<br />82-=UU27©$ MORTGAGE
<br />THiS [NDe.NTiIR6, made chie_. _ ~]L _._. day of ~;,_: ~U I ~r 14~~_.. Ai~ and becweon
<br />_GEQitGE ~. 'v'Rr:•_L',T, A`d 'J .r=t~lhr<f rc~ ''/ JG~l;'R -
<br />of _._N'Se.t' _ Cuumy, Nebraska, as nr r~3gt*r __. and Hems fttle CV~rrYnsardl oan.gscai tion of Crand lstand,a veywratinn_
<br />:ryrni~nt ~d exrw±ng orWer the ;a~~; of the l 4;ar.-> ~mrri~a ti th ;S-.pTittiipal C+f fic< ,end ptaet oC business at Grand l.~larrd tiebraske, as
<br />rilE',rt~ajCt;
<br />W~1TNhSSETH~ Rai sail mva&a8or _.____ __._. .rand in consi3cra;ton_*~;fic s:~m o:
<br />--i a1s.il i ~_ .'f:1.fSiu;~- ~.~;.:1_.drlht-R~ _;:~: : _ y~ 1:~,`~P. ~~,:~,~-:1.:,- ~;Jit _ _~tars ~t- _--?_ Q ,1-~-Q~.___. _. _ _ ?.
<br />the rccnta o' Whsch n trcr~by xiuow•kdecd, rk _ E„,_ ~__ _ ov these prcwcntc :no F:.u;c and wurans unto cad mortgalry~, iis.craxedscvs and at igns,
<br />f:,rcuer, zl; tfs< fal;rmn~ detcri~d rdl cua~c, x•:uerr:d ~:~ .5e Cuu .:v ct 'i.y , ,,
<br />and irate of Ncinasta. u+-s.ic
<br />ri `Ri~l~, jF "t[i ?-H~ 'J:~nTu `iaL 1~ 5~ ~~...,. .~~ ~.~,r ~. .~w''1 III ~~TI."iPy
<br />i'~E°t ;S JC~`/~Y .t%A .fit -a~a'picr~o I'Vt,. 'lE t~ti. .^t:(r .1 iiE1 i F~' Or i~E
<br />u i+ Ya
<br />6Ti? P. CRc ?AR. =%JL' . , .,__,.r;, .. '.j _ ~t]v! -. . ,T PGI.d? Ofd ThE
<br />r
<br />~E~?"iG`d ! i'vt _ t~=_ iST _. ~i'+ ~:~ji _L .sty: i ,;._ '~`'.l t %7 Si1'C t~:'ili
<br />3E?JG T"E `; E, >E:" ,f:Y ~Y i'r,~ ~a;; '.iJH" )F-rA'? QiE CI IJ~~;'J+ FHi~iF: R:~ILR(!i1G
<br />~4yD THE ScC~. "v __lE _,~, ;,c- d -~~ .E_ .C'Pv __ ~, _.5 F~. `[=CyCE ;4u,NrF.~Y
<br />:~ISTA;9CE ~ .~_i ~~_- ~1P+ r. ;.;NE ar~~__~ '? N 1_. "7i.a 'C!;~?~ Rih'~`-"F h'A'r LIitE,
<br />.;r-NCr eiEST , ~ .; .__ "0 E S"i ,,.~ ,_ I; .. S,r~T F-~..R{ ~? .. 10Rri'} RI . ~.v Sri G
<br />iZr;,fi~-GC•-efAt _~`dC 1:, ~ ~,c ~i~. -.._ iF, -.~E A~' tl. ;;rG_,~,'dr, _.~_`~ 'Ul'r
<br />.aP7T;~L^iI~t~ ~)~~~f;~cc. 'ii?i- ~R ~E'... Cf
<br />Tt~eilser '~ntS aL' txrt.tz>A, w: ;rrtnitnntntC, hRht -µ. urd ¢Ivr-~tun(e m.~mpmem: n ! 6y tcrr.- :rnrludl~ grK~na„ owzt7Rgs .,_nn. wh:dnws o+ie
<br />:krora. and rt~eiow xnadaa or htusde. uwwl :m ar :n n~nnr.rt v.:n .~ith xax! pn>pert. , >. +,e;.l:er the- s~xme arN tWw kcuted On nai. p. ~;n~rt~- i f ~n.,i ~.t-r
<br />Iela~dy tMRaM.
