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<br />82=U027t~9 MORTGAGE <br />Tr?IS ]h`DE1V'fURE, urdr thu . __. _ _:__ >SC__. day vi _ ,IU.' i _.. __ u _~C... by and h~swrrn <br />_ndYAi, ~!_~~? ENE thtl"~ A~JC AM.FL_n JC~~~aN?NE_$'rfE~Nct;N,_HL~P~A'ru_ ~ d~ 'nIFE____- _ . <br />• L?d 1._____ __ r+vnl y, Nebraska, as mart gagor , ~____, ,and Hems Feder:d Savings and ~cwn Ascerietion of Grand I+land, d;urporatior, <br />ar7gatneeli caul ecuinE :rndtt ax 'avs v-f me li.-~i:ed r~! Ameii~ cnh (e~ P.rinnpn! o+G.e and pias~ u! hunaas at Grand {stand, Nebraska, a.. <br />me rt%iL'r'c: <br />WI'S'NFS.,SF_"1'!-i: 1sra; aid n:ortR+fror-_S_._.__. for antl inconsideration o; the si:m o(.__- _______.__. _.-__- .._~.,_____-_.. <br />L " ^ « ; ~, <br />'r ,- C' ~ <br />_,ze~:C~~;~,:_±irlSda;tLU_> 1.L~~._.i.JttL_S~~l_.9ii__S~islU__~~11;td.'__-_'-~:_Dolius(A_-1Z.iJ38.~,---1. <br />drt rtctipt of which is imeCti ackrwwhd{ed, do ____.... ____.__..... ny :heu prr;m;s nurgapc aad vurarrr. unto said men <br />gaytee, i[s xucRSSarsand a_ctiigru, <br />for•.r., aft tM `othnving de~xc itxd rcaS cx;xtc. .c.aaird In :h Cm~nty o*. _..__ ._,:,.~ ~_.______._ ____.-__-_~_ .___ <br />arul S[are of tiebraxka, cn-w,y: <br />?~NE r c~ NI+,tF ~!F ~.' ~1.E1'r~ (1,i n~(; CLL :~ '~~C" ii`~l~E i;.2) <br />i^r LL~~r. ?'dEL'vE ~?2j It`d C~AR~SUti"~ ADDI TI ~ti TO THE ~'II_f_,4(>E <br /> <br />4'ogettws with aC1 hratx>~, ru cmndit.oc.nrq. iyehtin~, nsd , IUrnbayt egomment and fumrca, ~n~audmt; ~- ..n. ninl;_~....urtn w indows and <br />tleora, and avidaw shrd~ or Minds. uwd ouw m rsanrkl4.usn .iLh acid pro~rt,y, whethec ihr name are ,v>w~!.x~dd <~7 aaxi prnCmrt.v or herrr, <br />plated LtlserxH, <br />'t'fi HA4'F; ~`vL 7~1 HOL~'1'NE SA}IE. arr{~al!arr +o eth aFl and atM(u ~.: ,~W {cncmenta, harn[ticamen!.a and appurta•nnm;~ vhen~reto fit.. <br />ituq[itsR, nr w aoy»rsa appen unVys. furrvar. ntrl rvtmrnL the writ c:, trot are_ Satd n:nrgaKorS _. t:erv-t,y ~~, rocr~tl~ wi~.h ~::..., <br />moet~aMr~tut ~ Aa _ ,y _..3T~e_ e: lnhe dN~rv n ~ec..~f, thN , wrmr = of the prrroraw inn _ .;.n ~cr and d~sr_ i~x:J, <br />aed.,_.~/fEa-_ ..._. aeiied of a gcc~S and lnde4naible cm-atn r,: intwriant>< thesrie, t: en ervl clwr ,>t ai7 nnruinbrar:cr-s. anrk tlrnt _f. :i ii. <br />a'Vrarlt_ar1~ 6(itlld Ult L] 2}IaxxlLl lneevtr ar(furtC Iv! i'.IrfrFF arld demeMlA :~{ ai1 pe+'t[~rt~ w~<Nn+l..~ev«r. <br />' YRUY;DEU dLtKAYS, nd thia instrurernt ices crazed and deh t'cd w.earuc ct>ti pay ro.-vt at Lh no! <br />' Szventeen ~'housand ?h;rty Fiei?t do)larti .d t?C, UJ~ ---- i~ni,ara_x_ i7,,i,~.Qil <br />+~itL int~d. Llvewun, !e~t!ws wick amh ciutr~ar erxt dc,-uocc as mry }M, due am! p+}aE,ke to slid mz.rtKagxw uru;rr me ~-rn mus :-rodrwns <br />oI cl>R yxpncrnry Wore at m~ea dots Matwiut and ascurt 1 ;a-mby, excru tad 4;y wui t:u~rt~;agnr .~ _n Ysrsl mr,,rtKnh nr. puyel I ::r, s^.chr«~u:J <br />ira add rate, snd W sa~uw thr park~xs of all thw tsfrr.,a •txS co+sditK~oa rontarnsd 4}urmn. T'nr tonne of smd nrxc~ ,rr- heroby io. upru-atc~ai <br />ita~ta L,~ t3na retere.