<br />82-~U2s53
<br />
<br />4; CewellemwNtaw: Theprxeeds of any award isr ofaim 9lrr damages. direct or cnnsequerttial.,. in connectiart with any
<br />can~3emtiasisnt or I~chcrtakingaf ;he Property,.or partiherenf. ?* for eonvtynnctin (icuaif condemnation,. are. heroby assigned
<br />end sha11 F!e paid ro (r:idcr.
<br />in zhr cant =~e .= rota: tak;ng of he #rrnpeny,tht praceedsshatJ he apphtd to tha sums secured by this reed of Trust,
<br />with ttteaccess. ~f ans, pti=1 t;, Ek~rrowcr.in ihr eveiti of a pantie! Inking nE theProperry, unlcss.Barrowtr. end.. Etrufer
<br />ctherw',te agree -n write t here shit he .nppi'ted to [fie sums xtcured by this: [herd-of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is egvaf to char nmp ~t"i,.n Nh~., h t.,c a~nt'aitnt o{' thesums secured by this. (2ttd c>f'f'avst arnmtdiately prier to the date of
<br />rakin6 tzars :n the fulr ~arF.et ~, slue <~i ;ht Frapezty~ immediatcty prtar taiheda.te cif: takng,withthe br!.ancG of the pi'tyceeds
<br />paid. !n AorrmNer.
<br />if the protscm a alurr.irrced ~~. aarr~war, nr tf:.aftar nntirt hyi,cndcr~to Borrowtr that ahecondemnl~r otFers to-make.
<br />an award os set*.te a t'a'n r dansgca, Berrowerfsiis to stxpt2nd Iii lender within'$(1 dogs aftar the date sur~it notice 6s
<br />tnaitied. I_ende: ,~, aunc~ rd m s_iic,i _iad apply-ihe`pttsce~rds: at t.ender's option, either tarestoratior..or rcpairof the
<br />proxrry or ro 'he sltrtx uarrcd ~~ h alc~cd of'I'rust.
<br />is n.egs i cn;ier a^c kn-=„ucr ;.thrrm, sd agree in wrltrng, any-,crch appFiuahon of..~;rocecds-*,nprrncigsalshall not ezten6 -
<br />ar ;Kntpane ~e .ee tia ! Ire t•t r:F,ty.:^sial3imc:asreferred Ltd rn pars_ +phr1 and 2 f~reof nr c)aangcthe'amourit of
<br />su[t; ittsra[imenrs.
<br />l~U. sor.ower :far RNea+ecl. ~-c,',,or; of the time far payrncrt or inedeEcsr3on s€ amvrtSaatson of-she sums secured
<br />-hy t?+;s Dyed of -r.,r, grenlr 3 z. I ~ ~,~..:..:~n+~ sire.^_~ssnr ifi intern. , ` 9a..0':,~~r ~~hx! ntyt nprrate. to rt3easti..ln any:manner,
<br />>kt 7~_'s,::'r i -._ ar,~. al deronu~cr .rr,.; 1}o---.wa`<.succe~sor= ,eeresi, ; ^-,d_r shad aot,..ht rrquired to commence
<br />- pmceedmgs sga.~tc' ;u_h :trz'cco, rNe+, .+x-rd .;:r ? . ~,. i`?:-rh~i=.¢ d~fyamnrliZfltitin Ctf:;he 'Snnas
<br />., ~ ah .:~
<br />sec red n ;he. D~~ca' ,f i sst .: .-ea - :r . >^,unr~ ,?e - . , vu~ 3 ~ _. ..{ ='.or. 3wei ; •,uecesssrs ininttrest
<br />.l. Fortsrarsnce in Lxodrr Vat y tS U!=r 1nx i~.-rb ...a ,cr t :-~~ee,: acv -qn' oe reined}' ttenRrider, qr
<br />r ~. .~ ,~ y
<br />ut^rrw e a'nrdra `tr n._ _ _. :x ,h:,!, r:=7 hr a r ,__ '' r~.~r c _ :;n ~ ]uch right nr iemedp'
<br />?de . ;'<sr,rrrri c -rtt tr._ ' ~y~m.rr.: rt 'n <cz .v c L.r . hrr`4~s f " en;.: e~ ~ ~. ~ waver of t:.ender'3
<br />rgh: sc_ce o.tr ;tk ^- t .:.t} - `=r1~ .. c•-•t~ »r•. '.cry c~ `rru r+l ' .~..
