<br />.82-~ti~u:~65y
<br />L.endrr, wretten agreement or..appGcable Iaw. Borrower. ahall pay-the amaunt of all mangage: insurance premiums. in the
<br />manrcr prt~vided under paragtaptt . hcrctaf.
<br />Any amounts disbured by. Lender ptitmtan'. to this paragraph 7, wirh irtnrest £hcrtnn. shall become additional
<br />n,dc6le~r+ess cf Borrewcr secumd`by this Mortgage. Unless Burrawcr and Len~!er agree to ether terms aC, payment, such
<br />amnuats shall he }sayable apon n,iticc Crcm E.cnder co Bormwerregvcsti»g pAyment thereof. and :hail baorintcrest frcimthe
<br />Jaro of ilishunement at the rate pnyai,ic trrtmtittte to ume o» autsianding.{nr,apal ender dtt No£e uatcsa paymtntaf
<br />i+>'lnrect at ouch ;-atr wool: tx contnrc t;z,applicabic Iaw, in khich event cs+clY amounts shall bear interest ae the higUcat.:rate
<br />permasihlr under arplicahle fau•_ Tvathingcantafitcdmthts paragraPh.7 shall reVu+re Lender to incur any expense ar ta1<c'
<br />any utic+rt hereunder.
<br />tl. Inr}ection. T,erder may nuke ar cattle to tx made reasrmahle a»tric~ ~tpen and ~nspcct~nn: ai the Property, provided
<br />chat r ~tsdee Khali gica &'?rower nnrrc,q p~ar,Tts any atu~h mapet#isart spe.~;ving reasPnahie caucc therefor rataicd to Lender'a
<br />Snttrest in the Prc+lxrtt'.
<br />4. Cotwlertuuti..n. T*.c pr.~ctedx .tfanyaward »rclatm fardamart~ 'ireet areas»zcqucnt,ai, in conneetionweGl any
<br />condernnuiiot, or other tali»g cf th. Propcny. ar parthcreaL'clFfnrcnm'eg <ee tni"seubt crsrtdemnatian. are hereby as igned
<br />:; rni shall i+c paid to L.cndtr. -
<br />in tke ec°ent of a tcua? taiemg ..f rheF^aperiy,thepr~ds <haS f,canplitd'xc~ the c,~ms src.r+cd. by rhi< hlarigage.
<br />..-ieh he -.no.rut. .f am'. ia+d to Hor. ~~+rcY In the erenr afa jrart!:1 tai, ^~ ,'i iht Pr^^ern~. :~, nl:.as BhITOWCr and T_,ender
<br />a Y+erttlse. aSrae k. writing, share shat; tse applilYi £o tSse xums sesuted ~•; th c 1i7xtgng su;_h pmp~7rtion or the prxeeda
<br />ss ;~ xxlual £[: that prognrtian -+-hich the antotmt of t1tt soots secxi•sdh~ chi, }~te~tg; ti;c ir~'r.cdiatels ~ ~~ r io the da+e,. a4.
<br />tckng bt~rx ;.^ thr faF; mar4n vala:a of ;^: Pr~pcrr~ammcdiatelvgrmr try ;he ~. rc •.t ;;txl .~ .vit`a the t ra;r%c ,?f the pr~ceds
<br />;paid ;a Aotr:ewer.
<br />if rht Pr,-,nor <<~ is aha+Tdarard nv B;>,--m..rr .:r f after naizCCtie Lvxrior ~~ R rn?u~a: that the cnndemr~ar cfiers to make
<br />an award ,'Fr sen3x a stain `, or :3~:na 2>:7. fkirrcwrr far:'r .o rcm;u~nd ., ;.cnurr ~.n;:T ?Sl tia's a1'iu 11-._ data c:ch eoticc is
<br />maiYed, !_^_r,;#e• w a:ahut iz;d r,- ,.c:- a^d a:>c1u- the rr=.rceda.,at .., ..r:c, s, .m. cd!her 'n rtvic gin.=~ ~u re~ai: of the
<br />Prc{Xrt } cr t;T tfye vsrrs srcartit h_ vh,r ~fon2a txc
<br />1'aits<a Lstx6c: and Borrocw_r s:hrra~:u agrrc ,r. ~.. rv rn¢, a .. ~ -~. < ,. .. .'c to o.- r; s+t ~.h'eil -too cxh_nd
<br />Gr ~rstycmc the doe date .'f the ;nc nrh7c ,^¢ta.Srnrrtz r.-t- -c.: ,~ . os.::. . n_ b~_r„~ < -'e:wge ~hc a:nat s.' cf
<br />*.+nch ~. nata!lrncsic
<br />l0. barrp e. et yot Rriroed_ -. .s.,.~ tic ;.r°,c : ac rrr :+.-r) P,:rt.~~.:r ~ .co,-u_ar.,-; -i s r:c u~,~rcd
<br />r a~ sac;. one •na rt'?er.
