_~,,^~~ Loan No. 50040-1-18
<br />t~~~'`~' DEED OF TRliS"i
<br />~@
<br />~" ~2-~U2632
<br />"PHIS DEEII CAP TRCjST is made this...... ~c+:h, ........ ..... daF of ..... Jane ... ........... .
<br />i9: ~2, among the Frustor,~lliam :4. FSgat ~ and Joan. M. Wyact, Eiushand ano wife, jointly
<br />an<i each in tbYeir oWn right, (herein "Borrower"Z,......
<br />.lorteph H,._ Badami (herein "TrtJSTec'"). and the E3encficiarc.
<br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINC~~.~~p~~~~SO~t.],OF.I.~\CQ7.Y...... .., a corporat;on rrr ti izcd anti
<br />Ril1~J[ ~ r ~ c a
<br />--- existing wafer the laws of whose aiidress is.. 1235 N".
<br />.. ........
<br />S~ICCCC,. F.i,nculn,. Nrhraska.585'18... ........ 1 herein "Lender"i.
<br />Boxaowex, in cvna3der~tion at the indcb4edrass herein rertc:::ind the trust hereto created, irrcvocahic eranu
<br />and ccnYCys to Trus~ee.sn trus., with power ~~f >aia ttta Solluw3ng descritmd propem~ iocued iu [he. Counts of
<br />Haii
<br />........ . ...... . .. . . . . . . . ... State o~ ~lehrt_,ks:
<br />i<n: _en 0) r, ~~?ock _..._~ ^1 _.. i+ovdtne
<br />."~dcitio^ to the ~zts „_ r~.nr Isi,_._ riat~
<br />:.~~T,g, :ebraskr.
<br />which sus tha addsGcc o!. , 2104 .rest. KoentB Grand Island
<br />s~~ot,ctrl .. _ .....
<br />Nehta>f iu 68$01 (barrio "Pmperc~ Addre+s' t _
<br />... , .. isua .oa r;R.cna.;.. .
<br />"Ft~Frnre wiFh xl} fFC imp€la.°emcnts aau o;.er:~si3er c;~ici~ -++: the gmLxrt}'. srati :aii casctr~:a~ right<.
<br />apputfc>wnct~t, rarNS ts+st~e ho+w~~rr Gn thr_ r:gh~w «nef .auifmrttcs gis~en, hrres: ua i,endcr to sulker :~rd uphle >ncit
<br />rtnt*}, ra}aities, mine~tai: tulatx9~is rights ;.ndpre?firb. watez.:.a[er rsgfs?s, sod '.48Eer stc+ck_ :er:~+ : i; !r- arts ri~w r>r
<br />!fercafier-ati>rctk~d to the propc-rty, at± ca# wFtch; ercfuaiing ccpiatemeass s sd adtlittom thcccte. Siwlr `x. t~C2mc i=~ be
<br />got! n;rnsin a part 3f the prupcrtt eovrrrd by thts t]erd ni "irus ~. 1nS a.lS r ,~~ f~regUSttg, tc~c:hvr •a;Qa ac? i'us~. rt+
<br />(ar t~'ex~cCho~1 esLyic it 4hi I?teai cif "ITUSt '.s can ~ Ica~h~'d) <,rc Herein r Ec r s ;a a; ttv~ "F'roprrts"
<br />Tn 5t;Ct:x€ •.v l,c'nc:er (.r t the : epavvtrrc r~# ti'e .nu_hte:irre~~. cvtdc;x~d =`t Rt>Trc wc_'~ rat,- daietl ~~ ~r?e `~,~ , i`~~'c
<br />titctr~r, "vclc'~}, a'he f?rins:{x~3 surtt rf ~'ifts a8ht 1hc.usatf 5r ve.^ trurdr~c, znd
<br />C19JIQ0 _ Fiotlan, wi;h .t?crest he .errs, pna+-din~ :.r ,mo-rattth ,n•,t~.ailrxa;i-
<br />~sf j>,=ts~ipaJ'avndin:etc~ct, ~id4e the haiasaeo~ s,( th is fehtctlne<•.. r r;ct scwu - ?asset dte :rsad ~ra,26ic cn.
<br />,.,_,'F~.?•a.,~,*~. fi.__. _,.____ ;thy frq;mautelifttt}~,~Kwrct ~,vithmeer~~f~hr,c.m~a~t~,rurs
<br />ut acrsxc:atx~ herrseah try pts~trr: thi seces,ry ax tins fh ~i „( Truoc: nn:i the- p':.ah~ct;a•inc ~+, the .,.wennnt., :gad
<br />3~'7ts"rlnca[&. ill Ao_rtt. ps~r hs't.,:iei cnnistr<xrf; au,~ rs,jy~ r+.n t~titrt~ z arts r i st euv tr i~., ;cat i ntet~r~•e i -n;~U.
<br />t[~b~~cr,~ea `+v~ caoi~~5}~urSUSrE.c para~tapr _; ;r~rtt, th,rc~i ~.,t.nrs ~~...ires t
<br />f~tirtcx+~r ;'~ut-~4tt?~t5 ka3E?~7tt >su~ t5lavrFvlls~,.et~ F ~~ ;?~c ~F.„t,tirrc~r.itr eu~a.-esc¢ ,rcJ i*~ . tb° r}ght grunt ,.nJ
<br />„ ,.
<br />cc,~sr~y zitr. P:.~.+et"t~; Ti5rt4.ih~ }'tY~xt;.~ 1: ;., ~rtc't=mlxr„'S, a3t;;t'aa'- B~?rtt: NCC '~ifi 's.. z.=. rr. i. !~:_:d , _..,1: ,.~.
<br />Eti~ tt7 lts' fhe}~-; tp .e~srltyi .e Ti c%,~:nis 3vu; c.cs~a~~rx1<. -~u , a: s> ~._nr ..C~~iaa cau.~tacn+~ r
<br />+ rr
<br />. ,~. .. .._ it;. ,ei_.! .. .i
<br />~,.,'?, sf7uil ~,f arxUty^tti.7i53 ~• Cr~s-~a'a~s~ r;i .. v!y sa 9r ~r;~~-;a _ ,.~ t~~~ ,kr~>: y; F._ ..,_ .•i ~.~ r;, I . ~. ~;x; tv
<br />~,k. . .t :,gym:...- ;4_.f?IYtLa~Kikfr;lMif'~kM ;ttLtlNlkMi
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