>xx. <br />is is tha i~e~' -~a aal ~tavnsa>t ai th+ pert iaa uur.:hia nwrtaK" +}isl3 a6+n sr,;ure arty tutors ad vancrx madr~ :~ ianrtK%+KOr _, <br />Ay rrd mortYryfe. axri euy a>ad sit iadebtajn~. in add-i:vsn trr clre srnrs..u aFro-tee seat~.x1 whicL Aaid rrurrtgu Ko rs, cr nrry of them. : .ce L~. <br />said nwrtRaKre, frwever evx:eoxud, whether br nxa. ~ax~h atcsrunt or ethm~iya, 1'bin imrtgage st~ai r_-sSn u~ a i :rte a t ~. -tact imtyn~n <br />Cba }waiea lbtei4 and ehe>r Win, perscrLl representacivs, ac:cY,vui-s u.n.: aearKata, untii aU amsuncv uemrerd hnrrunde,r_ mch¢1bty; :w.vr.- <br />.dvvrcea, are paid in hri' .+irh interrat <br />TLe arat~or_5--._ hszeby min ___ w .aid rnrrtgrgea eL rWncs ar.3 Inc ing at any bnd a: c~ _~ _ :olx-rcc ant! <br />oma aru <br />haxGy aa[6RUe said twrs~au ns Ita yeuL, at us .,p'-.ann~ »pc.n deutuc_ to ,aie chugu of rtaxl ire„ar{v and _ Ilect i.. _ erg i_ „n_. <br />rL~atrom and app$° t~ ssme ccr '+~ parmrnt n! inteswst, gnraGps:. ..,.u,aac.; Nrcr ions. _ i;;, .pa:,5 ~. ~pna ,. _.... <br />ti+~7 to i,eap ~S Pte! >n uoarttabie coaditwn, or to other chars t'x YaYamu pm-Sdad lot erzin or is cm. nnEs ftrc r } urc ~ Il its <br />raatwx>gmreatehd+rnntiRUa in fcaoe untiltlwaa>jnid°u:once r:i ssiri mteie`u'sy peid.7netak:ng of p.a+se5nioa hcrvcnear ..r. nu". n:-.;.~.. <br />,wev n~ tt resod said ^.nr4tsR~ in she eolictwn ~,{ sard su: vs by F:,rs'icwuy. er rnnrsw:xe. <br />9'3+r Cailune o1 cne ctori~apee to asaea any o! it< r4ght9 hereunder ax any r;me s}.a21 r .t he. amstrur~r7 a Kaiver vF icc riKhc ir, nsert the <br />+arnc at any 1a4~ t:m=,:, and to «.aL :;pon uia enfas;a i a__ ..ompiS+nea writr xt; tnP, ,rns n ~ prop- _ r _ r ~an_i :1.. r ~d i _.~>rcF:..;~e <br />ii vrid utr~ggr ~ abed caws to be paid to -a"' ::Y:;zgsgae [he ontire ntrnunc due is h~.:ew d- . ¢ ~: ~.. nc ,__~ , nd n _ r.._ <br />of raid mts lwdly enrnsed. sxEudi~ fusn?o advancoe, and aav astan io-r~s cr rcreewaCs h~x~( Er, aau rdviua w t.,e .-_. r ~,~ ~,rn:. .u_ <br />lfierwof, and ii rld ~i`i~aic ~_ . _ <!LaJ enupLy sah e7 csm provision- of said ncie rind u! chit' rtwrtt -g L:'xn ivx ~rcr;tr - - ah Ix , , .,. <br />nthesrine a rM'maia in fuii loroe aT.d efMct. Kd snot nxrttpRcvr ehali be ec;ic:ed a3 [.he possecszm o! au e. yria4 pru7 .. ru3 :: ~~. al iL:< op...,rr. <br />dam' tAr wLuk atenkt nose rnd ali indabtadnees :eprvxw~rtced the:rrby- w be imwediuelp auu ;.Lx,' P'+ -s ie. ami a rnt...-i,yv tnie rrw:rts;a;;, <br />.a:elra nor otkaer kyal aciitrn ,u a+oLaci iLS_rytht. xppeaawmen t. waived. <br />.7.k.+ mvz~.~ge .1`aE. kK."uindv~ u~nn and <iaie enur+:'o >Tar txne>i, vt il?e 'xars, cxanarosT_ airni.r.1a-x are.. ~ a ~r ~. ~,....~ awsogrt; r~l =.1:.~ <br />,3A'~T'1.4~'S.5 tt'}ti:Y$t7N. cricf Murtgag'w. _- r~2-._. !kry+:nt<. -..,. '_.~~1. ~'_.... _ hur:d c,_ y ,r,. ~~.rr t.>,. ,r„~,~ <br />r :~ f <br />.~ r < ~' <br />~~ia-~f .X.' Y--fit ~7f!-t ,,.'Fr+~--.,.~, ~ <br />K~ic~ t,~Id._ ~r!~'d}`rt+I: ,i~.7•; .tF~" s~ ~ tf ,iii, ( <br />