<br />7:. Rcet<di<c [act. also. e. A _.?;im ~ "~cd .r (4; l-res~ .t 'n;... .;: arm laii.~r to fi, ;vheF rtghi
<br />ur rernr:dv under rk.. C?rrt ,^? i :.rs _.~„ „e:. .^~ ,.~.-. ~:.d ~<~,. ~. exert sect -. ecu rftr -nden+^,'rdantlV nr
<br />-.
<br />,,,-~rsr '-'e3v
<br />r,~~
<br />l~. Succ«Irs and ~nigm .iaseul; 3oi111 a»d 5<rcni il~trilite; t:~apdH. rr. ..-cost r,tr . 3rn'rments itercin
<br />cr*nW->npd sea '. band. ,an n. :,~2)•. 'tr.. t_;: ~ -, ~.hc ,m . ._ ~. .~ -n+ ! •~dr an7 Bnr:.~wtr.
<br />ss:Ltro~. r. th s^. rr• nr na r9grs ~>~• - .~tl~ ... ., r, cc=.rr _; .~ ,~ ioiat :md zcvess?.
<br />f?m ~f.e's,n~ _~d ~~:vfsoc• tltr pa,.,. ,• `r r -i... .f.r f... .,e. _ ~.r. ,. n ~nl t ,ned ta.
<br />io:u pre[ ~r dcEi^c ase .asora n :c.a?
<br />N, iiathr. F!xre,.. 'rr sin- +'cc r, r,.~•~i s.nc;er n,. ,'c anfr a+• cf, h, ~ ,r, ht tnoii>e~ .anncr, 'ai :rr ~;otice ;o
<br />Iklr; o.vcr pre ~..cd iefa .r. ibis S,hr-1 ~ +~ 1.:.-. `~e b ~ .r .a-. ..~,. :-t ce . ~~ ... . c.1 :rye:' :add rcaea ,; t3~rrnwcr a
<br />;he P'rpctl~ ad:?^e-a ., :xh _w he. 'I res ~~ t7a.- .r .,... es:gnste x." '~ ! cn.irr ._r-ic :re.. ehn. asid
<br />{hf ecv au-tic . ':. '.erv'fe;- sh~}i !x green C; _..t=. r,-J .cad rNUrr o;.._i,_ _,~ur,.rd ;c~l.~ uti ,-t :v1 nsti sta'rA hrrcin nr Ir.
