<br />: 3..A--k'EA4. ESTATE RAtJ 3iTGAGc--f'+Y`~t N-Tas ::tuusci ~. RCVF;etl Y96Fj. 2Lu. F[nRivm: t;wnl: 6uF{rly'Ha I_~;,n~In, ^~,-I ~: '
<br />-- ~ KtiOW~ _1,LS. `dT:`: ffY FIi1:SE ~'I t'ti:ti9`5_ 'char tirrrman E. .~Fid2:I'SOR and Sonya M. Ande rson, i-I~,band!
<br />and Wife, each lndividuall~: in his and her orJn right and as spouse oP the other,
<br />of Ha21 x'~nrnt ~'A ~tr_r. .t _debras ka ------------- .i» inn'-~-ra ri>n f ne n. <.f
<br />FOR3"i-FIPL TtIt31'SA2vB ~~.~ ~0~140 - P_OLS ~R.S
<br />it hz+nc: paid, d~ herr6~• SELL :end Ct]?~\~L'r' .into '.irte First \ational Aan~ of Gram Lsland
<br />cf t33i2 Cnunnr, tisate ~-~I NebraS ka th fllon'irt, ,r.; itnd premi=e=sicun!i~
<br />in Hall t. arty-, a:. ~tacc of 5abraska t'~ wir.
<br />i'he Lest Seven Feet lW 7'j or Lot right fB} aad ali
<br />'~ of Lot :.even (7). Aloe. dine 9?, `4orr15 .h :33dition,
<br />~ %fty of Crand tslarr., Ha??. ~:oca~*_~-, Vebrasha.
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<br />T, h+~ -:uumta;:~ex `s.t-.. 7,. x•..tt. ~• hcrab. ~h ;rt.a.tirL ;.r;r a :. ~,.mpl.~ n_u t,dird .:.1 the rr.6 t~ ,.; h n zar:ad nut dnu.s.
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<br />cs~.sse t:.at r. a,u w~a ,. .v,a>y~.r r rv. .r,. _r ~-:.-xr ,xn. aaut tx ,_ :~tm.t.°a. at.-.ri ,. a~ i.r. _n.i4 ~x wunc tr, t-.
<br />r,,uid s% t~°.^ ~eanl .at .i„a.:rc ,~ ~~ r .r crt..~r .a ~rn.. ~....,... r,. .+Nmn~+t txr+ r or :ren;n z. i jrira , of um nt .T' .~ 5 . i1C10, 00
<br />f:p<p}r1r z:za ievk~,v:x. ;,. ~~~.
<br />r'rinclt~al ~o:,mC ai a55,0U~.UC:, :ua :~ccruea intare~t at 6~ti,
<br />due and payable o~~ 3ecenbe~- '7, i98~.
<br />aai4r :,b!xrr=c m. ,.-..luxe .u tsu t,~e~.x .: a tT.rt ,: c ,« __. s„~, rz a sa~xn pr:•m . ._ _'. rt v.. _ ~ n ~..~.. ..?. to .•se e r,n`n '.
<br />srxl <_t:ai? taey" . _ '.tunaa.x3 re w~s~: r... f~ .,,: ~.zEa n .zu1 a~ ..~.~5,~ ia.a7 ,~d! , Vtre r ,eti<s.~ ns .tn , r4. r _tirei n _; Ic ~d u r. .~ ..r.
<br />csazrr,~,a,.., .r qEw nsE~* Ytxt.-. tFee :~+r,r.q, a:.n re Kx~...r _,. .u au_, xs. .r. .L« w:ror rH~v~m~. r{iu 7uc. r,ri F.e~t: tkur h+.u73 n.,~ c.n ~~
<br />f+flr~ ;ir.~a~sev •~~.i=. sxi S~~r rii^ rwar crf 5 ~'3.i~~_ ~1'„ -.,, .c_ .f ,t^.?' r~.sti ankh {.t, th : -..~~t> ;r . Yt,..~,•.-c. it r~n :lu .,r,,. ~.:r.~ente
<br />ixt 4xs ~,«L :rihrra•ia- us t Wuxi rv-rsArn 1:, fsh ;t...,
<br />t"?' i5 FL; f?'1'iik; £t A.L'.~1~.1;.£1Y tl? F:~ni is 1~«r u+z nr ,.~,,.~~ sa::17 fu3 a. i,.xv rrreh r.. i.r ~>r ~~ei.er w~eh rayi~ran~ ,;.e
<br />'Y3icf mortYa~tre rxxv twy ,=..ec~F~ 0.»xr~~ arm prac.zr^r ~c:e3s 4 ;nrx~•es: ~ J.I:c „~mi .,r.:xl a~rn: .t. u~iJ .~ Nr.[ ;t 1. ] ~~5 ~k::
<br />tvenl_ $21rt11 l~~ retsswS ~4~ xau3 ~*.nGtt~~1=r. 31M.f !t:an r~r:g7i. ~N `aeit ae~no as s.resznty iar th,r rsamc~. That s t' ?urr t< ,rcY nny
<br />_ ,y'f girl earsn.'F. ~ilYnrr S7 r4:~mS~+ ua rn'A±~sc^a1, w Fn tine sa3mc hr_:~pex :u+s_ or o *.ax=.cxr~~ ~ rx'xai F~A_ •~~ith ~rny ct~ 2be Gir.+~crv~g,
<br />sere~emtx_ v~ usumu 1~~ wtilx~3}r, .ra;c ~,: r. nsrt_ i:c;zrr:~ sz:urret tt .9 cx,rnar sf. gyn.. . rre~-trkier_ we rrzc,. :ai r rr, r.pU.>n ~,~i c6c
<br />rtx>ttXayrn ,
<br />~:xsw~ith.:r; 30th .av ;~: .;ring _~=2
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<br />.' ..... ..._.. _ ,.. _ ... _ yip.. .._ ,r,+0f:}'a
<br />_ N. ,,~ndr.rsot;
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<br />... _ _ _ .
<br />trHr r{uatifiFCi tas .t a-f coti ...-„'t• _.,.me ao r~:ir, ~. Azrderenn '.
<br />and Soava :~f. ,`.nderson
<br />y 'ai {>e~~n ~r ,~ a~h s~ei rc; .* I~i~;?~frry t.~a7nm vu .~:rd xcF.naw?e.la~nd the s ~'~',..
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<br />~`-~~r~s~ ...._ ~'k~.~.~. _ i*r + .- ;;its z~ r :~i =~ : [ t~frza~~ ,.i ~a~.~ t,;~ t;~a- ;
<br />-_, rv~;9~Y ~a izr~~. _ ... _. cf .. .- _ z ~sr,N
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