<br />;~y th+~s M~mga~e gaatrd ^v 9,-:T lc: t_ z~y u>L.- „u T ,.._ it .. . ,,,- Sri r. -
<br />sEc ,.trnlrro e:r •,'~ at;K4sar Hr,, :-,~xr, ar+d H.T.. r;+r~ c. :.s~,.« ,,. ,.;.Ir+ .. rnt h. ,..-cd ',. rc•m mcnca
<br />prt~CCCdI»Tz agatmt a~;,h ¢i.~~~'sv'ar ., s'et 'c zrte~~i r~sc - ..-r .,•r.u ~. Ar ,.r;TS+i+~ :¢, __..~~ , the ~:ems
<br />xur:.d by- +hes ?Vl c.rl taRc `s, tts'~;r _.i a r: cnar<S m~~c h ,. , r+ti ,r S.,r .wcr ~. rv~ H,~r<rwc c ~o , r..u ~. ~., .r.; rU_
<br />~ L. FerAeracc N' i.r~Itr \or r Wdrer. ~^. ~. `.>nc~ara ass r ~ , r. •.~. ... __ .. •.~`-t ...: c~;rd, m .lant3ar, or
<br />.A t. ~ . c
<br />:`a`~^a`ru urt'.rdtd 3~r a,;r .ahit ? 'hr'-. r,• t 'm s .:c<toAa he -. ~ -. ~r ;:n ..i.h i!kht .. rr_'ancdv.
<br />~~s: nrrx u-rnscn+ ~;{ tmuranc~ .x the ;>sr ^Tes , f .. t..n ... ,thv'~crs .. r~,c+ !~~ i ,~.dc ..nl; ~. _ .. t.!.. ~ .i-r~._ .
<br />r`Lht ;o aav^lrt5te, ;I+e ma -;g :. ?_ r ••~.;iC:x:dttt~rv uti :.r_4 +,+~ +;,.,, A4~ rgagc
<br />S2. Rtlwrdiar C;>arauWlre. Ari ;e:ncur+c+ nrc~.,~~cd ~ . rnr. S+, ¢>.. ... i :+., zn.; . ..~.iau~c s t.+ r .
<br />rtmx+h uedtx . Mrr+gtic c st~c'dcd ~. `a-a <+ ..,ti m... , _. __., .h .•3c;+ ~ ~iiacly
<br />;1. Srrcea.w~ aai iraitwe ie~mi., aai.i ..rtl Se..r.i fi.L..lr a : ayci: a.. ....- ... + h,-r.., t,
<br />r. eta: nod at:ast 'xnd. zed '.'tr rirthtz 'xrc::n@<r ,^. as' :ae.re .:~ ;`!r •s .t+c, :,. -. .. ,~ . ~- ors fin. ..=7cr ~.d B;,r rn~,c; r.
<br />~ubJeei tr+r:c ~rrsivcus+ ,',r ~sraAra~, *,~recTi 4i; ec+vcnanxt _ -.~m .cc ,~~ Fim;w_r ;A a; t,e '. ,., ;ed ;~.vtral
<br />7fx „aplm;a ..n.t ";sad:rps nd _~>e .,;,d e ,, -?,.r< ~1 --t,,,;sc .+~ ' .r - s, :c^=cc ~... - r.. rc "~,; - ~~~ ~.>~ad ~..,
<br />rncerprci of dk'Stnn the yus..r+._._., rcr-~;o~f~~ ,
<br />11. ~M{ce. E.xacc =r a!: a' 'rcf:6.C ~'?•qs++r _d nez}cr ,lr .ati.e 'Aw . . l..r c. !, ~ ~.''-:cr nra9^;'s .~. ~r,cc .r
<br />flnn'irwrr ;rrassdcd !er .n :his ~l ~rtl,iYt X'+a" .e ,: _.. ~.,.. ., •..~r.,r L ,_ 'i~.. r~~:: ~: ,,A,. i - R r., ...~ ;a
<br />r.
