- 1fBomae~ar pa>x Funds Yo Lendet. the Funds shalbbe held n an institudtan the, deposits or accounts of which are
<br />insurevt or guaranteed 6y aFc'tilerat nrstate agency [including lender if [.ender is such aninstitutictn). Linder shaft apply
<br />rhr. F::nds is pay said taxes, assessments, insurance'prematlts arai ground rents. Under may nc+z charge for sn hotdiag
<br />t;^ and apptving ;he Funds.. anal}zing said acexiunt or verifying and compiling said assessmeaits and bills, unless Lendea
<br />~"'-' pays' Borrower interest on the ELnds and applicable law permits Lendix to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender
<br />~ map aQrer in wrrizi~g at the time of execution rCzhis {?eed af:Trust that interestanthe Fundsshall be paid to Borto~cer,
<br />and nnlrss such aErcYmenr is made ar appUeablc law requires such interest to be paid. l.ende.r shall not be required
<br />`~ to pay Borrower anp mmrest ,err araings o^ rhr Funds. Lender sha3lgive to Borrcwer:. without charge, an annual
<br />accounting of the Funds sh,wing credits and ichits to the Funds and the purpose €ar whieheaeh debit to the Eundiwas
<br />made. Che Funds are pledged as additions! securitf tar *hcsnms securecthf [his Deed otTrust.
<br />if the amount afthe r`unds held tie Lender together withthe Futts>•e monthtpinstallments of Fundspayableprioe w
<br />(~ [hc due dates of taxes, as~essmenrs. insuran e prrmituns and ground rents, sha1C exceed the amount requiredYo pavsaid
<br />taxes, assessments, insurance premiums ant prntnd rents as they fall due, such excess shalt be, ai )Borrower', upt9r,n,
<br />aithtr pmmpth~ repaid nt Burrower err erulited n, Barrower on monrltPy in5ta[lments ofFunds, if the amount of the
<br />Funds held by Lender shat; not he suzficiea::o pas ;axes, assessmems, insurance premiumsand ground ; entsa> t hen mal l
<br />doer. Barrowar shall pa? [o Lender env amount necessaratctmake ap. thedefie3ent^c in one ocmore papmeuYS :~+ Lender
<br />map rrquim, -
<br />Upnn payment ra full cf all cams ucurcd by nc~s Deed or Croat, Linder s"haft prcatnpfL± refund to Rorrou-s ;ti;c
<br />Funds held be Gender i; under paragraph 1' hercat .he Pm pert: is sold ~r the Prory~rtv ~s .~ n; r,.,-isc ~equlrec! tn~
<br />:-crtder. finder shall apps, tx~ Inter [hen immtdia[ci.~ pror [o the sale of the. PrnQrrt, ~r its a aurition h~- Lender, um~
<br />Funds hdd oy [tnder at the lime o! apl]ticatiun as a trait against the +nmz s::ce,-ed h~~ thi.t 'Jec.i ri "i~rutit.
<br />3. Apptfestiae of Pa.menu. l:rtess applicator aw l r ,axles other•ane, s;i pacments r~ cn,~d Cv Lender under
<br />- rlx Note and paragraphs :and ,: hereof shall hr applied b}• Lender first to pa.°ntrnt of amoun[c pavah3e ?,~ i_~r.tier h:
<br />&xrower under paragraph 'hereof, [hen to mtcrrsr pavab}. on the Note, and rhea :a : ht principsl of the Noi;..
<br />1. Prior Nottp~e~ and Deader of Trvct Charges, t.ieas '3nr t+acr h ul pertc m si', +,t Pn~Ttnc~it hiie:u[ons
<br />under am' morgage. deed of trust rx or.hcr -rcur;r, aun ervan* ith :, lien ct.tch h i+ pn~~ritq v- drier F3c'z 1 ref 'Crust,
<br />iacl;lding Borrc~wr..-'s t-os-enanrs to ;na-e p3cmrnis whe^ due- Harrnx~er shall pati` or rsuue :o he ~a.d a;t rases.
<br />assessments aad other charges, tines and imposiuons attrihutable tq the I-+-carx,rtt •sni_h r,:n_v ;,tta!n s priarity tier this
<br />6aeed afTrnsi. and leaschaid paa~rnents or grewtd rents. it' erne.
