<br />52 ---~ i~ ~''7 2 2
<br />vlextn I3. Knuth, Mortgagor, in consideration of TWENTY-Ot3E THOUSAA7D'
<br />(~ FIdF: :iJNDRED I70LLARS {$22,~A0.00) received froar Mortgagees, mortgages to
<br />1 Carte Ewaldt and iTiota E. Ewaldt, as joint.. tenants and not as tenants ,zn
<br />cc~nman, iKOrtgagees, the following described real estate situated in Hall
<br />Ccuraty,- Yebraska:
<br />Lots Dine {9} and Ten {1Cr}, in Block' Teri (10), in Packer anti.'Barr.'s
<br />Addition, City of Grand Island, hall Caunty, Plebtaska, as surveyed`,
<br />platted and recorded_
<br />This psrc~iase ~!oney .•^•.Yal testate Martga~} is given: by .vortgayor to
<br />1~5csrtgagees to Secure t:~e pa_: r,~nt -of the principal sum hf Twenty-One
<br />'?'Y.ausand r^ive Hundred JOilar5 i$2.1,50A.Ot1) a:,d ,nteresz ~rar;i Juiy I, 1982,
<br />at twelve {12) percent ::er an.nu;r., the }rrineipal and interest payable in
<br />monthly installments of 528.ui per montrr on-t..~e first Say of each month
<br />eomsrencing August ;.982, and <~n the first d-ay of- each month thereafter
<br />for ll9 consecutive~5,a;~ths, reya•y.neat csf theprincipal an3 interest being
<br />amcrrtizea aver a l~-xear or 180-month ~eriod.,'~+ith a balloon payment of.
<br />$11,599.IG be~irg due and payable •,i*_h he t2t3th ran*_hlp installment of
<br />l,ri:cipai axrd interest, as ~ o': idt~ in a Prdmissor~ t~*ote dated ~ul,~ 1, 1982,
<br />far wh:.ch tail `~ortgage _s , t:~.. as s~zvurity.
<br />The Promisso~}~ :vote ~~:rov;:es that tires is of t?;e, essence of the
<br />~rarr:isxory date, and if ~1aicEr ,ails zor a peril of :rare r_han thirty {30)
<br />days to psy any monti:i1 S.nstsil;'wert wav;:x:r,t :/her. due, the :solders, or
<br />holder, of the Promissory :yore are .;i;ren the option to declare the Note
<br />immediately due r,nd ay3b'.~ with~~ur_ rrcti::~ ar deriand. ^..'tre promissory Note
<br />Yrnvides if N,ortjagor defaults is pag~~~nent vi m: sxrnthly installment pay-
<br />ment when due, tre. unpaid r~anthl f installaent of priaca.pal bears interest
<br />at tine highest legal mate until ~>a id.
<br />~iortgagar agrees tcs auaure the i~pr~7ves~e.nts an the real estate^ for a
<br />Lollar <+mourt at feast eclrzal to the unps~d'balance due'and payable on the
<br />Promissory tipte srh:.;h resin Mortgage secures, protectin~3 *he ir~pro°:ements
<br />tram fire: ens: utl:er insurable physical damage ?~azards, :ass (if any) payable
<br />to ~4ortyagees snd ~lortyagar, as their ~^*_?rests appear. ~tartgagor is to
<br />Lurnish Mortgag+~es with a esruf~ic~ate,~r one Trance evidencing t .c, :;nsurance
<br />on the impro•:eme,rts.
<br />Kortgayor agrees to uay ail taxes'~nd asseasmerta upon the r~-a1 estate
<br />and all other tacxes, levies an;l asse~arac:ntx~ Ievied upon. this '~ortgage and
<br />the ?rcaissory *~ote aitrch this ?4crtgage is given to secure ;x~f,~re payment
<br />is deli^e~:ent. if t~iortgagor Tails r_o pay tre taxes and assessments :oefare
<br />3elinquPnt ar insure the ia~prrveeaents can the real ~stste as r~uired U,:
<br />t?:is !lortgage, hl~:rtgage~s may pay tite taxes ar,;i assessments c>r ether l~er.s,
<br />obtain and pay prc-~ums for tare insurance on the i~-tprovements nn the real
<br />«~aiate, and are given a Herr secuxed by this :4artgage far the amounts
<br />admnced with interest at the hic`iest lerlal rate.
<br />I. ?~S~srtgagar defaults for a reri~ oZ snvrP than this*_}~ ; 30 i days in
<br />gesy~ent of am monthly- ins tailrne^.t :~f .:ri_.ciual ;a_rd i*acrest, :~r fails to
<br />~rfara an,' of the other a:lrecme^ts i=_x this l~7Qrtgage, '~1ort:;ageFs, at
<br />Xortgae~ees' electiar., xray declare the entire cieLr. seccre~ ny t_his .Mortgage
<br />due and 1:ayable at ~~nce, and foreclose this Mortgage for the satisEactirn
<br />cf the total :uocunt ~aue.
<br />~tartgdgor reserves the : ighr_ to e,pay tirg _.r.r~3d b3ia-ice •:~i rri ipal
<br />and inter2at dnrr :zn tae Pro;rri.s»~ry Nate ~ecur~ by _~_i,, [~:~rtgaye or srv
<br />+r+oAthly 1StA tdl i3~Z:t tar}Y_'ment sid te, .J'i tfr,_l.~ :_+f?i?dlt'.1.
<br />l ,' pa., t ~, i ~ ~r
<br />., ,
<br />~;iA'f.`r e~"~' Pt€dLN~~~SA, ::!JfJhi'1 JF }31i.,:
<br />he i+sregc~i^~, instr;>_mer* .rocs ,~knt;s: a ~r~u :.ore -, an
<br />2~ 198t f ~%~~ :;lea^ u. ~n~tl;, :'Rs~r rgagns_
<br />_..~.__ ___.._ ~ ,r_._,.__ ~._,_ _
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