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<br />~' spy, a+k_._p>e•_,cater pE' MORTCAG atAnn. ~"~ ~ tlulfm~n and feitnn R Wnlt Walton N 634 ~. '.
<br />_ ~--~~~ 82 t7 ~ 26 b
<br />~~7,A' CU:~ ~IL~4R.4TFe7~'cf{~r.r. ~u;:men3 of ft~r drbr ,U~med t~ierFin. the HOME FEDERAL SAhINGS;&~ LOAN
<br />ASSJCIAiIfl.'1 OF 6~tiD ISLAND Re+~c6y raleaat~J ;lis +itortt7a~e'tr;cda to
<br />hyG. RR.~,D EPP, a single-pef~son and GEORGE E.
<br />EPP AitD ESTHEfi Er P, husband and reife,' each in ;is and her ovm right and a s spouse pf ihje
<br />oa 3Ae ~r~llc>•ttanq d.;cri5ed rzt7~ estate, to-urit' Oth21"
<br />TH£ tAST HrIF ;E_.) QF THE i!1"ST t+~kLE ;tti= i uF T:i~ SiIUTIt t;ALF {$3:)4GR k'NAT IdOULu BE LOT SiX
<br />~- ~6) QF 6LOCh ?ECJ . i~) i;= S~tFD i.UTS 'dcRE L.4iD Q~li, QS GTHE:R LDTS LN-SAiD P.DDI?iDN} IN
<br />l+Ittf~flLPH'S ADG'IT:ir'~a TO i??E CIf'Y OF GRA~O IS:.~1?1D, kAL! CtIUNTY,~NEBRASAR
<br />v~ je~afr!,x •w ~u~x~hip t.~.n~7t oj.3Ae F' ti ALL ',
<br />vans+~, Srute c~j ~1C6~4a~Y.r~. ix•+, {,r, n ~ c~rird in 8~xak 1~$ ,,~„ <..!~tr 11, t~.v~es ^a-:re' 4QI
<br />z.l the •rvrard: a; cai3 ( xw t.
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<br />one ,q S2 HI_~-E FFDLR.~1L ;A'dIhGS & L!~AN
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<br />`.itPOI?e_r. ~ nelt~er i~it:~. ee
<br />paid C.wiaty. pe»ranally catn: ~I'rc~iderit <i~~fhe
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<br />NOME 1=EOERAt iy~i i'1G5 ~ JA6t nS..:C ,-~.~'x u~r.l,., :.~,~F.t~If _. c C:c!rlwracion
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<br />to xx tkie 5[t~Ye3{~r ~ len*acal }fer_~rt whn~e came is c+fiize~i to the nl~ovr relisve uZd
<br />uo rno persorullp known
<br />` ', acknowied~ed the RIC,c`u$~Ht ;firms{ tc, tie air co}ucr~r5' act xne. cleat a« auch ,~iErer, anti the ~~caluntxi~~ act land
<br />dwti od saar} Cor{>nr~ticvs> and ttzat Ecze cozporate w'di w~ux therrota ~f_~se~t by srw euthc,ric°.
<br />lljtry~ecr ~y ]zartd an~f tiatarine tieyil at"ran; slar,d, t~P~re~t:a _ in paid f:~;:r.;c ..:.e day ;ard ,.ear
<br />[art ebow wnttett.
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