t teas! rxtt thmm~ Gant Sao of pSyrtsent a;l ai' whr~ Murf psq>r heseGv aKrcr. ar pay; pcrmrt rtc+ waste ent sax[ prcrmaes,k<en and cvmpky <br />vitA aLS the apremrat<nd <axaiituns of ttre Bond i=x Slit.000.00 :his day paxo by. t[x said .NoRg~rrr w rani .•15S(x'FA"I7ON, and a,rnply <br />vnth alf ilx segwsetnen[s of tttc Crtnstitution snd Sy-taws i+( sax: AS.'S(al'iATICMi, thrn [hear prcxnta sltal2 fxcumr nu11 and void, othetsvitr [hey <br />sfuN remain m Fait !ix r and nay he incecioacs; at tine ~pti.m u( the nri ASS9C{ATi(l!4 afar four[ kx thrct months to make any of nid <br />pay,ana or be three namths m arrtsu is m~iug sabi nwuth}v EyY~atY, +:w to icep and cxepty ;.~t3t the szRrrcmcnts and ronditians of sakd Aond~ <br />art Mrsrisa~rs aAetes in haven recetve: tpQoi¢te:i Corthw:th u; sui>t ftm.l+mue pr.x:ecdmgs. <br />[C tltirc s soy tisuyMe ie a~nterrAi~ of the rent [state nwrt~xi hcrem, !>y nyc or oihervrn[, then lftt entire rernauruq irtdebtednez. hereby <br />secured sissfl, at the oWienr of 72te E;quxuble kWihtiaR asd [.cum Asraxiatxut o£ Grand [sbnd,?kbrasita, be~rrr iauncdiately due and payable wi[hutrt <br />fnrthn rrstKC, and thz amount remav(rttX dsu undrr saai hcmtt, and ut{{ outer 'xwd for nay adtkitionat advances apde tMceunder, '[tall, from the <br />drr of exertoe of :aid uptwn, bear :nter~t at f!c :naximtnv ~t ca1n. and Stn mext~pe rray Then be Fmeilosed So satisfy the ammo[ due on s-id <br />lAVad, and anv ~;siher 'xroat iw addiuorul adwtxs, tuScttrer razh sl! sums psuk by said The Fye:itable Buddirts and Losn Asarxia[iur. oC Grand Island, <br />TttMaalca t:rr usaursue, tsxes and asttesatsrstis, and sirsf ract mE cxtenvtct charges, -with stt rest thetn>n, fiom tau .~t payment at t!u rtsxirnum <br />ta~alwe. , <br />As provides 3n the Aoad sentmi hereby, while z,hn eru>~t~rc ecrnains m cGa7 :},t muK2py(ee rrray~ f~teal*cr aLLVanec aGditronat sums to the <br />_nakers of said &wxl, :hNr s~rF'= er succtascrrs w intevzV.. wM.h wms shalt tx wfthan ;hc s verity o! this mortr}ge tht same as the funds oriaiftally <br />scented thrrtM~, t}re [Dent aestwn::~f prrr!cpsl debt nat to rzxed at sm,. t;me the .n qur i retx;tmt of :his ttwrt~e- <br />~` Drted ilia 2Sxj~- av of 3u3y A. ! ;y $2 <br />--''`-=C`am`= ~-~v~-L-~~ 14/~--~ _. __ _. <br />3€AfCf3F?iEBKh,CKA.~ ss_ (3cti:~ .rRtl ~~,~,uf ;Tti~' .B ~~ ,actorcmc <br />€Cal?V'i'Y' Cif+ NAt.I_ f• - <br />eh~ t:gedersi{pim,:, a Vntarp Puts}ic ir, .t; rC at„ i;~.rtnry. 52c'u=rafS^r ~ttx <br />Eit~zst~ L. Shc~.rry, s sii:glr ~.tson, <br />~°'tiU .b LK3ItA1aRy innwti 1U <br />trw =3:s'ft, i!~r ar .tii::s: tt;r?<:r ~s•ht•+r. as^te iS :.f'itrJ •~ t;v~>ve ~nstrw~xnt :; ,rrrrtE:a~,~`r <br />ac3t nr?r~k~~cd aY+c sux'~ of ~~rcr; `. In ix ~ ~;: vv; ar-t,trv ar-t xnd +:frc!. -~~,~ <br />Vi1T~ 7 ryr' f`x S S Sr_t~ n ~ a= ?PK at " >tc:vsi. +~ i <br />.a.;*e 11wr+Mlr+iw-aottertr~,r '~ <br /> <br />*ahlii. <br />