<br />the Pre per=.y ~dd.-ess .:. .t .ii? a;ahrt a.^,ci-c5 s tir,r., wr ~ 1_ +,- .~: ~. ., r r ~. r ~ .~:I ~ rc~ir .,n„
<br />fb, am: rutare :_ tzr,.fc• .aa 'x ~ ~~ ,+ _,...,~,. +._, _ , ;_,c~..~ 1 ~ __ .+~. ~r~+, .... ^.crua, _.. .._
<br />>,a~P+ other sckh rsc ~. :.< ~,.A .a~~ Sn.g.. ao_ ...c ¢ar .. -., ._.. nn:~ ..d. ,. ~ !Fie
<br />n ,s
<br />M.<rt gift a2aa[ r :3M-t^~1 :.. .a>« '+ccn ~:, r . +ts+. -.,w. ~ , ,.. ,, <+: .. ,. ~. _~•nt' +r, ... r+vd h., ..
<br />[1. U~Nnr~ >1urt,~c; (:.avr~siup:. G.w_ tie. rs sbAih. '.,.~ - -... .. _ ,. -...- •~as cs .. ,,.., ...,-
<br />c. + .n:
<br />mrt rtnJ rxcxr :.n:f~:vas < ..c~esn<, ...itB ume+r,i ~ :. ,t r ., *.a» -._, + u . rn. -, a.,ar. ~ u ._~..
<br />-eal ;.rc~c~q ~ T . NrN ~e~ec +hai nc ..t+ M, ~ ,y ~ ~._. _ ..,> .,. ?~~.:~k t~.A ~. i~r_etrJ i„ ~. b:
<br />re°znt :hat a:`i sArsrx: to ~Ixrr~ ,h+< 5~.....gage .~ .< _. .c r.-, _ ~ _. _ ~. _..a ,r3c,-~
<br />sther , n,z>ti.e, ..: thr. t-•;~gavr .~r lase V..c_ .-.. < _ ,~.--,r ~ .. .. ~ :! ~!..~ _I _ .loie
<br />cr>d t!sc•arr~r,a ~^,.a of th. -.loc.~xyc anci ~. t. . Y~c .- _ . ~`'r ,r..'~s_r
<br />14. ~m..e~rs Ca}.. '3orrn,.e w? r .A n.~. e. cAt .. n.. ,n .ae ti.-! ~. ~ .t:..•~, ~. .~ ~f.. t!n~,c
<br />.rf eer~c=ui:v+ Air a":rr z. c~:da'1.;,R arr+"•'
<br />+ ~ .-.
<br />t?. Trawler of the Rnprrrv, .t~+araptb,tr ., z:'4 + _. , ~.. - - ~ .. _.~ i -..,. -. -. lei ..... c, e..
<br />hr~ dry: r+,. ec :. rt:xsst l.r tir r, ; r..,r w.rt+~,. .oore^: ~e a..~•;c '-a ^. .:,-.. :n ._; .~.,:: _... , .~.. ~~.
<br />shy 1tAKT~ay'K _bi :;<e ex..... ...ax ,... ,ee s ...., ::+vs- ,.. , ,. ,~.... - _ _ ~.
<br />arvc,,,.t .+r ~r 'Sr: olgn .;f -a+ c,n•-. 4t ~ ath _ .._ ..r.. ,
<br />n
<br />+'itoad: atei~ _.:~,~ xASaa „,rv stwu :rrc'. .; a%i `.n _ -x s~.+c~ .,c... ,. c :, ~~: _ _~ .a ...~ .. ~ u,..
<br />e.-.i thr sesr..~ ., hficm •.a.: 'sf +~sx-r, .. .. ,. '.. T. , r., ~rc a. .. .... ,. .. i _.. ~. ... _ .,
<br />a .- . i..
<br />w ::S 4', 4Cft`.~( !~, k,: ]ki~Ct ,ci.1~t ...:1. :: if '1 tL':.'. z.at _ _. f .. __. ..~ ~t _ .~ ~~ .. .. ~.~ aaZC
<br />*si; rr.tura a f,crc7rr La% xao:R; ,'x :-at.<-~ Y_ ~_ _ ~ ->,,.. - .. ~_ .. ~ ~ -•. , ... -. ,
<br />aarr~t has rzz:;eced x xr .r,~n axs:r:zp< sg~rr?reu arsr~. .~ - w `.3 '' _ :c ,. ~ e_ ,..!~ ~; ,e Q.~ ~:,m ..L
<br />„'~~ig,t:;aw scac7r-tt;;,. Mt;rc~aya xre+ Nre tiac_.
