<br />DEED OF DaSTR18UTlOfV pay
<br />THtS L;EED ;> made bv' LDUFSE ?+ILS'i~I CHYLINSKI, ;'.. .. ;,;
<br />?er;o+.a+ Represenxauve of tre Estatz cf ..~uFcI,I't>.._ _ P'JLS:F~I .. ... .. .. .
<br />Dec•~asert, Grantor {w:hnther one ~r r~nr..l, to . .. LJGIS~ Pt}~,S,i~~ , C~Il ;,~~d$.F(T~ ...... . . . . .... ..
<br />- tarsntee lv~-he[her O,1B O: marei-
<br />wr+ER~.4a, the ia_t .;';;f o! jC+FHI~ Q. pDI,$K~: , . DerrasFri,
<br />a•as duty arlmitied to p-ovate ai z-~.~. C:,,~r ~ :._., t of r_AL:. _ County,Nebraska;
<br />WFFERF.AS. Csrantd wr duM aPPOR+tad Paraona: 4pr~aantari~,e of said esYaes and za now gwflNsd and acting in eaid: cepaz:iN;
<br />and
<br />WNe`REAS, the Granter, is du te: ~T~:~ecf to ce t..^.c :3ar:cr r, ~. ;.: tfez5.to dtstrrbut,on of Yhehereirraher-describred real~ropertY, a+s~
<br />vramor .s .w ~fxi tad mrSistri5u.e the Berne `_ ii~an zBe,
<br />NONi, THEREFORE, Gran*.oa conveys. ass~yns ~•ansfessand re~3easaS za Grantee the fattrwxnr3-described real Rro~rty:
<br />Lots or.e ;1? and S`ewo (2) ,t7est Lawn Adaitian
<br />to the Ci~y ~: Grarn~ 'Islazsd, Hall County,
<br />.aebrasra
<br />I ~r~p ~~x
<br />~ t_e3ui t?e~r6pxtonl
<br />together w,ttr atl ienem. , , rcd,[arnentf and a~ner,an_xs Lhrre2U btiong,ng, but trutltect ;o eaaaments and rasYrictrOnsAf recdrv.
<br />ExM:uted. .... ~.. ly$L .
<br />1
<br />L
<br />Estate o[ .. ; ~!'P$ZE..~ . ?ri..T.S~CL . ~aceased
<br />S g ature OF ~ers<mal Aep e.vn,a.ive ,
<br />STATE OF _ ......:IE9.RTnSKA ...... ...... i
<br />} ~.
<br />COUNTY O~ .. .. tL~~LL ................ }
<br />f ~-~~ 1982
<br />- On ,. - . ~` _ _ - - . - - . - - - before rne_ he :mre, ,,rVrt:, ., `~taary r„b' e. +!Ulv - +~, ~;ssronad and
<br />//
<br />ttuaf;l+e¢i for F~tl :rsltl9nr~ ~n laid ~unt5 :mod stata. aerior,aitV =~laeare~c _ LJ.17. SC Pall S.><:, -'',_•j7.}'-l +.7 S::.. - -
<br />x€arsoraE.Rrcxrsentaaive of Ctc ~stace cf... ~.ol- ~• `-=, . r - . ,~~a+5't=1.... _ - .. - - ... <?rs.::vaseu. ro
<br />•°!NP i]rwsn +O 'ae ;tec icfenz;ea[ aK?>Or ;vf:b e,reca teri i r.;;;,. ng ~nt.d ..+ , -,.-brat. ; .. d ricrrwirC~ :the srtr*fe= a:~ tee. - -
<br />her
<br />veiurrtary c a,,C dead. " .~
<br />i
<br />. -;. v~''+E.~ i~~ L',~. 6tt~i1'1ti'V €i~'
<br />.+
<br />•='k`r,S;_?i4.?L ;~F>tE4:~i" .tiV`,lki `' S€r't'.t 1 ;T~1
<br />~, :, ._., ;, r».~_~,;_~., r-. .._ .; .- : ~ L'A:;l ~ of i i?AliF~S
<br />