<br />$?= t1t~12692
<br />~R,r.,c:rr ~ ~roNSZ~~icl•zxa sFx.•utu=^:• ~ see L aa,sas
<br />uc?>;~:acf i.ClAN~rO....~t~5tx~5 _.
<br />KNOyuiMF~;HV'n+tsr.rHts~~~ ?tut James ?. ~Iarb and J~anet~e ~. Schlarb, each in ;pis and
<br />[let i7wt1't. : "LC}YL and 85 S~X~t_15r' Ot ?dC1l ot114-'r r ?I~axtpFax, wtmitxr Mme or mot, in autavdcrtliatn of the Sinn of
<br />---- --,17101--- 2~_.y9fld CX-I~.~~---.-_-- _._.,..._:~.._.._...r._._.:.M...__.._~__.-- --_-~---.___..------.-.__ -I)OLLAFLS
<br />k-arrrd to ad rrortpgrr Uy T!u s'titritatric dail6itgt .cnct 3.~.in A39nRathm of C.iarrd 7 sbnd, Nc'ataalca, llSortptRa• stpon i40 slhates of stock of
<br />aid ,tSSCBCIATlON. Cartific~tc `ao. C. 2±,045k. itienCkry glcinL, wnyey acrd raorfgs~eunWtht sad ASSt~C1AiION the fo0ovinE
<br />dereralwd ; a! rstuc, availed -u. )kall i'uuney~. ~rh;adae:
<br />A tza.--t c* land in relic; `k;r ~2:c.asr, ,.pz.~es tlE the'Northtiaest 9uarter of secticn 1t~ (2l ,
<br />Tc3wl~hip Te^. .i0? Nrrth, 1~3.-tce "'_, !Ia) SVeSt Uf:th~ 6th P.M.r rGS as follows:
<br />C,cYCme.^.r_i:xr ar *_he 'dc .h .,~^t~~r of saw s~c"..on 'LtgC} (2p . tFlence hest t3ri she S'E~:tion
<br />L.:.~e 2(78.7 Peet, t.':enc.e Sc:w ~n 2p8.? :~`c~t, tr'senc~a'ast Za8.7 feet tt> :Yke oaf Section
<br />line tlt~ie~ noz~`t :: tl.e i:ai; srr_ti:~n ii:.e 2a8.a feet to the poa.-~~ Gr :~inninG, ir,
<br />Ha11 ':rxu:ty, `7c~ra~ta;
<br />k>~fher snth >l ~hr tcrtrrtsrml, herrdruxnrms ud xQpn!renatern +hcsr-tnie~ txR.rrlt;nt,., ;rcit~l-~aa zreuhn: I~kart ,v.crin~, all wicul..s• srreriz,
<br />wrrto+ $rsr{cz, alirda,.aoinr s~rnJ;~+as; rzcenrKs.. hrareeu.,ea oornirturarcpa.Yn'11'dwrdrtaAand rntersturpmr_nt and axevrxtes ttaeretu,parnps,sioyrz,
<br />:ah~ntds, am} eHAet tis2tucs ra.d s+gw{xt+enf ra.,x •~r herrs?fri atf" "` _' ;. ex :»ed e. cenncnxa:.~tth sa.d rcal rattle.
<br />And rdaarcaa ahr zsrd m^rtgasx iua A,purei alai 3ucs Uetlccy aaJCC rtu! tnc rrsxtp~r: dut: and w~rll pay ail ta~cd and asarsonentz kyird or
<br />»d uµ.n +avei prear~aa :ea] upcxt this mtxt~r ~.a shn t><mC uc<YCS! tkemnY F..cfi~re ttw uxnr etral2 bec xme delmyucnC io furnish approted
<br />irw~wcr -ern the hmldMp rm wri fasxnnrs rousted m thr sutn.d S '~$t Ui10_ La i+aYal+k w xxl 4SSl7t7ATTON urd to deliver to and
<br />ASSt?L'lAil(?f1 the poiMCiex for sa.i i;auraru.><, aryl ?x.t ,o ~rxan'et *rr ;re7aTUt xay ~ta++F .m .r; zixrut sort! j~rertlgn,
<br />:n cart of -1efwFt !a rht pettin~nrrux ,:.i any ~d iha ?carts ad i nw;:; m- Sri !t~rr m.~rrt>ry~c rx thr. ~rnd irr,7rrcd !+crdry. tlr trrx t~ygee shall.
