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S~--° vU2705 <br />d: For better security of ahe inde6tednrss hereby serured,. upon the request of the mortgagee, its successors <br />nr cosigns, mortgagor shalF execute'and deliver a supplemrntat mortgage or.:mortgages covering any additions, <br />improvements, tx~beitcrmenti madrYo the'profxriy~hereinab'ovedoscribed'and all prnpert3~ acquired: after <br />the date hereof tall in (orm satisfactory to moftgagee~.; Futhermore, should mortgagor fail. W cure any'. defaeslt <br />to the paynte~nt of a prioF or inferior encumbrance on tkte property describedby this instrument, tnnrtesgor here- <br />' by aerecs to pcrm'u mottgagee to cure Such default, but mortgagee is trot .obligated tp do sip; and such advances <br />:hall become par: of the indebtcdncss se. ured h> tills irutrumant„ subjet:t tp'the SatlZe terms and 'conditions. <br />e. Ihr rights created by th s eonveyant~cshali remain in full forceandeffect durneany postponement or <br />,. cxtcnsion of the time of the pavmcnt of Ihe-irtdebtednexs evidenced by aid promissory note or notes, or any <br />part thereof cttured hereby. <br />(. To aontinuousiy maintain haztxtd insurance, of Bach tyre or types and m each amounts xs the mortgagee <br />may f[om time to time requ9re on the improvements new or her fter on staid propene, and will pay promptly <br />arbor, due any prtnuums therrfor_ AtJ insurance shall he earriec .n companies acceptable to mortgagee and the <br />p0licie5 and renewals therm( shall hr held by mortgagee and have attached theretoioss~payahie clauses in favor <br />oP and in form acceptable tv the murteaeee_ en evem of toss. mortgagor h~il3 giye,immediste notice in writing <br />to mortgagee, and er:ortgaeee mag tonic ,root of toss if ^ot made pri~mptic b} tnorzgagor, and each insurance <br />company concerned i> herehv authorized and directed to make payment or sorb lose directly to mortgagee <br />instead of so mortgagor and mattgagce jnin[ls, and she insurance proceeds, nr any part thereof. may be applied <br />by mortgagee ar its option either to the reduction of t"rte indebredness iterebv >eeured or to the restoration or <br />_ repair of the property :Sarnaged or do:;:rc~rcd_ }t. event o! `oreclcnure nS this mortrcage, or other transfer of title <br />to :aid property in extinguishment of €hr iodcbtedne~s ~~LUred hereby, all r.eht. title, and interest of the <br />mongagor in and to any insurance policirs than to farce sit;tll pass m the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the <br />option of the mortgagtt, mac be su:rrndered for a refurd- <br />¢_. To keep a73 buildings and other imptpvotttertts op said'prnpertc in stood repair and condition; [o <br />permit, commit, or suffer no was: e, :mpairrntn't. de[erintatton cf*said property of any part ;hereof; in rho es~en[ <br />irf failure n! the mortgagor to litre thr buildings on, satd premises and those erected on said premises, or <br />improvements thereon, in good repair, the mtxtgagteatav tnake`suchrepaits as ir. its dirreuo^ it may deem <br />ttttessarr for the grope: preservation thereof: and the htA'aitlounf cifeach and even such payment shall he <br />immediately due and payabtr.; and .hats be secured by rho tan of this mortgage. <br />h. Te oat voluntarily create or permit to be create.: against the i ropes s>aiTjeea to this mortgage any lien <br />or hem inftrinr so the Iicn of this rnortgagc wt-rhoUt a'vrittcr~ Cometll oEthe mortgagor: and father, that more- <br />: gager will iKttp and raamtatr the wmc tree 4ram the claim o9 all persans upptying;tabor nr materials for ron- <br />strua±on o1 amp and alt buildings cir imprzsvernents now bong er^c;ied