THISTRiJST DEED, made thls___-22ad ____-day af-_,_--- 3tiNF~ ----, 19_`l2 __-- _
<br />be and between: 5 ~~~.>< ~
<br />y'qy _ R?CHARD 5. *:ITHSON ii - L. ti;!ITHSO~;, i{US:Ir hT~ 1"JD STIFF, Oi EACH OTHER, AVD E~~CH
<br />IN HIS A@ID iiER Gib RIGHT- --- - -
<br />whetharone or more, horein-
<br />after eatted'Trustor" whose mailing address i, _ _1218 WEST 1C2_G2A9D YSL.4ND, ?vEBRASKA 68801
<br />_ ---.~
<br />--------------
<br />-- - -- - _ _ ------------- and
<br />fB1 -~~-~.,~~~'rroR~EY_AT LA'aF--- ----------- - -
<br />- __________-__ as "Trustee" whose malting
<br />adtlresala P_~. 2pX 42S' CRANC 3SLA:ID,_V2 E:E802 _ _ _and
<br />{G) --- FIR5T SAVi2:GS CON_PAt:Y ~ - _ ___ -- _-- -
<br />-- ___-___-_~._________._______~__...~ as "Benaticiary" whose mailing address is
<br />'.O. i CGAESTOGA ?CALL, GSAh~ `sSi..^~4Fi, NF 68801
<br />1MITNESSFTH; Tha! Trustor, is cronsideration of Ona Dollar (y2.G0} and other vatuab!e consideration receipt
<br />whs+eot Ia hereby ackngwledged, grants. conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, In trust, with power of sale, the
<br />fottowdng described properry_ situated .n __~ __--__- NALL_
<br />_ __-__-__-___ County, Nebraska:
<br />[.0T SEL'E:: t i ; . I,l' FR:ICTIC:rAL i;;,`yCti '. [:EL` r l 1 ^ ITV O ILi;~~iZ" S 'iDT)T; ION
<br />'t0 'I'fL'; CITY OF CRA,LD :S?y~`ID, '.._~.~ COU?TF, VGBF1SkA.
<br />Tt-a ietMttan being to convey hereby in absolute title to fs~ simple. including aR the rights cf homestead and
<br />dowtr, topr[hcr with tali tnrildir+pa, flxturea. improvemenl5 and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />fOregoinp, tDQfiMr Witt! aald property are nere1n reterred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PliRP4SE OF SE+:tJRING pe[~'~~~~~°~~Qr end covenant oP Trustor herein contained
<br />- and t1N payment Of the f[nGl al aUfR 44 F:IT tit' -i)NF ~ ~*~* I , j8l . 88*k******~**~* ,
<br />p D Y S_-.; oilers ~S _.______._ ._.~-------- !.
<br />as a+riwncud by a promissOry mote bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter ire paid
<br />or advanced under fhe terms of thia Tnsst Deed; troth principaai sum find tntereet thereon being payable according
<br />• to tams aat<t forth to aaid y7rnmiasary note, reference to whfcn is hereby made, al the oltice of the Beneticiary or at
<br />such ott»r place as tRe harder may designate in writing, the Flnai payment of principal and interest, it not sooner
<br />paid,s11si1bequeand a ableanthe_,., ?~. ~i;.PTIIBER 3
<br />P Y Y --_,_ -oay ot__~_
<br />_ ,. -_-------- . 19 _- -
<br />Truator and Bartefic{ary covenant and agree as 4ollows
<br />-r~.~~a.Fllr. Trwlm.. rrito:.,r se+xpi <a [~~ecee(.,x.yµ gnw.~u ua
<br />'wna swu~r, b ia: am', Gwa+er =^.?maw<t~. -1 F:cMb m nw .,.u e,s,u pi n;
<br />Was era «ws...e..n<c., ~.,ew~ ~,«~ ,a,. ~ •.~..~ ..: nn~~ ...
<br />- dwnE 4E~=.-0a !n It+ ibIX.Yti/ ~+'!'.~~ :fy '!nsk`~!e te„y~,e W'1Kr
<br />PaN+w., sgYb~; :>a epure al attow~evo-n. teusx.:.N u~r~~..Ve a~,m
<br />pW..~h.rt.r+m !147-~,at u~wn sr n'-,r, y-~~ _ ~„t ~:,uU?Ki arm; ~c
<br />wM.'uU~'ia~a ava94~y as of e'+w r~Ar. aa~~, T, .-,w( %~, YnA erri',
<br />_ +V~Y~ww~r 0. ti.Vd'M. 4 =Mixc. V3 G! typ„ Vtl1 •~CI+M[ K s Fq~!QS~n ,Y kf4
<br />~iN aTUpt[Y.'. Kl4'i, 4.4Ttii - W.c1a C~ar.~, -
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<br />-- m.rf.ea, nr.!ns~n a.w a,rw~~ ^.x ;.~ ~~ Gn.. ~,,.ar :y.u..s .+. s..+s ^,.r ~a.~~,:
<br />.. 1 ~ M h4Yl~ W Mwi, !n.4ts ~ rwo.-.cutr Da e 'b c.=rsw+ uf.
<br />a~fnw~u an. akg t~w+m*.c ~, nns ;,:cv,a.,i +?r +a.-w~a ~.rrw am a.:+mn„
<br />f+rs,r+,~a ias Ga/M t.+u at l+s Nrc~ s=,c :< ~w mw-...o ~~waea ~~..:~ a".
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