<br />~PU 1f.#4'F; A`tU 'tl HULU T'HB SAAt G, tvate!!t*r r+ch aii and mtryrylu the tenet: -nta. hexnlaamentaand appu te•svaxcn t'n- t .na~. ?:v~
<br />w;rn{~rog, o^, in niepwi~ ayyxram~. Weever. xray ,r «sen. ,jai ;aM lc the vx;nro. --ni, rrorKe~r. her«by urvenum '~ +1uh nxid
<br />nwn.r~aaea anr[ _ tse : ,.. _ re t.t _i!'.rvery hart.;>I t;M ~ey.~Yv; ow,rr :,i the pramivr nlH,s ~. .n «I 1 ~-x:,l,r~s..
<br />ry -
<br />oral _ _ ' .1 +wwi r>! x ~.>V arA :ndeleexabie ~•r,Utr ~., t:alwretanrr tn.:rrur, ` nxf cirrc <~s nll :.~eJmlr-a t_cc -_: „nat h.: ,:I
<br />wurant anf dried flee cola ehetew forever apen.et tt,<~ ::...... and dr>r:arnfe of xs yw~rvrnn whomw,r~rr.
<br />e
<br />1`A©Y,1 [?!:D ALW AY'~, n_-,d Lhn >nwwnwrt o .ruteci and s:d,v.nKt to ;,xtirv rha p.yrs .nr. s! sbr num c:
<br />1~
<br />Fhl~TY TH~U~gNQ,_`~~'FS 'illN.(~~*CV {JR w ..~P by , i t; k,d n,$ tl 4t} `~~
<br />wide SptarAar. arn,rre-, toaer}~r .~,th +uch durtion ate.! xri carer- m rn . }~ ~~ x~ ~y atd~ ~, ~soiG :cx.r. t,nKrt ~rulrr rh...rrrn.. t r,c, ; rdL i es
<br />d 6hl paoatinw;r rsorn a( even dace hoRw¢,y and secun_.i rvs<,irv. ni.KUwi h:y +a ui r;x;rtgegur n. a®:d awrtKay, ice.&i,l -_.,.,.J
<br />in iwid no4., ant W aeaurx the perYarvuace of all tis.r ;erne and rrxss3:uwu cvntunr.: r ~..reus. 'Ihr ;.rrrn, of -.n:d n,>ce rr; lxn:;, ~ ,r n cd
<br />.`wrra tw tAuretare~r. .
<br />it +a iytU iacwssvn and ~zr'awst of tAe prutaee toe>weo c+wc tlvx mx"~age a hal! nJ~ m-urr any tc[ure ndvaru-ec rturde to su,i r: ert~nkor
<br />oy sr.d mptgafyee. and any and aYl ealrtxe.-Lr~is u. atidur~r. v. :w~ air mnt alma sw: KJ whet. acid mrlrtKugors. or em of tla,m. n,u_~. *,-vu :~,
<br />vid as~t~gice. So-. ever rv~des,.,ba1_ whether 6r ur, r ~a ac- unt rr u:hrnri..c. A s nx;aga;e <[n li renwm mrWl 1 x .and trzt ..~iw..en
<br />else rart,:x lreseto and t6e:r hair. persroat rry-,resent xtr ce, it.a:rxscca atx,' asa-k ~nw a r nnamrrre --vreA hr Jur. s;:.t . aF; tnron~
<br />uh urkr«, are p++d rn. fu::.rrr1, :ntereat.
<br />Tlx; tnwt.gagor _.__ nerebti- aaxy~ ~_.. t sae; mu~[.~~er d or_ ~ .d nt :rs~ ur v e t' <~s t n :V t r :~,.