or to'be erected i?nwaid premises. <br />i. "in not rem or assigr, ally part ,rf the rtrt ~.. paid mortpagedptr>pens or denmli.h, ,~r remove, or <br />substantiaity alter any huildmtc without the wr,tten coustrit of the mortgagee. <br />}. AI! a>rarda of damages in connection with any condemnauo^ for public use of alt injure to any of the <br />property wbjeri to thi+ mungage are hereby assignrd and ehali be paid to rnorsgagcc, who may apply rho carne to <br />payment of the inswGmrnt. last due under ;aid :wet, acrd rnortgagre is hereby authori~cd, in the name of the <br />mort~or, [o execute and deliver ~a1id aeyuitwncr:; tfirn+?f and to appeal from any such award. <br />_ k. The mortgaitce shall havt the right to ituptt: the mortgaged prendces at any rcasorabic tirnc. <br />l_ To comply with the provisions n1 am irax it this yAortgage s on a lea;eheld. If this Mortgagors on a <br />unit in a condominium or a planned arst dcvciopmrnt, Borrower shah perform :di of i3orrower's nbiigatioas <br />undtr the dalaration or covetunts creasing nt governing the condominium or planned unit devclopmont,the <br />_ by-taws and regulatior>s of the cutxiomimum or planned unit development, and con_uituent documents. <br />_. Default in an> ~tf the <ovcnants or conditions of ihs instrument or of thr note or Soar: agccmcnt scored hereby <br />stutB terminate the martgagor's right to pus ~csion, use, and cnjvymcnt of the property, at the option of tot <br />m~ort~gce yr assigns (it being agreed that the mortgagor shall have such right rnLil default). l'port any sttc;t <br />_ default, tna mortgagor shall become the m.ner o_r all of rho rents and profits accuring after default as security for <br />the irxitbttdne_cs secured hereby, with the right to enter upon said property f~,r the purpose of cr,~iie<iing s~clt <br />rents and profits. Tkis instrument shalt cyprrate as an assignment c+C ans~ rentals on <ald property .o That er[enr. <br />3. if the mortgagor defaults, and faits 1o mekc any paymrnts when out or to conSarm :o :end cornpiy with amt of <br />tht conditions of agrcemrnts contained fn this mortgage or tee notes which ~et sc.ures, then the entire prittCit~ai <br />>um anti aa:rued irtert,~i shall at Once >xt:onze dot find payable, and draw _._"___ per cent (~;$. (p%6V interest <br />thermfter until paid at ttx eleition of the mortgaitce; and this mortgage Wray ther~ipon he fore.~lored irnmcdiatcly <br />rot tha whale of the indebtedness hereby seatrtd.:nciuding [hr tact of eatrnding the aFsstracr of cif`»~ from tilt <br />date >t thvs mortgage to she time of axnmrncing suci~ stilt. ' gift°-°tt i'F'r'=°a~t <br />d_ t^ rise exefst cC a Forxknure or default as provided herein, the moagagee shag at trncc i~c ~itt[tird to the ro;~ <br />=eision, uu, and tnjo}rncnt i~I ttsr real c4tatt +rt~ csasd and to tnc rn iss tar r+a ~ e tn1 lrt r r, ~t s r u(, <br />`tom !he;a~~_ntirt~c csf calif rights and during the pe:u~ency c~T fetrecS~s..._ pr~><tsd r~, att.. ,etc:; f,.,wse.,tirta, ~ . <br />stral3 at artcr be dehscred to'hc mortgagee u;un rryust, ,tpor; tai!ure stscu ~ tisrry =a! cttLh ix~~.t~,~:tart ~ei~iy i_~r <br />rnfcxccd by rn~tyagac, oY any apyropria:r i~yai pnxec'tilings, inuuurga rrcet c' tit ;tu• i^ro;x~rcv_ <br />5. 7 he p(ikKL9 0! any vslc ,z' :.nisi properzy in acc~u~sartcc won u.e ;.ra.,~.1.i .:s.r_ pt1 .:;ale he t i. ~.^"-i :.~st is <br />;.may rho gas+s ;itt:3 capenven _~! .;d .. le, the rzpe.x~.a .ar.irtea >~-c ;a trt ,.t.~;,c ,. .~ ;. a.t,,,s .,reel - <br />. ras:+tsiaa,n~-.a~~ rr., ;~. ~,?adly-. t. ;.ar t:x .,.,ie??, sd ri~ ~ csctire, v .tAt:: ., ~,! ~~x+ ~~at,:• ,~ ~iz- <br />t'~~;: F.? ~'C tx'rSCell "~i ~r-ryi: r. ,;...lily ti1,iCti `}]°I !4 U. <br />