- ~
<br />i~-B--SU RVIVOR3Nl~:tARRA~.: nEED ~2_~~~~28 Nuttman and feltan k.WOlt Walton. Ne 684r,~;
<br />f:ti013" ALL '.NE?`T BF TFIE$E PRESF.1\TS, Thxt Ruane I. Phillips and Carol A.: Phillips,
<br />as riushand and wi£e, eacix in has: and tier owr: right as sgouse oP the other,
<br />r
<br />herein exited eha prantar whether one or mare.
<br />itr snat;ideratian t~F °i:ty--threz tho.~^x~rsd dollars and aoflo0-------------'---------------
<br />re?.'lrrd from ~-ruit+~rs, ,ioe~ ~raxi3, bar~t~n. ;.ell eaz,.c sn:i ~ctnfirxicunto ~~1 der R; Wiese 'and
<br />Lucille L. Giese, as '.tust'zand and wig=~. _
<br />a~ j~iti ±.•nanGa +ci+.h ric{r.. of snrvi'rprship, Anrt t3tet as LrFnttnt~ tzt commosl, the Fotto~rinr dexcribed rr•sl propertc ij:
<br />:ia1i t,up:;.
<br />~7A£EMEBCt AF_L1~HED
<br />yEBRASxA C%OC~;Mi=NTARI'.
<br />:,c.c righ« tat .n ?~"_c^k s~v~n (7? in siesU Parr. STAMP TAX
<br />:.3c1:i~r to ttie _ o rand island. i2ali (]~
<br />LC UT)t}", Y:=I; ;"SSSCd. ~U~ ~ I,74/
<br />3t~
<br />~ Sd - ~
<br />TG !?.are anri to aol~, x:;e .n Ge~c. ,]r.K, -:brc ~ r.~:rta,•w :r.F rr k+-r ~sa.htiel u~~nc metci5. hcre+litasrnr~rttq 9nd xpptir-
<br />:raanrro ilseretu drinn~ing uatr, r_he ~.rnc;[«ra uns ;u tr.- it ~n c.~!as. cr Lr :F,r ~;ei:-y anti txsiy;su ~~f ih« snrs-;vor of
<br />- Arid Ex a.::er d Kw ~+`rr!s ~ .:rant ,r .t .~. i is ti r xe. i~~~ Sri ; ~ ittt ';e is irs and xaxtgns
<br />of ;hr ~~.nre7;~r. ,ati tfsrsi; Sa, t;ru:.a, a ray ftt,!p ~.-vw^ i teu~. pr .,,:.r ~ ,at 'h cre f3'e _ '.r,m rns`tttnhrtuier.
<br />. exeHg.• rasemertc~ acrd .'es".zl.~'~..>.~ra of *iar~or.''.
<br />ittx: t;ras:zcu hna; Ftwrx.i rit;h3 u:~+i 8n+slu5 su h:riir to ,,,i,,ti-,; =.h.• xnmr. nrad 'hnt ~rautnr :.nrrxu[s snd will dgfenti
<br />thN ts. it ;9 :xlt;.] (ar*~-~.tt!,•a a~niant t.i:r ia~fuS cvgam.~ •~,r all Isr'^±nuK xhouzsuscrr.
<br />It is thn in~rr;tt r t ~+: al! yl.~rtrrn hFr .. t},;r..n tLr r;- r, _. !Rto ;,rapt .,.° r;it~rr :,f tLe ~rante~rs, r13e rn?ire
<br />`o~n xtm]~ir citlr~ to :rr rraf «~at>ttr <hni3 ~. rxt ut ii~R av rrte~:u~ar+;_~
<br />I)atttEl J:unF. .. i1 9
<br />. /.j~
<br />r
<br />~ .r'^r_ i-tF Nrlyraska , .....
<br />_~.. 1 ... .!A F~c> ...bay .~! ... - f. -jor,~
<br />H 8.11 ~~l ;.
<br />_. C~LrRt~ ~ rnr, the uwdv*czgw.x=d s '~. <+tare PuSlit, ~u!"r r-, nuns _,orzd znt .;fuali~iw' For
<br />crr saad turnip. FYr,raws::y r~rwr '-'~u~P I. i~?'tialLps Ord Carr~1
<br />i tllip~, as us:nxa~d and wife, Yac:^, •:r~ his anc Y_er cwn
<br />.'igti+r a~ s~wse ref :he ..'per, _
<br />... rM' irvec+r =:.1 ~!' 12C i(fi'fitWill ~E"r5 ,`rt ~. ~ .>t'n3 A'i:J t~ R:4n{~" ~~ .' 9sL?l:i.i 1+"''
<br />~.~f~t-~ 1~'~Xfk3 :3 ~Y ~~.,.Y~-~~ry? [h,yLrY~'gY 1~ 1 G'~: ~'~i.) ~: (iiU (. - e:Triu:l. /~ ':~lr''4't ~~1 fii
<br />kit, 'a~r ~t :a..-rr .~,.~xnxary ,:ct artrf drerl,
<br />--'xe<r~~ .~- ,,;nd ax.Y -- c:cr;:Z{ ~ :,,r ,. :'x;l ro 'r izst a?c' r r..:rn.
<br />~~4~ L
<br />-~ ~ ~!:: nlaKtrS-tii~ ~X~-'I.f'i. :±it ~G~,
<br />,. _ lk.G.
<br />t;r:val4y _ +
<br />tsr~ii:er±3 vu aamericai 3~dwx 5cd ilErc: ..-,r 'rcer~ ii the Re~;i~.er crf i.ice,~ic :Tff~ce Uf ea.d i'oiflsty Iha
<br />.... _ ... ct.alV ~X ...... . . . ......... .. i~- . _ Kt... _ ~ :tir,-k auu. ... ~uLirttev ,
<br />~-.
<br />a:~7 r vru«~i t~ N~a~iC_.. _ .rP_ .. . _ v:. f>~t:".
<br />