<br />$2"-f}02s"1E'3
<br />-0. 3"hat the 4orggagor will keep the btt~diggs capon said przmts'ea inggod7rpair,ttnd neither curnmiF nor perrnitwaste
<br />upon said lanai, txxr sutler [he avid premises to br used iw any unlawfulpurposir.
<br />i f. That if the prcmi>t,, or any- team ahrreof, he c ~ndc.mnrd ceder thegttwer of eminent domain, or acquired for apublic
<br />use, the damages awarded. the p,rsnreds for the taking of, or the ~ xmsideration Fnr such aCquxcitian, to ehe'extent of the fait
<br />amaunt of indebudnes upon this moetpage a,nd the note which it is ~ivc~n tic secure rrmairiing unpaid, ,tee hereby' assignadhy the
<br />Mortgagor tc the lfortgagee., and chili tx paid [orthwith in said \gcrtgagee [o ht _:pnlied by the latter onaccciunt of the next
<br />mamringin3tallrnonts n( such itx3ehtednrss_ -
<br />h"-. The MortFrrgor ferrther agroes that shauld this mortgage and she cote seuirtd hcteh~ nor ti+~ eligible for in-
<br />surtftice under the National H.wsing Act ~.vi$in Sixty Days front the d:ue hereof (wri;;en statemencbfanyofBrer
<br />of the f?erartmenl of F{oaxing and t;rtean IkvcE<rpmrnt ar authorit.ed agent of the Srcretarti of Fibusing and Urban
<br />F?eveiopment dated subsequent to the Sixty Days time trom the dear of ;his nortgage, deelinietg fainsure said
<br />non; and then morr~gr, being deemed c.._chair~e prc~ot apt such ineGgibilit}"r. the SL~rtga>zee or holder of the note
<br />may, et i*.; orticen, dt.lare s!1 ,ems ;ccurrtd hereby invme.liatrty due 3e i pay..h;e.
<br />73. That rf [he ~fortgagar faits tip make any puanrents of nronay wt:en the santt become die, nr iziL~ to conform [o and
<br />comp}y withagy of the conditi.wnc nr agreement, xntaireed in this rnortgape. ~r the note which it acure:_ then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and accrued intettst .hall at once 1xa?+ne dot and payahtr. at [h- lei elan of the ~lortgager; and thi mortgage mar
<br />ttrcrtuwrt ix forrtcsr+: imrnediatr!c for the wht7le ref :aid money, in;rrest, month?y payments- arsi,. _t'rnund rents, sexes and
<br />the cost of extending the ahstrac; of citk from 'hc date of this lean to the :Imt u. a>mmeacing such foreclosure suit. and a rex-
<br />urnable attcKrfty's tee. ati o[ which shall }>t irnaoded in the decree ~aF 1~sredosure, and :he u7ntracF embodied in t4is mortgage
<br />and the vote mcurtd hereby, shah in aiJ resDCCt,c Ix Governed. construed sad adjudged h}~ the law~~ of Nebraska, where the
<br />same is tnadc.
<br />fhe covenants herein c~antained ,half bind. avd tne'.x~ntht, end a:ivantages :hall insure to, the respective heirs, cxecutors_
<br />adnrirusuators. sucocs cars ant asatgns of fhr p-ariirs herttci '.l ~tCne~'cr used, *hr xsrtgutar ^t~m her .hail incinde the plural, the
<br />pluz:d [fee sin)Su7ar, and cht use of any gr nder shat] nr applicable to a14 genders.
<br />The foregoing ~~unditioos, set and singular. tieing performed a.cnrstng !o there natural and fecal lira nor, thi> conceyavrce
<br />shaft he road;uui skid premisr< released at the expense of [ho Alnrtg.-tgcx: otherwise ro hr and remain !n Cul' force and affect.
<br />[~ WITTESS WHFREE~1=. the Mcrtgagor?,r have herennte ai their handisi [he day end year firer
<br />afmve w'titien.
<br />In presence rf
<br />STATE ~F tit f3RASkA.
<br />> SL.
<br />COUNTY OF Fi1-I1. j1
<br />On tMs 30th dq} n( June . A.D a9 By , retort mr.
<br />x notary public in :>rk1 far aril County_ prrxanally wme
<br />111vin J. Jankwalt. and lSary K. 3ankowaki, huebanfl and wife
<br />CE.4I. j
<br />tiEAL
<br />~F.:Ai_ j
<br />SE:AI. ~
<br />' S I?..4 I. 1
<br />,~h'~. ~a t~e',~
<br />prronally to me known
<br />to he the identical Peru+n E whose n.me s ate uPTt acd 'to the atw s+° and t ore-
<br />~ging ecstrument as Mortgagor, and they bare aernowlmdgrd the said insvurnent and the
<br />caceutioa tberarf to be th~.ir soiuntarv a:S and deed, for the purpotirs therein expressrd-
<br />In !rstirtk nr wfKtco:. !hale hereunto xt m} hand and afized br notarial .rat ar Grand Z stand, Nebraska
<br />on the da} atKt date fact abase written. ~~
<br />y~~-
<br />•~trtttr --~+
<br />J1~L i ~ // 'v~o!arc A~Flic
<br />^1' O.a EiR ~ 1. 1lr1
<br />STATf OF!RFSRASKA x~ /
<br />Filed for record chit day of
<br />. ~[ ii clerk
<br />rcccxdc6 in Hoots
<br />~K of
<br />AU, 19
<br />`ei. and entered in Numer;cal Inde t, anti
<br />cf ilert~gt . or,
<br />F.egiatcr of l7aeds
<br />