<br />This farm is used an r onn•c-
<br />n wash rnartgage~ Tn,;uretl
<br />OG~~V V ~~c7O ~~~.~~~~GE' ender The one ,.o .. u taanily
<br />V tour un_ of the national
<br />H~wam>r ~1ct.
<br />" ~ 7-fit$ifi.~R'IX.~AL;f;.ra~ifeunde~ce~xeGsni; ls~ c~iarni ~~~~'' ,A.f3.
<br />I`~82 hy;mShetwr~n ;horias ,7_ gpp~ ~~ Sean L'~gs, hasband and wife
<br />- :nt aht C~tints of .Hall . arc!St,ae of .'uehraska. part}-~f the first par[. hereinafter caged
<br />rhea:~rfs;~,_4K:r::,ud Supexior tlor'ga~e, It?c.
<br />a rar~raaian or~ani?r-d Hai exitting uad~ Coe S,tw. of ?lebraska
<br />parr; at t~sr. ~ccond Hart. !rt>re:aaFter sa?!eu' :he Mortgacec.
<br />~l'{'i'>k f~~iPTN~ ?'n:+t thk raid 7+lE,rtsne¢<°; Yar.;nd is tueaaJer::N~,n ct !hr mum of ~o~y siz thousand twv
<br />hundred and Mo/lOQt2s--- ------ - .xd'ars~~ A5, 206.G6 1,p;,idbvlheiv4~~rt-
<br />~ca!C. ttu~ rrcripz rd ud~rch i. nc±env accnpwSed¢e~t has C:iran;ed. Ana Said nail hr thcsr prrsents does (l rant. Bar-
<br />~a~, tir7{, C,~n-:eg' :,txi t oafirr,. manta ttk 17ortg:artc:. ~s: ., ~e>ct~:<- .rrd issien~. 4rcacr. tAe tulli~u7rtg-dCS~n:xd
<br />iral relate. vtuatod rrt s.°,c C,~rrrn ~~7 Hail ,and StxFe
<br />:az 2h+o (21 Gocdvin Subdivasion, an A3diti.on to *_'~~ it'; of Grand
<br />Island, Hall Caunr_y, ;:ehraska
<br />+>f tir['Sttth F'Ytxe,tiv?'dcrglaxrr. cc.nt,~ani;aR rot ail ,~rree acrarJmF lr> Uavrrn-
<br />rTyc~aL a;r~r'~;
<br />~Ei,l }i-A~'L ~'•1~ TCy 4$(31:17 crc ;ncn~F- ~s=..>c-.~kru:ntxJ- .r<<h ,;4 the i,~~u.;c-earoCCa In_rrur~t,• hcinn~ins, :eo=J irte;ndint:
<br />art Aeaiu~g. ptwnkamg eitil !>ghssn~ /i+si~,re s axrd rgt:ap~atai a,~~.- .,r t+cr uct ..%c+.;ied !,~ or ~.... i n; ,:cn t« a~ a ~.ob,}_ , ata! •cai zaial*.~
<br />onto ittY M(utyngtt. aaed `r~ i3s ate~,iracee .:raJ s:,wt~,m~_ t.vc~<er. fAr '~l:,rt rtsw'+-K rc;+rra_a s - . and :gvrnani, with. t!°.e ~lortga-
<br />ptr. that tRt 61rsa'fg~tys~r hda gc~ c3ptf ter +e4E ~rttci ~.;ntvei ~:.f.i nrK.:itez5. that thej :uc `rrc irOm enC~is?N7*uni-c; :+aU ghat Che
<br />S(satga~ti rwru~t warx~ni and deft eut nc~ b~:mr ay,:.ur~t rkrr u I f tear~n. d ., tf ;mrwnt wh.ic r„1e.rr 'anil the ~-?sif R~} .rya~;~ here.
<br />ny °efttu~sahr. ail rx~{ttts ?f tkxmrattsn,i..+i~x? ::::~irf ~u r_gkt ~it E;as +.a tau- «r is Fgva;. nn< IC et ttrr ;:~ticnugcnt intetc s~te ~( t'ke
<br />ttsuf~ m ;ara93,+E1k7 aikavg-a`.esai@r+i ;+rtmsxe>. 9x eatentx~u t~rta7~; t:> ~ Dotty hcaury an s3rsourt~ [rut, i:a 7te ,imptc, f~uiud-
<br />~ary, rdE rights-ai iwt~esira~9. ~:rd ethca ri~hDt s:x: et,i2ar+i> x~ st<.ra~,:Id.
<br />YR(.)'1`ICIE_Fl '~{,~`AY~, wW sl.k_.e rre+c ors arc rn¢: u;tc? an~1 ci alocrrd utxm rtsc t1,~(~ woos; avndih ;ns_ au wu:
<br />iAC+rtg:..~+zcagre;r. ar. p+} t-o for Story,-azeea. oK .~+rdcr. tha gr~n:-~~; ~t,rn :rt For*_}~ six thou~.nd Lwo hcndred
<br />and Nc,~lfltYtha il+b4~r' `~' 46, 2b0. ~0 ~
<br />with fntcrent ;roxrt rimer at *_fsr ate or Fi.FL•~er: aitd ~~_p~ if }.c~ oca:~rs t 15. S'; `~) pr; unnurn on
<br />;t>runpaitita3lxxxanau;wS+3.;Tweed,net<i~Ias~3irsrrres,t,a;?Lrpb3.~iz}e~~t;tc.,~icc~,f Sn~perior ±~SOrtgisge, Lre.
