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<br />:~t:[ore me. a Protaru ?uol:c .iual;fled Sar sold"County persana32y cane, A~~~RECV
<br />C, 1ELSEN, ?residc=nt. .a. ;;. ?~e~iscn F.nterpr es. Stic., a De~.aware Corporation,
<br />:~nclvm to m~ zo de said oEiicer, a1~d the !den t._eti prrscn. ~;cho-sighed the iore-
<br />&ny"-K Quit L;ai.n Deed, ar,~ sckl~io;r[e~geci the exrcutior ti: e.r'~~of to be his ti'ol-
<br />tu:tarq act and derd as suc ~ oF;icrrr. .~sd tlu eoir:ntarv .ic,t and deed of sai•3
<br />c.arporatio,^.. and Thai [:^c Cort_7or<e:e se:~i of sand Cornoraticn ,vas 'hereto aiii:r
<br />ed by ;ts .author.tt~.
<br />1.LT~:US=! ^1'j t: ;iRd 3714 4ot 1rX-d, .~, tG Wit: .t, '. ~'^.: ~'::, .~. ~; 71i: (.. i:U r,1l' Ol: t}: •~ <!aV
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<br />etora rie, a :4ot~r; e'~~b;ir qu:«~tie<! 'o, said Cc:u:St•y. pe'r.worl;xL`~ came C:. Ci_,r"1'O~`
<br />VF=LSF~'~ anr! i;3Ai~~E f:USi'bi ;L:`;i:.`:, Club:aY^e,: .1 <: ;tine-, nroW;: Ya ^1r tu'eu: th<,
<br />tij.C.^.:1C:k~ ~3t`r 34rSD +*+f1U ~l y; iS!':; t.:7 t, :iGUVr~ .. ..,
<br />. .nd £ora~,~lt=z s; .;-x t ..:<ar; L)~e~rd. .ar,d ±ti~:~}~
<br />aiicrerav;c~i~ed 'he e;2+•csaitc,rs tt~c.reaf !o b.- ,i-.rt.- voiure;-,>.~ .cct ,inc.` ti.,•,;'d,
<br />Yr.`2'.":L~4S ^sy hand anti ."'atarx.:4 5rat ~,:tt ?~, ,'~{"~ ;~+*,?.
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<br />H.'=ore 4.~ a 'votary c u~?ice 4t~xiii.eti tar ;;aid Ccur:< sserser>:~Ily . ar,:e, ... ~L?F' i Citi
<br />:4 L~L..~E;`, Trustee; ai '.7c~ ~.^<;irs_'x ti. ei sc.t; rust. i:nr~~,~-:1 *_a me t~s U~r thr,~ i<i a.r tic~i
<br />ptirzri.^, k~a ~i,;~:r~i: tt~n abc a a:,c; f:~r! },rox::g ~?uit C,Ea;m :Je~ci. a=~c i:c ac'~cno+a;'tr -: L_ <~d
<br />the san'+e tv bra his vo:u;,t~try :+rt ar, ue~ed as 'iwu~iit o t'.tt: nc.r<°w C. :'e e3~e:::1
<br />ruSZ .
<br />ifi`fF\t:;iS my .`'~.incf. .~ :cl :':otaa-.a., tic%js tea; ~.la,' `~°'E' , f?;~.
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<br />tii} ~QC".Ti15 b`:i>_t LXC1.: a*ti e~~ ~ ( "-__'----- '
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