9.i; - Hptlm.n and ~rtten dwolt, wagon. he P.846t
<br />... ~_..
<br />.. _ _..
<br />i~R'Il{iJK C. t]ABERKfJW and 2'gSRY F. t]~H1;R1CQ't, Husband a?~d fife, eacT; ::n lus and her own
<br />riC3}1't aii[.! a8 SpOl28e of @aCYt other' ,Grantor, whether one or more,
<br />in caneideration of ~FtPY-NII~ ~?i'~15Ai~T3 iWd Ii1I~ ;AE.^, ~ ~]p,/10(YII?.S DdIS~'~ft5
<br />($49,"i00.00) .receipt of w' ch is hereby acknowledged, canvey~ to
<br />AIF~® v. SPZP7LS and =~:~RIA E. ~PIFTIS, Hush=„-~d atx3 Wife ,Grantees,
<br />as joi+ti tenantr and not as teaanttt in common, the fallowing deecr~bcd :sal estate tae defined
<br />in Nteb. Aev. atat. ~ 76-201} in ila.l..l County, ~lebraeka:
<br />ivt ~ (ii of Secs Ser~x><3 5:tlx~ivision, ut Section
<br />1^btuteen 1147 , '1Wf>r~hin F1ev~s I'll? :earth, i'arx~e ?~i~ne
<br />(9) 47est ~f the 5t`: P.ii. , FIa i Gsmty, ~ras't'.a.
<br />Grantor covrnant• (jointly and arvr.rally. ;f moss than nne} with the Grcnteer that Grantor:
<br />{ it is latrit:llp sewed cK such ^eal retate and that ,t i~ free from encumhrarcca i:x: apt
<br />~aeetnents and ~~tsictians of ntixr:i;
<br />(2~ has leYsi power and Ia+rful authority .u convey the came;
<br />{ 3) w¢rrarrta ar~ will defarxi the ttt:e co *.he real estate agamet the awiel nla:n:s cif all persona.
<br />Executed: ~: ,...~-:L:~:L:~-.....~'.~~°' :~ dz
<br />~,
<br />.......,
<br />7#rt2nQ' C. f~mbedc~t ~Sarf F. l~itaerkow
<br />14,
<br />S4JItc of Di`bt'isjCi f r r
<br />County ~t ....,..~~::_:... ,
<br />,~
<br />~lrlforaios~ sfvtrument rasacknowled~ed before ins on ....... ~~i`=t :' ~" ~ i {~ ~--~_
<br />~f. ,.... . ~.........
<br />y~, C. iY+BEiIItt~T ~ ~
<br />..r ~~ - .
<br />~Y~lll00Lp~w ~ ,/ .~.Grc~ :r ~,,..... a ,ij.~~.
<br />`lrYw4i~~r~j~i~~y7~~~t Jota~' i.k4~l~[ u
<br />I ~ ~
<br />3`I"ak'E'~ p~' .tilK;$}3Aa1CA ~ if~-.~
<br />Cwnt~• taf . ...........................
<br />F'xiec7 ictr tcerd and eux,ertd sn P:utxi~r:ca1 im3ex zrri .,..,.....
<br />xt .,.,., a';:2i+eSc ......Aq,. end rs~:ordetl i:, 7~ecti:.Fdecor~ ..: ..............._.. 't':a,^,e ........._... ......
<br />.,~,._..
<br />- ='oa:at~ _r Jrys~,t ~~.waa4j ,_rri
<br />u2'~: LT :) =1 i_,,.E L`C' P -- tCh _~;a~;' .`( ~tPe<~$ '
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