<br />r ~ r
<br />~~02701 i~°i~~d.~r:y['c~ ~ Second ttortgage
<br />~ for
<br />Section 235 Cases
<br />Kith Addendum; for Repayment of Section 235 Assistance I
<br />THIS M4RTSAGE, made anef executed this lit clay of Duly r.D.
<br />19 R2 by dnd between wi:llazd E t~ScCarthy anc~ Rei.na 2, McCarthy, Husband and `Aiie
<br />of the County ^f call and State of tlebraska, party of the first part
<br />hereinafter ca~lledthe tdortg~gorand the'5ecre ary of theDepartment'of Housing and
<br />Urban Cevelogment
<br />party of the second part, tiereinaf;:er called the` arigagee.
<br />HiT"~ESSET'r?: That Lhe said t•`~rtgacor. is justly indebted to the '+ortganee in the
<br />principal sucr of c)ne Hundred Pilteen ,:~ousand Two hundred"and NojlO~gt~9arS ~~ 115,200.00
<br />~whi~h principal s~:~ wt 3l not exceed an anaunt computed under the terr?s of the dote
<br />executed by said "mortgagor on 3rly S; 1982 ;,with interest, in
<br />accordance ~::ith said "iota, That a5 5ecuriYy for said [tote cne t°tortgagor does by these
<br />presents ~rwnt, ~ar:13n, Se?l, Conve/ and Confirm unto the t<crtcanee, its succes,ors cnd
<br />assigns the `olicwtr,g de~cribed rea7estatesituaLeh ~n the ColntY of aa11
<br />S to Le Of ~`;ey~raSKd, .v r7 ="e ~uLh Hhlf (S~St of ;AY `rc-.. ~ .s r:d r'o , iz oc ~ 't
<br />'i
<br />Three (:3) in I,arnbert'_ a~dit:.on tt~ the city o£ Grants _~1,.d, '.:all ~our.!y, ^:e6rasica.
<br />TG NAYS r>u'lu TG *,'_0 t!-:e ure:^ises above described, with a] i the appurtenances
<br />thereunto belongin; anal ir;c?udinn all healing, p7t~mb2na and '?ehting fixtures and ecuia-
<br />ment now ar Hereafter ttaehe~i to or used in connection with said real estate unto the
<br />Mnrtcaaee, a;~d to its suecessers and assigns, forever. The .'~ortgagor represents tc, and
<br />covenants wi!_h, Lhe tAOrtgagee, that the ~3artgaoor--has good -~~anr. to sell and convey said
<br />premises; that they are feee from encurr~rance, except TOr an fHA r"first mortgage; and that
<br />the t~rtgaaor will warrant and defend the same againsL'ttre 'awful claims. of'a1' persons
<br />whomsoever; ar.d the said "4ortgaecr hereby relinquishes ail rights of homestead, and all
<br />marital rights, either in la.v or in'equiLy,'and all other contingent interests of tt;e
<br />tlort,,aaor in and to the above-described`drensises, the ~sttention-being to convey her~•by an
<br />absolute title, in fee simple, including ald rights of homestead; and other ric;hts arcs
<br />interests as afcresaid. _
<br />PRpVICED AlwAi'S, and these presents are executed and delivered ^pon the r"ollo~~ting
<br />C4Ra1t10n5, t0 svtL:
<br />The taortagor agrees to pay to the "!R*LgagnE, cr order, the,principa? sum of one Hurdrea
<br />risteen °Phovsand 'Ie1o Hun~?rac'. snd toi~l04ths----------------(}UlldrS {'~ 515,200.G0 ~
<br />with jntarest as provided in the Hate dated ,7u2y`1, 192 and executed by ('.or *.gacor
<br />The Plortoancr in order rt~re fully to p!'~oteCt"Lhe securityof this ttortgaye, ogrees:
<br />1, Thdt he will pay the indebtedness, as hereinber"ore provided, 'Privilege
<br />reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an eruunt equal to one or more c;onthly p ~mentc
<br />an the Principal that are next due on the note, on the firsi day of any month prior *_o
<br />maturity: Provided, however, ?hat written notice of an inter,toh-to exercise suc:~ ~rivilece
<br />is given at least thirty {3D) days prior to prepayment.
<br />2. That the Mort agar will pay ground rent>, taxes, assessments, water rates, and
<br />of_her governmer,tai or municica7 c5arges, fines, or i^~positians, far :which nrovisien na;
<br />not been ".rode hereinL>efore, and in cefau±t thereof the '~rtgageerray pay the ;arse; and that
<br />Lhe Hbrtgagar will pronpt:.y deliver the official receipts therefor Lo the t!ortoacee.
<br />3. The flortGagor will pay ail taxes which ^:ay be levies coon the Mortoagee's
<br />interest in said rea? estate ar.d improvements, ar,d which gray be levied upon this rrvrts_a~;e
<br />4r the dent secured hereby (,but only to the extent that -ucir is not prohibited by law and
<br />on .y to the extent that such will not :wke this '-oan usuriousj, but 2rcludin-~ ary ino~,~i1~
<br />tax, State or Federal, ?mposed on tiortaagee, and itiiil `lie the ~officia'•. receipt sf;owinp
<br />such payrr~nt with the (4artgagee. L'pon violation rf this ur;dertaking, or if the t^ortoayor
<br />is pra;tibited by any lan now or hereafter e:<isting frcm ;:aging the wlrol2 cr any (':onion o`
<br />the aforesaid tares, sir upor, the rendering a. any tour' decree prohibiLinq the payment Uy
<br />the fSortga~u;r or ary such taxes, or if such la~,.~ er- dNtree prCvidcs that arr: ;nouns :.o raid ~:
<br />the 'lortgag~r shaEl be credited on the ;rortgage ;ebt, t'~e '^ortga,az ;hall nave ti+e +iht ~,,
<br />give nicety day;' ;mitten notice to tfie o.rner of the r;artaagea arer ses, rr'yuirirq ;he
<br />r
<br />payrrer,t Wf the eu~rtyage deGt. if sus?: rotice .~e g=ver;, the said det:t sira+l b~conu dne>
<br />paable and ceilectr~le at ti;e expi.atior, of ,ard r:in~ty days,
<br />