<br />sw dcrrgmY. he cnr,;lad so xn~rlu[^ tr~fsasm o:f the rn~rtlPrtb 1 P'~pu> axe 3iit tncr~.,v trrctrY sssigtns. .ninfcra anal sets use[ to the
<br />murs~r. a0 ihn trnu, re+rnrrs agri euavunc to be 3erv.erl Yr+xn the rorr~itir{e.S lxarher dcc~ sv~ limc xi tfx nfc.rtygpr irdeAtedneu guril rcnrin
<br />ltd: and the :tt<rnXahnc thW lose t.M 3KSe.er to a~rumd say aibrs+t ~n sgaeta ~:: ,;tam ''vrr iced tyx Iw parse crf rc{ourrlR ns! premiss and rrntitgt
<br />dre coot sad ;as(kt;e~!tK. troll.. rcaeeura awd ,neuxe, swell a may ~y ow e>f :a,<i !m-.wr+r stf extensor of r._panityt rid f't'rrriseY and r>eoesrry
<br />uxwatw+rrn anti crarcnca irscarrrc~b m rercttgMi and.Irrroetprr~ =.?t savor arai of car(::.tiatt tamub eirer^frserq ?hc balamce rcetrrrs^R_ rf any. to he
<br />~i xwrarl tare cfarharle •>f ~ rwurt~ rn.L!hrrsirt~s, thasc r>~t.v o! [he .n,rt~rrt 1-Wy tx• ~xcna.ed xt any rnnc dvrsr>R the caislsm[e <.f wcJt
<br />defar$, ~rtrp~ctnn =~! any ern>~r~ snot r>i?lac ~urtac
<br />Thcse Ptcu'»tz. hi.rray, xre u~w effe tr*N3Hitm, T;rar tf tiw u..f Uue tY4e,t +r,afi spy vr: krn .x a heF.xe t!ee ;rvtaury of sail aharn i>y
<br />pry menu. {ar romthly w uns ,1,tiSi7CFr7iliN .x!' rAe; ..ata sipecafteill ;:, tAS Ipxai rr~rwrsl , rrehr rs t^caxest xtti }KtnGipal on svri titan, n^ M hcio[a
<br />the 'h.reatrcenelay of ca,n a~xt rutty ttuaih, royal .rrJ ice? es tw-ly priJ; (sat a8 [aace xsal aysesGrtar'.ta Levied aay;nxt soar {notttues arrirm ihrs Moritpye
<br />aa.i tlfc lkra.i snwe•I2heroM ..`:ef~e driiwslarra>c~'. Fwaolr appa*vgt owvaoec tgaxf itsc 6tr.fdegty 1tr:tn.m an ~Uee :unx cA S i4 , C1 (lU . UQ i~Yable
<br />fu sNII .LSSOI„1A71f?[d: rrpYy to ;rid A4"54XtA"lfit)S4 ^ptrt dertattd ail yrYxry Y.y .f yid for nth trrzes. anc<wrararix and avutu.ce wrth mlerod al
<br />she :wrrimwp iryfri r~ru tlaeercxt Srvr^ matt .x" say-n~at ail of rpa,;6 Mexi-~[er trcccby arprtex m pay arersstat. sn> aware ri^ ud preoasrs; keep and anrydy
<br />oath aH 71.c~ yh~eexcrls 3ai arnattir>.a r.::he 31wrn.£ f . S i4, ('Jas . Lill Lhu xlxy ~,rrero ivy the varj Mcw•[ryFrx it rs~l AS501l AiION, xnd eumPiy
<br />with all xhn rayrrua,terru .af *Irr l mrwtwaae and 9y ~If.a of zasd +kSJGK;tATIIYi: rhea ~.trwe prrrcnu siuit bcavroe null and vori, otherrne thrr
<br />" Chid rrms.n is ?iJ2 febax n~.f +ary txx Silredrised at !tr <vµtrrttt ssf the taad 4551(x'lA"f7U!v afar taiiu+c far tlsrtx nttwtlra :v make my of said