<br />rr ..cnctc. .^r+u: _.4 .._.~.. _.., rri:' . rat; .. Bz ,,,,.... _. ...__,_ ~. ,. -, ... ,.. ,__ -~:rF
<br />fTiO'.'3~t9~ .. '+C .'"ii?f ~f.h ._. ~. ~'td.t '.t .~C".;.J ... X54 ... ~... ,., e. _ _.... _.. .i t..~.,
<br />i r r
<br />. _ r ~.r~ ~
<br />+~-N..,. ~.rk=~wYY ',.4: :'3 :.C .A__.s ~f...t., Sa:F .. ~.. [t~~r .. ... .. i_ r, _. ..,
<br />a`^1;~= :311'. x~xt .T.11 t'.!i:Ir< .. _ ~ ., n ~ i._
<br />a..t:~. L-~`ra±aae t~~~r~t VA•.t: ?3 ,4>^, 1. 'lrc*rvl.:.- ~, c: ~'?• .:.: .~r'~
<br />ID~ Ai•reieratias; Rz~~.n. F;m:e~ a+ prrx+-iritd is paragraph i? htreuf, upon $rw-ruwcr's hr<ait+ ~:t oar ... r,.'rasnt or
<br />a~reoetveat erl l+lrrrrwts i+e Jyrbu til'n3rY~.a[e, xx YUdirg tfw va+arwnA to ;. • T+-nco due +xaa>. F ad bs 3ltn llortga~r.
<br />Cramer prfar to arc~ireMkKa ahaD enaii orx~rirx trr bar tssw ~r ;ra prucrded a. {swt;~~t aph iac",nr. n!xof spec ifrha~: f!t rise harach:
<br />_~t t3es rktivln te~uiucd to ~,nnc ~wth preax-Ay sit • ita[e, east i¢sn than ip d+xv. 1, c•e.r the =late a'rrr .xd, it r. aitcrt :~ 6nrca...ce
<br />ba~ c.Mirh wir& hecaeh nuai ~e snrr6; arAli ;tti shat fa$arr t.r cure curb Mrzarh an er Sxierr thr dWec .pectllPi. is the nat5rt:
<br />anrn ezArt+t !w ~ri,!r~kfn =z( tbt x.mn w-cf+igd b. tAk 4tort[pRe, f<.nrt wrr b a efh rW t a-rxGrrg nd m: sl t r aspen P,~.
<br />l~Re ao2hCr +leatl {w:h et` iw~area Drat .KCr at tYtr rgtAt !cr rrlrtraa/t after ~we~c3rc-tw.rc a:rd Sk eiriot i .r~+rr. 2++ tWr i+rrs-...rare
<br />1"~n"b~t ear bnwrtuttztce a4 a 4lrfarYt wM am grber dcfcrrrxr ~.! Hnrru •s rr ?.. <cl.•r.x(n.o aa,t F. ~r4«9s;rr. If Ho..• 3s;rx.le
<br />ec e+44 -wens ~ or bktra+r thr elate spz~<iCKtl :n dhf mrtxct, l-tt+drr xt F rratlcr~t .~p<tom vs:a+ :SYr iare a!i +~f ttK ~. ,..: earc<t t~s
<br />°htic T-fu+'.~e ta~ ire tienaacsti,.td. sivr_ ar+3 P>t.-Ide Kitirnnr 9srrahcr do »tand a .. ~. c~ Rxr; i~we S~ ieui-<,ai o:<u _ Yfnr; u..... ce
<br />dtr~l Pre e3eJ to cm`{rrt ~ tsrek pr~>'c ei*u'tra~ a}1 a•s prarcv „F- t.trrr Su.:,rc- irer_tud+e~.:.at _trate.l o. .~.t, . t ~t t.Y.9+rx.rer_-.
<br />c.-~r ta, •#4ir»c A. annl tlfe r.y»,m.
<br />,, r.,
<br />N, bar~evrra'e RaG16A r+a ~Krs+xt air. ,. ,..: „- -, .. ,.., , . ~,. .~.
<br />