<br />su h i~the: adders as ! en[:e: rnav cha; gnxu FS_ a•t:c_ 8er:a.+rz es ps;«~;acd heron An; rutice prcrc~ded son ;n thS.:
<br />ihal ~=f Tr,rs€ ;hail t,~ dtcmed 1:= have 'vr e El.~~tnv.rr , cr-dc' x-t~tn give", -:: :hc :ear, err de<_ognate,i 4treir
<br />! ~ 1. otl+Nta Dyed nt frrsri (e n w[ I a 4 <nrii! x I ~ r 1 ~ ( m ti . e< .. •utur~-oew' rU
<br />not na r.r un t ~ -.< e a ti .r ~ t ,~a 1 s'3 c •rs[ t ~~f~'~t
<br />-Q~ 3
<br />o e ~q ea: x 'srn: Da s Serti, r r .,>. ^r-. e. 1 'rt aw t lit ur z. ~. ~ i~"}<~~,~1~r ~'1~r~.~~ka
<br />lY Itlc . Ef_: 1 d a. . y`J= ? • .F 4 . '! r^il ~ f'2 ~ r - A !y tl ~~
<br />cwt slSr-' nthtr ~v ~onx of :h=s xc. ~s l .. - =hr o*c ~-h~ h c, _Ptcc J h~!.~~~~,,.owWaMa~"jf!!7C'$aq'n~
<br />sn r-
<br />~~nd i.~ to n rn i ~. ,..ew :-i .re °n:~i : >a a:.l :u ~ azr .= aexiaic k rr. e-eih:z_ -
<br />F1. ~srrowr'+rf'~y &-sr-r. ~r. ! r. b. ..'~strrd ...~o tr'r r~ d ~. n,} ~ : .he vr,tr ..^d r~, :ins Jeeci ul Trust nt the 'imt
<br />o: caneerixar rH -. (;er rca-er~!auan hence[ ~ -
<br />1T_ Tirtrter ssf ttx !'tepesfr: A~+Mtlaw. ;t .:1 „r acv fla r'. n{ iha f'rrtpr 'r .~; an mtut:f :hc r -t *.aiJ > '. rpn;?erne t:
<br />by [Qrrra+ter wvitr;•cn L.c ndtrl }ntr! wr:rtp7 r,rsent. rnelvtttng '. ~ ~hr creal.:af srl a SYn or me rt.L+rn n.r ,tl t?-rrdaltalr 'o
<br />'hrs (?[cd ,~f Trust, _. 'he srrdt~~-,;.~ e ixucn.~x< n ,aar:~v ~ ei._--.. ~.: 7,~o=.<bolr: yt, +,a ncee, , r:rr..io e d^: ,. ae.
<br />'',wefc,n: .xr hS Jf'e^k: [,n 'L ~eivr L; ~;;J (tar :F~C.-trr 1: ,. ~~t ,. +~r~: ., .. ~ Ifx gran -.( x c.v-.e!a<, ~..! .~r~[.t ., -.-;F, •c. c~fr~ 0' =. S!'.S
<br />not a).ntsrmrtg .moo apte.~: ,mr. ~hrsc ?. cede: ••n ~;- ..! S rn=ser-, :>nt r,r-. .!ec!aro .nl he scar.. e; t.~=. ti ?~s h . is~~^_:. ~. ?. ss.. +o h.r
<br />~mmecHareir iluc and pe i~a+?e ;.c>fr3cr ha!i En'-c ~.. ar•ru stxh ~=p?ns~ ~. , .xe.re<ra;c ;! ; tln. ~nt .,.:>r ':anelc r, lxndcr
<br />u;td sloe prrvorl ~e w'looxrt t_hc Vao}ser[y ~> rc t'r wid ~.;r ~nmtr::ed :rich agt errrtirar :r ~«tnnp ~;hai thc~~.-;relit ul xuch xrscn
<br />~s salrsfaetar. r:3 Lender-a•r>.: [Isar itte iaterez p«}mhlr n.t ~,Rc swm ytt u:sxf '.his im4 =i ~7!ra h :1 'se at vt=ch ra'e as
<br />7 rn¢lsr shrBS :'ecues6 If Lewder '?as '.~ar~rcoi '#x ,,~ ?c a_re~tryte prr,-: .,3eu :n th,+ paragraph '. ', sac ;( Fjorros•~ci 's rtsccess+:er
<br />n interesr has ecectntext ~ w~,atets asanrrrps:9n 7g*r•<rner.z ncc c¢!co ~~~ wnpne `Y Lc^.+dcr, l.rad[r shat: reiesx Horrew<r ;r,.r,
<br />ySt ~*di yaAaos :mrar this [3lxce t~, -?'sacs a: x1 me '~=ac
<br />!I Lcatier c~xe2,:~t s.xch : pc~.+a tt r irr; n,z. t crx`rr e!t~".. =.t ,-1 E3 +rr;: +cr ao!:r r mctdsra':cn accordance wi'h
<br />,mrtt{npn t i hermf ~v,:h :aoeert -h~! - . - a ;xre~„f .i ;.rt :e_ss 'ban 'n cu.s f~nm it`C de:c thr .r~ikcr is ma~de3 -v:G^.in
<br />wha:h Herrawcr fsrav ;vY ttre cams ne-r-u ~.krc Is t3c~;: err tonic a~ s~scn ;vtr;Li pr _r .= R:c <t;rir Iran of suite ptrrnl{.