<br />pq'erais .n be ihr« dn.iaahc armats a+ macro; 'rd ranrthiy prymcxtia. ~ to iMp and camrpiy wGh ihr aytrrsmcnia and curdi6oas of sad 3knnl:
<br />sad Yat~x spars to htx x !raietser appixntrd fuethrrlh .n suck fr.rt.~r.:awrrc prrweederFr_
<br />tf xMrc a arty ~ is ?nrxcutlirp a~1 r}rr rcai ~c mwty~M Frrran• try laic :*r ottcrwwc. ;flea the color tcnruru~ odebt.Mncn 7arrby
<br />versed ~Y. b !Ae rrptioa ssf Ftrc 13.gtitabie Ruddwy sad Ialorr A~rrvxmo oS (;rand teirrrf_''Frhraica,icaxac ic:urrdi.ttely ~'ut uKf tayabk vith.ut
<br />frtl~i mwr<c, sad the aruwnt rsauineot dvc ondrr salt dtoad, awd soy ;xkacr baxri ?or any :ddiiulxal a6gars nude ihcruurder_ gull, fnxp rta
<br />Sate d rxues'c!a o(~tia@~9tins. 4car uriertff a tfst .~.-~m lyyi E•arc, ss.A ttca rta.rlRbc :ray t6sn ~c inrtds'sd to sacis6y' the aro-iauN hue on said
<br />" - - 6rtrd, sort ~' at)rea l+awi :or a~litwuy( ae~-ra,, u•~rshca a^rh aff [uns poi ?..y tort? "!ee P,gwtabir Bu7di~ an6 L~aa Aasoe:ati.:a of (;rand lslaerd,
<br />hlslatlNtl Iq iat~tan.~-. +~ars uwt -~~-^-•--ez, a~i ahuradsg eztreurtrt ~~. with urFtrcxt '.iteracm. Er!~.rL r.13tK of paynrnt at t!u t~zunum
<br />nkc.
<br />_ A~. ~rariakaian thr ryawni ~ad.ascl, heroYy, rhxic ihn sort t~adrc rcrrcacnx :o ci'ICSF t6c awnt;ap~c mny hexafin adranca addiciua><I sums to the
<br />tr~itrta of` sawf Bonri_ *i'rg meaFv :x .>• -~•••KSr rc :r,[cesa..rt>x4; now a'u{3 he wathw :.ire xwrty~ of thn rzvartgayc '.ttt wrre ax €ftt fonds oci~ylaY
<br />arcrot~ [hinst.>r, ILC'kc!s::wsMxn[ cN txsT~lsd r9eTet rxrt to escxdl sr uty hiae 'fie :xwj;rtl anu-.n;t of rtm vwtt~e_
<br />flattl~lria f" 3',J*.h :Lr •~t : .- .7ur1E: a. i.. +v
<br />' ~" e
<br />3I'Al'E: Ui• tik:i3RASKA, !}
<br />~, tax c!m 3at~ say „r ,?;3ne iSi92 ~c,w~ rte,
<br />~Ge atxiecsgvse~d s4 to -v Puhu, txstd d>+d :rnxnly. eisor..Liy izrstc
<br />:S~etw';t r'l. sr~:tarh atx~ '..,a;x:t:.t: k. S;:haro, cart': ir: his site: r~ ~ r~s, , a~,;:t tax' :,s k~ .St, >f
<br />F'r~G.~.' U%dtf_3, mt -eT'? , rw,naity l,ne..~r to
<br />+'&e %u be ?he x-iCOFa3a, ttca~rra .~ .vt::.±u rsau're = 3L~t_ art ta,:ri tom. ~::xc a'ttvgc exsrrrr ;rns as :rrox#f~;a~ ~~ ann -'•'=3r *crcrtlfy
<br />rka+isr~k:°yc3 the rsi•:4 ns=.c ns;vev; sa :+s _ r-~x"~' L' .ic'ur,!s• ~ >~r ur.i A. 7. .. _,
<br />~'~Y7i} aF i3a[ ~ afcNCrrot
<br />,~' . ~fE Q 310t1SH ° '
<br />_.~, ; i"cirx
<br />nn:w.;.ar ~r
<br />