<br />4creby .wthnrvr emu: r reayt~ a eta ytmt, nt rte :rp?,or.. ~3lnn de au <. ~_; .n..< a ¢ar~e r, said Froprry a~ d cnllerc ah rent r~„r. i ;.:r ;~
<br />therrtxm arr.: apply ei.e vamr o the pay cent o. :at.emc. p ~_:pW rv.~rxrn ~>rr.nru ._ . . mt.>, n-pn:rry n ~ .
<br />xa+Y ~ ~e+D arkd P~;7 Gn --___. _~~ _ ~r~r. ~, -o a:her. a turgcY os ;,ay manes pn-n• ided (nc harem u[ rn Lee n.rc_ hrretiv wrc rr.,n r~i' h:4
<br />nmC as:~psmnae ahail crxian~w lvrear av~sl the uarpa 1 tKUa .~x e: nud wu ~ Riiiy pain ~F6e t.aksr:g of Iw.t<.ynsr, r, :nen•u M:a~r ~hsi: ;n n~, ruaru:cr
<br />Fr:c uet ru retard ;uart.gay*.e m ;he cot4ctwn ci said s .~ 'vq (oreTi siu.-r, ;x rrau ~isr
<br />TF~ £aikure of :he r:Krs.~egee• w a~.wrt wr<y of iia r;y;hcn osreu nacr at eav c me saxJ3 ev... eonn:nxa~! a< Vr~er of :~. rir; F.: t%. a.+.... ,.„
<br />wne at. rtn°e ialdY tree r, and m iavbi uEwn aru' r^rforr. ,. ..:_omp'wrcei~ with nt: rtt~ ccr:~. n r ne u.:-,. ~. .aN n~1.: n.w1 i 1h ,.,s, cr,ati~;:
<br />fY via z-,wt~F3r sFUi! caaee to be pev w s><u! r:><~: ygagee tLc en.z-r uruwm J:r~ rc he~ttridrr_ e ~w urK;na c.'w trsrms .n n;,
<br /><d ~¢rd nN.e 4rrd+y~ m~rai, iheJudixp futu:v advancrvs, sari a eztasnax.Qa n.:ewwaLs che. ~f m aecee yxnr ., ~..r .he -,:-mw :r ur n,, sr.
<br />CLnxr!, anti etxGd m::=tgsX+x ._ _ _ si~il c¢npty ,v4;,h zL' e;.v proe9svo~c of aa>o ooln arni a1 zhiz asurtgn~. ~ .ran [tv; ... su ~.,ll ir» v.,
<br />r:eLerci~ Ec sacria 5n hell iwxw and ~~4cr„ anti fury rnartga~ ahut3 he vnn[kv' w :c y:xsarssu:n o! a:: ui .i i htnjx~r ~. a:ui mr~ . t. LC :•yrwrt: ~.
<br />Jaeien eye w6~ok nF nvad ante m3 trU ixrbfbidoeex :egr*:+ert.+<7 ttr~y :u i,c irs.7,udiaxely cvc arc lwy«hl+-- ,,nd .~:,t ~ s~:~.; th r..x tgngr
<br />yr ta4r snp u.3+es Yryta; ®s[i7rs ID ptviect %La riyciti. Apirrrzsrrwnr vixived-
<br />1`fr:+ .gtt~x,~e s: -` L4 :rinsiiay, np.~a ux1 sd:nll mare to the iaenefit rai the .,nae ..xey to. adrom_;t r.rs. -~:.zs x... ~t r ..:rs,t ... ,. ~.
<br />[-~r.Y lua'tn. n (1araP.+~ f4't?:5:~.
<br />iN :4txti}:`S Y # Ff r.:>t_'=t, snid 41ue ~ayvr hu _ ha;wr: N.r, +eb _ _t. ~ ..ana - thm :f -..~ _,. _ ..~-.~
<br />wrier
<br />- ~. _ ,~ ..a-~'~_
<br />ax:raao-a~.:c~~arx~~.x,:z~:~sz~uc-.:+w-.~:ac. _c:.ti..a.-~ao-~-: ec.~•sx¢,. ~e:....:..:ucv~t_._,__--.~ ...,,.e..,.:.:<..b.: ,W,-±o-,.o..,r,x
<br />