<br />tOS~A--CaegoaaYSon Wamnty Csed HuiCman and Feitor.k 4!'olt, W81ton, Ne &$~lol
<br />scow eLr aax sy rxas~x'rs, xha~ 82 -- () Ci 2 6 fi g y
<br />I R. A, Hudson Cg., Inc.,
<br />- I x cortaorstion organized sad: e5isting under sad bg virtae of the lax^s of the State of
<br />in consideration e€ twenty three'thonsand dailars and 00/100. (.523,000_00)
<br />riert~ rci From gresntres, does-grant. Dxrg;3in, aelfl ennvar and ronfiren aato
<br />Richard L. S Shirley ~t. Lyon ~iusband an~i wife.
<br />here,n cath-3 rxw grantee x~hetl+er one oc rare, the foitovriitg described reslprapeny= iss
<br />Lot :"vo (?~, in Black Thirty Eight t3$) i.a Rixssel idheeer's
<br />Addition to-the. city of Crand Island; Hall Courty, Nebraska.
<br />~~ A~~~~a. ~ :Q, ,,~ 1982
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