<br />na
<br />Lend<r rzuv- w<t F>eset {urtt+er :ml;~r ~r +k-'r_sn ~ cr~. &tr n~ <r- ~n+uLc any rr,;ned=rs hermltta5 b~ paea~lt ph iH h>•r~af.
<br />~.r~.i'aernR ~t r'rrvEV awr> Barrrwcr and C.cmixr tarthtr cavrnam xna xj[rx u ErSRo~~
<br />!1. .•<ceirrall~a; Re~ttJiet. 6:ccryt r yruviM~ fa pvaptgl! 17 Mrev/. ales Sortowt+`e breaeM ryf. sey rryvenWlt nr
<br />M d iorra+rn rw !Ai lked fri i'rrt. iaciaJitt[; tM racewrttr to py +'bet d`ic. fay ~ tetwred by thb! iBedi
<br />of Tr>e.l, Lewder prior ca acceiertlrisatall rwai oot:re to berrot<er r prttri~ [te pantcca~b ).4hestrr( sPe~clfTbt~:(.1)tbe
<br />torexk; U! r~r action rhasref is +:r~ sMeA h<eack; s,3! a dr<, ebl ter ttWt 3- ary~r~ the; dltttbe rloMlee is. mailed lt#-
<br />/wextrwer, lq rvbirA srci .4rer:` st~l ie c-rrd: rd iji l!u! rail~rr m errs ~cA;:6nutM os- ¢r betare .the: dart. speri6ed...
<br />lw Flet aMK'e r.YY re»k iw sa'reicrMian iri fie wwA rt<v a~ by [bit I1er~ ~ 'l'r1At..aa~ afleQl Sl1e ~rffilt1l'{'. T)'{!: lllltiCe
<br />Jtap ftrlber iwlanw lett<e+cr at the z;lu 1a rrwble sltH xcek<alitp atti ibr. ri{#t.,fo hc~ a rows[ trilow fa aereR
<br />ttr nuw-t~lawrtcc of a JrtrN c.r rn+~ ..tAer fcf'erne of Mno..<r to rcceFtFaiisa- swt sre. ft ibs breach fe eat cared
<br />w ~ Mtee rise Arc s}eaiicJ is t4 stricr. I.ea!/e< sl i.c.dcr's aplw ~ Aeeitec: ail e[ !i!e'swtsa secate~d by tip. Ueeti.
<br />si T.w Iw 6e ~w<Nrd1' dwr swr peya4r wwt..w fvrtit<t detsawa Ind ~Y iersa4st-epost>•r of rtak rwd any #Ferrenlsedies
<br />psrsrieW bt gtpiic°aiM law. I.<w~er tYtY tar eariMrd is rd4ci all rrwltowaYFe romp tW~ ofpewae!f incurred ispunrpin~ thte
<br />r~taNitit prn.iird is tYie paraKryi ti, iwrl+iiwR,. Art was Itwtrlt~ [u, reatowtblt aftwrney'c fen.
<br />{f Nt p~+cr nt slie inn iwtt~ltaJ, Trtstee sbaA rerorf a nolk-< rf d<tafell in rrcM~ corn[{~ fn w1g4cb Ibe Yru~erty or carne
<br />tit tAamrt s Itc-steel rd sf~l r~ comes of we-A owicr is Lie Hawser yr~rvibtd by aKikabMe taw to 6oem.rer aed to the
<br />nt6er PscMas /re+t'ribe~ br ilpdirsble brrt. Aftu lttc hp~ d rrri! riatr ss eta} Am rc~aird by ap7lw abk Y>n+. 'frwatte strait.