<br />'a G~~ Ttlhsxi ?iE -r = •ua!: ret P!aix `; the h<r;elcr ~>f
<br />tilt T~t2 rai~j Jt~igJarric In xtazfAy,. m. m6R[~L' iRtl:fi.`'.M nth U'S1Y ..^,tit~t.32'@d tub :z ~~ n ti -_-
<br />Sy'1Q r. s----
<br />krJs,a tj 5o .5 a;a ~ ar:ung rig the i~et dn~~ of
<br />Augagk !~ it2 - ~t ~~rr. fha rirtix d:c~ i i .rt msr h hz cstt rrN [}u t r r-tp:il sod in-
<br />ttrcct asc iutiti mad, exc'ep: that !hr tin:,; ;-u-rtrtrrt ~! hrlncic;p :~n~; 6rax _ i; n -„ntc ,r,..~. .h-+11 Sw_ due .:eu
<br />s*xi+zeba t>n tf#e Grtit day Cd aalg. ~t332 _ , a_c~:r d rF it :he ter ~x5 ;~l c+ CeS'r al r. rTUmis-
<br />ux} etc .'f ertel ~?aie ?p re~+a;F; eacccted b} tzar aa:d 3.f 3=t~.ag„r.
<br />i ht ;zturtg~rorit: occkr ma-rr in~~ to cecstc-a .!~ say r'c i,i l~~c Aicatga~e'. e. gtrc:.:
<br />~- ~T71d3 Sft ~'tiS {:;i) *F)C ~mtlCititGaiiia5, :1%ATi'lnfif;X _rf ..r¢es;d?1. i'^tsl}CFc t: . ax ry ~ to a`a• ~a:T - ",!r, o; rtl dG
<br />.-a;n~aas es7ua2 M+ nay :x ra,iat, nks.i f.~; ; ay rr~nnt> r,rn r,Fwe ,.;;ncei:d fora. arc nest ua~e +an ti ~ ~, :~....,~ _RC fr.-ar ux ~ .:.t :mt~ mottth
<br />,Trw. to K.~ia,nrti_~'j'sv~;cd. ,'><;ueycr. 7d±at w._t.oa =*a;fxx [:1 -a.n ir.6 ~sasinn ;c. .:. c°-.r~~- zut 1. ~ i zes;•: i ~,xt5;;: ai k:ra( titan} '.9C';
<br />~dYS {?~st<s ti: i r-~pa}'ataai_
<br />c. thxi. tuge9 he~: w,th< .-ad n .xz.i[ti.r-r.to. the i.,ca_1?,. p..i n,e~.r~ ,i ~,rrarn rp~i ~.oi3 try e, , p;i.. ;,:, ,, a~+s3c, . c~ atm. ,~f
<br />!aea~ ~ecz,'!-a ht~.h~': r31~ ?Ndd6g„g,~,r a .vt{x;,s~ ae~ the.~nriXaa.,,ze, ter, ;ham 6.t; zS~+,, 1 ram,: tnt,ntfa until th.~ .arl7 iui3~ ~ - taa~ly ;~:~ld_ ;tie
<br />i,aJ =Q-,"%rilti '.Ltl}_:7 ~~5 q:J ~ .>+ oe:.,r~ ,h.::.c..ie s .: x;ti? u[7 t: is ,, 3} t lc ,rat m_+};r xVf C.~7. ~ ~:I,i_rsr+7i'!in
<br />:..S~~K:, „~, jt; -'a'S. .: 3C" r'-."C ~L;,:1 iC4 F ...,Ly n:6' ILi.SG a#: EI_ '1 ,1 'i':tl-l i~fa~ 'i.2:~: .lt.J ,.i.. .,.. f..Y,..,.°~ rTif /uti - - r
<br />n+ra--r ai :S;t..._ ,wt~ ec:x-.4rc . :r} ~' }~ ,.n.6. ~.:3 a . - i-'h:.ci.. .~...:. a u~~.
<br />rFt :.. . ~ -_ .r-< <,. ,l.:. ~,:r: .~r er:d s:: ..yr; .:.,.w: s ~ .:av. ~. ....., .:. _.,, ~.~: i.-':c >^
<br />,~. i ~ t .t:,~ 1a,. .'xi fi ^,y~. ,~~t ~„ ,+.n+_a . ~ k Fi~~s v _~....:r Li ... ., x,.., .. i. i . . , ~.urr , ...
<br />„.~-x.-~,,. ~.n _, t+v:~x~r~., c, ,.. .~ r r-r~.-._, ~I 1 F'r; tlF kb1+R_1Sh,a
<br />