<br />5. Harard iswr>uc~e. Barow~r shall ke*~p the ~tnrr~s~emen s rnu ~ z an^ ,u t crc;fter ~ t~J :m t7c Pmpem~
<br />insurtd agairot loss hg rim. harard,tnc?tided wi[hin rhe .rem '~ca,~r,ded ~ ncrage". imi u;tn roar h cards as Lcoder
<br />mac require and to such amounts .;nd tar •,uch per:~xis as C.t•nd,•r Wray rctquirc.
<br />iheinsurance earner preznc+.ing the irtiur~a~c~sitnl be chx<n ,t-8orr.,~cer su6jerttn npproval bs-i;::r:ir r; hruvided.
<br />that such approval shall noL he anrrssonabsc wtthhekl_ all ;nsurancc pol.ci-~ and rcneN~uls rh r^ot ~,}cal !>c tit a form
<br />acceptable m Lender and shall include s r„andard muttua~e U use :n Cav,~r ~_~i ;nd ~: a lunar u"ren,a!.Ic to ?Ancier_
<br />Lendet sha11 hac-e the right tv hold the ;x~liric-s sod reneu~ais tfirrc~il, subject to the tcrr;s of am mart ga;co decd ~~(:rust
<br />,>t other security agreement with a it-_r, wCJt~i1 has p;iorit} irvcr this De_•ti ca Trust.
<br />In the ti txtl oflcrss. Sorrcnver shall g - _ ._ .,._ - ~ ~.rr,dcr. _ -
<br />rrfhiss if nvt m:.da pr*xnptiy b}' Born-act. V+e nrmm~r -» ~ ~, arc, ~ ie- .~r- <.i.,r.. m.u maBC i)ruiri
<br />If [hc Property rs abandoned ov B<;rmwrr. «r t! Borrower iaik ro rnpon,i err Lcr der ti~~ithin 'fit days kom [br date
<br />notice is malkd by lender ca Bortcn.rr the; the msuranec c;,-rice nlfen ;n sctlle a,a:turt for in.ura;tce I+enetSt,. Lender is
<br />authorized to evllect ,:nd appiv the msurancr prcx-erds at LcndcrA ophnn r.i[her !v resin ati~:m ~.x repair et fhc
<br />lart?jxrr, or trt the Bunts sc^rureit hp thie L)ccKJ of Trust.
<br />~• Pnrereai3w aid M~iste~aeca of Prepertf; h.ert6old~; Condomieiumx; Punned Unit llevelopmenls. Sur
<br />mrcer shall keep rhr ('ropcrty ir. koex4 repair :end shall nr;t a±mrnit caste ~,r perrtat amnuirmcnt .Ir ~letet'iorati«n o(thc
<br />Property and shsll catrnply with the pros reaum of erne )case if nc~s l)c+ed of ~l`rust is un ;z lcaxrbuid. it' [his Ihed o; Cnrst r;
<br />on a unit in a caodominium cr a punned unit devrhapmcnt. Borrowtt shall ptrhxm .,11 gal Boma wer'> obligations under
<br />the dc3Jaratio4 or tt>~-enants ~reaiing or gawern tog the c~~ndommnren or planned unit decalnp[nent. IFtr b+--let wy ::nd
<br />reKulations uEthe cnrulorninium or planned unit development, aaxl constituem dcxwnents.
<br />~• Fnt~ctiN o[ l.edee's Secrdcv. tf Boruiwer lads to perform rhe .uvenants and agroerncrts cuntutned +.n chi,;
<br />Deed of Trust, or i1 anp action car pr,aceeding is coutmdnced wtttih matertalty at7cea L:rndcY's inicrosi n he 1'n11h-rt c.
<br />then Lender, at L.cnde*'s oprfon, upon m:rtit_ tv F3nrrvwer. maq make such upl>cuarce-,, s;i-rburse such soma. inclusing
<br />reasonabicatYOrneys~ fees, and tike such action as is ne•es;;ary oapretec-t lxndrr sinterrst- It Lander reUUite; ntcrtgrage
<br />insurance u a rondition of making the .van s.curc'<3 by ?his Lk~cu ttC Trwt. Borrtnecr.5hai) par the tarcmiums required to
<br />maintaan such ins:rranc~t in effe'<.-t wail such time a> the rcyuircmrat tc:s such insurance termir, fez it: ace rdanee ~.iih
<br />BorrLw~r's and Letw'er's ari[tete agreement x appC3rtble law.
