<br />- i~'). That thy, Hortgs~:or ~wsR keep the huiidines upa~n ~-.r1 premise. Sn gaol -rPair. grid aeither commit oar permi! :vaste
<br />,a;x.n w'tid ]and. our cuffar die -:ud pra^ti.ec tq LK t set for an unt:,w Fnl purpose.
<br />1.. Tnat tf the txemi __~ or an}' part thereof, h condc~nncd under the power of eminent d:~maln. or acquired for ;~ public
<br />u+a rite damages ;rw°srdcd, the pruceeds fee the ra!ing n{, or the censirferation for arch ~i~nisi±ion. ~o ine extent of [he full
<br />_ -~ nm~rtmt bf irxlebirdnes upon. this utcr[~ag2 an+l rfie n^.te u•huh ~r i- grv~ ^ [o ecure r_mainiu> unpaid. ale h<tefir x igne3 by the
<br />Mori~gnr to the 3forigagte, and shall he paid (orthw ¢h !n .id bltrt~3c ',u fx ~tpptied by .ne 1 ,fie c r. a«ectzt ;,f the nc~t
<br />mvlurinRinrtailme»tsofsuchirNeMcdnrss.
<br />i2_ The Mrntgagc>r [urthrr agrees :hat shaukl lhis mortgage and the note secured hereby' not Le eligibly for fn-
<br />_ su[nnce en.~et :he Nati~~nsl Fiousi~g Acl ~~i:hin si-~cty dacs from the date hereof I :r~ritttn atatemenl i>f an}~ officer
<br />cs( the Clepartmtnt of Nc.using :end !'than Ilec~ekrpmcnr ;fir :rutherP~sd ~geni of the lecreiarq of Housing and Urhan
<br />fJeveiopmen[ tiered subse~nrnt to :he sixty days ;.ime From the <tate a[ rhi morL,eage. deeiining to ammo said
<br />n~to eyed rlr+v m,xt~~. !wing drrmeG a?n.~rt.n~e pra~l ~~! ctr.h inesikrdity~7_ .hr ~cdortgagee or holder of the note
<br />may. a its option. declare .rlt sums st'urred hcr~~hv immediateh~ due ri n.y~nble.
<br />P3. Thar ifi the ;Z4art~agor Eaik ter make- an} pagments ,a( money ~+brn rho s i^ac hcuomt dt:e.. r 1:uls to corfona~ to sod
<br />:.otnpdy wilh any of the condi;inn..~r :+ereemerts contained in;his w~rLage, .,- the ~:ac F,~hich it scour s, .ten the entire ~ rind-
<br />- pal sum sod a.-crued intcFest ska11 .r! once hccome due zra aayahie, rt the :~_ilor. of ?t;r \fongacee; red Chic mortgage mov
<br />thaclrpne3x forec~ud i:nmedial,ciy s.tr t!xr u•hote.nf card rra?ney, itteract, ;ntsnth?~ pavn ents ,, k~~~und renit, taz.c;~nd
<br />the axe isf cxtenrlingthe abxCsact of tide frcrrt tYw gate a(this lt~xn to ;hr time . f a~frtme~tr.~nq :.:uch forer_;a;orr suit. and a era-
<br />xnatrk attrxney's fee, st! a( which ,FdE c+r inc:rtded ire rile nc~rte .1 T erosnrc ~.m1 the ~oorrect emhodied in rhi. m;±rtgage
<br />_ - and tree ra<xe ceccrred hcrehF. shn31 iii ail resrx.,..t, hr z~tce rev. ennslru~a^. sad :=dvudged P ;d the law~~ J ~eh.naka, where tnr
<br />srtrtre rx raadt.
<br />3Tre covenants herein confer rted >T~,11 t^ind, ter i ;!>z tx~elita ooh :r3 antaGe<.. t sit irarce ta, :he resuctice heir. etiecutors.
<br />xirninistrah.rs. we~xx~xxand ,~c:gms ~;[ the panic<ixrela. N`herc.-rr used. ;ht^ cinqular mrnber.;hal! itulude the plerai, the
<br />plural tAe vo~uE~. and the ux ~,{ sot ~rndcr sn:rli s,r _ peticahle =.a-al! gcrder,.
<br />the fnregaryt cerndirtxrE. ail and ;ingutar. bring per' a. mod ati~iirdtng tea rhrir natural and regal import, this cs~mveyancr
<br />shsit be used arW laid premt~,es rdcased ;a toe r>:pc se,;(a ~ ha ertga~, ~rr- tht[wiu to ix ter.: remain in Putt for~'e and eBec t.
<br />fti'a'fT'.tiFS.S'~4HERE~F.lhekSort~crras7;.,aua ^ercuuc:;, their handisathedrayandr-err first
<br />aMrvt w7rtlen.
<br />in Crtcscri:'t aC
<br />r
<br />_- - ~ ~ 1 S1•".Af_ i
<br />... a „ . .... ._ ~_
<br />~b:,aL. I
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<br />5 E,41._ I
<br />I SE.;'`1_ s
<br />„r _ uat.i3a
<br />s
<br />Ct}U 4"fY iaF :TALL
<br />L?rt rh» astir :kty- c.( Jn1y > D_ :!r 8:, . ?afar one,
<br />a ;+iotaFg' 3'ublic .n wv9 tar uo<tC:rwnry, persrxutlig anane
<br />:'ixww~ ,7. 1~p~ arN3 Jeaa ~pga, tzusLan~i .arr3 wife
<br />per.,>nslly ;c. me ktx>wn
<br />tc.4xt1~e rdent>`al pcr.on s ,eixxe npn+c ~ xta aihxrd to the atxivt and fnre-
<br />porrytinltrurrrent ~ htxt~itrx, and '-hey haa,~e :eck>Hrwkvgr:l the sxtd enstrument and tare
<br />ra,ea~rtioa theaecs( !o tee ~iteiZ ru3grrta7} a::; +ru! deed, !ur ! M1c purpa.~u> therriet rtprrs>rd.
<br />In ±eVUnzonc >rbucol, 1 fLtvr hercuerau xet my hvr~1 an:1 nthzed by ;.a~CaYial 3r8Da~ Gsartci Island, NE'
<br />.,x! tAc day and dxtc'.iit aiv,.r wTigra. _ ~ .,'"
<br />7.y 7
<br />~~~~ _. aka?~._ C~ _ ~.,,..
<br />~`` y~y~ -~ '`~~(7faf\ ICI t~ti lC.
<br />~11~~ v
<br />?'.~i'F Ui= 4r.`BJtrtak.4 >
<br />Fi}cd for >citxd this dap .~t A.l). 49
<br />at o'eia:k 'A.. artl enrerod in'v::arcncat tadez...nd
<br />~~evdeC in &x,t :.f Vlcrtgagc._un
<br />P.~c ut
<br />. r"r..[giart 4F ihctia
<br />