<br />rive pab8[ nwtkx of aadr to fke per+rees awi ire Pbe mswwer o+esc ribed tfy srPFica61< iaw. Tnwt«, wiiirnut Remand on
<br />Mrrtwer, ad} arH the Tro~cdq H paMic wdimr to fAe hKbest iridhrt al tk eime sad yiacc +nd ranxtrr rSe Irma Aeai~tutect.
<br />N tk notk~r at rain is arts ae rwM< parrei sad iw swcM order In Tractte ms;}htertwiwe_ Trmuc may iwr.'-Gone yak i!i ail
<br />r# dY ptrrel of the ~rMperir by PwMK awrwwe'<aeM is tAe ±en+r awd p{wce of awe r.rr..io.k~/> r,.-hedrkd wk. inodRr Si -.
<br />Ltwitri deriEweE +sy pwrrbae t-r regents r arty sak,
<br />1,.~~a teccgi of ~rwral ad rite lira bid. ~TruACe zbJi ~cer fo rb< pxnbierer 3'rwlt:i d<rri cansryin~ for 9'royxrty
<br />veil. T7r M<Nrs ra rttr YrwA re"c deed s6aM be pr^twf !as-ir r. nl<nre :rf tdre !. rsAh of the tfafrsrrtni>: mrrk ih.rrin. i'ruw<e
<br />sitd y}f}' tiq rrace<ds rd rM :.tic Iw t9t< [-n~o1eM[ order: del try aIi rcacr:nthie cuat~c swl rspew`ec ctf eh< rain. bnc1rdirgt, iwY
<br />i.¢t llwMad tw, Tt~uce.-r tens of wut awrare Mp { _.= -_ rrt tlro Kru~w ~< prier.. reaaunalNe Wforn<}'s i< vn f casts ~t
<br />riYc erlullnrcrE ipi F;r ~ wrwe rez~ree~C bt +#ia i1~ d `fraew• m4 reel ibe <are!srt. e£ snr, 2~a iR< perwrw r ptr±rsm; 9 ytrJty~ wslliti<d
<br />tietww_
<br />t1. 1ser.+we<'l R3~t so Ralrsetre. tv,±w t titr.r.'-~R •...ia.r. i.rr!;.= ?6e ' h+ '.h=~ ds r,, ;+i
<br />rc r ~._
<br />~t'.d:~?YttT ikt'a- hyrN i:+r %iGiYi 1-] ~`3=+' ?'~~~ ~. ArE!.i,'.~Y E~,=.:T ?tf~ 1 <4rf :~ .,- _1._V.S "iii
<br />li, ,.111ll.~~
<br />a;e T[ , ~ r e ~>N.: x,~nrr. tc i. ties of b.; ills frF ib ~ , x r , o<: F ix e s - :. at . _ a - ,
<br />.:
<br />eo fro tae.~u~_--. S'r _sr t>: ~ t ~ >~r-d x aid'*tiertt ~ r~~r. t.ri _1 :. r s.. e3; ~ v-r .a. _ r.. ~„t ..r .h M.~.l ~~i
<br />s w -
<br />s -~~ .. ~r rhra F ... ' .~[ T•r,sr, ,*r s::4c ~.,. nr~r .... ,~K -.. ~:5 a ~ - h;s.~? r ~..~_xi_rr t r.ccr~r ,-.~I.
<br />14caac;..r,;e .. ~ tta, ~a ~>} xrs, .,~r.e _ ,.fd., r ~~•. . ~ F. ~ - ~.. ,,
<br />.: a >f ...~ tar.. .-.t - s.-.,7 ~. r. a _- ..~ ., „r. ,..~
<br />