<br />Anr amounts disbursed b} Lender punwutE to this paraKruph ?, w,nh interest tbere~:>r,, at ;he Note r,te, chalk
<br />bwwan>ti additkmaS irxiebteainess of BczII'ower ac`turcx; by thu tJcec: of Trust. i!etras Borrower ^d Ixnd~_r aC;re.~. to
<br />ether terms of pas~nent. such amuuns stlafl bt payable open notice Prom [..ender to Borrower rcyuestir,r payment
<br />thereof tiothing contai neJ in this paragraph ?shall require Lender ;.o incur anu expense or take any aetirsn hernuader.
<br />a. Ir~ctiw. (.ender crap make cr cause m be made rrasonahlc cocoas upon aad ~nspec;ir;as of the Yrulxrn.
<br />;xwicled that E,endtt shall give Borrower notice prior +o any such :m~cnun ;pr, ifrin~ reu;utrai7ic cause therc;itr
<br />related to L,enda's interest irz rhr Ptapcrtc-
<br />9. Co~de~y~. T~ pt,,x~js c,t any award i>r claim ;or damagez. iiirevt or crns.:.uettttal. trs ,onnez~tiun with
<br />anti. mndcmnaticn nr other taking of rhr. Pnrprtty. ;err part thereof. !~r fox a::n+evanec in lieu t~l aindemnarton, :u-c
<br />htY'eby asafgnz3 and shall be oatd zo L.en,3er, subject rn the terms r., any rnortxage. r4eed of teas[ or Cher >nc-:Irii r aprcc
<br />mint w~.th a iron w-high tsar lrrionty over this L7~.xl ofCrust. -
<br />l4. B~tr'~wer ;•Ist ReLrsed; po~eu~t g~ [,fader .LW a Waiter. Fxtensr n <;t the r me for rt rncnt cr
<br />mndifxaziou afamorztz;aion,~f the ,urns securetf b+~ this Iked uCI rose granter ,w f.ettdcr to am~ a_ccs•,ar .n :uicreu ::~i
<br />Acxr~v~c shall rsat operair, zn rtSrase in anti manner, rhr liabiiity oC the original Borrower anti B~+rn-~-~ r , i , tit,,,t~ r;t
<br />irttrrtt. Lender sh.l7 not be r yuirect to -ti~mm nee roc--t,din
<br />P ~ .igatn i su :h wi ssr t iitse c ~ nr~ nru r pae~
<br />men or -3hrrure mndifs n n,n-tiaat or # rhr urns scc!.red by tMs ~~-ea f f vs }.~~ ei i .u 1 m- td ma t : the
<br />ctre;j t:c1 Brxrt~er and [{orrL>ket': su. cssttrs n nt r•sf Anc fr~L>r. ter., rt,:c .,y ~c tier to Est c Su ~ rn_+ ~tgn, ..r nrticrlr
<br />'x`Feu.'~er, c;r~~tbetvrise atf[xdrnS by appisrabie (sw. <halt nsrt inc e • tccr ctt cr preslud= n =vicec c -i aa.s ~ ere?t d;~hr ,,t
<br />:rrrr .I v: ~
<br />t2 5wrre+ra+es >~ Aad~er Rwand< .Twa[ aad Sc+craJ LiabiNty; w signrn. t ..~~r-~
<br />_.~tr a -.~v~,
<br />%)CTrs'at a.:ned sL49 Jtnci ~rru.4 rhe nyhts..a,:cur ~_, +t.a',i rnur_-tr.'+~n. cajr_. ~-sa<. ,-.r.. ird ,~g,,, ~ ~ .,,t,<
<br />S3crr w r ~;biz t r. E ~-,;o isn+~m ~-C para~rapt ~ L F'v, zi .Bier tits a.,r +xnY ra~• .. , lines _ _
<br />.~
<br />.az~ ln. fire ,.'rt, ,krs tht ~~2 17 sail {t cos nc ~~tr.h~'~ _.. _ :y~, -
<br />.ir k z, t am.. <. _...-rr rt.u Emr-~ :r. ~nfe .:t .n , re ~ i~
<br />