<br />~?---ti~~631
<br />h##ORTCAGF
<br />..s- -_--___-_.__-~_._e _ ~-~ ~~__=._ kQrz`['fF,~c [, ~c~,~*t No. L z a9~}
<br />f<rlflw ALL NERS a~ rfllsx ARESF.?Fa'S: Thz[ Elvin L. Scranton and. Cheri K. Scranton,
<br />each i.ar hss tiler czwst right and. as spouse of each other,
<br />Fi.f 'PhOUSddld 31'ld~ IlUjIDi}----- ----- Mortga~[rr _w}tetixr o[oe ar mo[e_in aattvderatioo ofthe wm o€
<br />k>ancd ro said rooitgatto[lsy Fhc t-:garitatik Boild>ng atsd Laao&satxiation af.Giaetd Island,Ncbtaska, M«rtpagce, W~Ta 5D0 shares of storkof
<br />said 'ASSCYCIAT1f7Sti, fstaifmic ;qtr: L 24,D44 .4o herabyg[aa[, aanvey andtnortgags tutto the saxl ,tSSOC1ATIflN the fo{lowina:.
<br />deacrtbed [cat estate„ sitttatexf yr Ball Cuwtty, Vcbrasaa~
<br />A tact of lard c~rising< a part of the ~art~'iwest 4tiaiter {ytWS~} of Section `IWenty (20) ,
<br />`Z!axsship 'P+~elve {I2`, North: Ranee Nine (9) West of the 6ttt P.M. r. Hall County,. Nebraska,.
<br />and 3escr~bed as fellows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the said northwest gsarter
<br />Elw:?r): thence northerly alo[ag ttFe-west lire. of said Northwest Qt3arter {NW3~} a distance of-
<br />~our Htmrdzed Ninety Sevez: and rl'hree Hundredths (497.D3) feet; thence .:easterly ~ra11e1 to '
<br />the scuth Tire of said 3oZtlrr«~st quarter {y~7§) , a distance of Qne Hurzdn~c,' seventy five
<br />(275.Dp feet; thence southerly parallel t°r~ t_he west line of ya:.d Northwest 9uarter {NW,) , a
<br />distar><Ve o€ Four Ht~tt3red nir~ty seven and three hundredths' {497'.03) feet to the south line-
<br />of said r+icsrtYtwest f~uarter (r+2F7'~) ~ ther.~ westerly alarfg the south line of ..said Northwest
<br />£hsarter {l~wi) , a distaste of one: xtuzdre>d Sev~3:ty five (17.0} feet.: to the plar:e of beginning.
<br />toSeR4er wt6 aU !fie tearenrc[s, hercditatsanats ata: aylllttttrtYntts ttxx~ucests. hek xt~~,. ,:~udrryq attar,3tcd Sloo[ aFrea~ines,. ap ?rindanr xcteem.
<br />wrustdorr:Judea..'lrtimlt_storrnwtndar+e. Ywtatrgc_n~eimR. u[;xtnJi[uxcmF, rr..f i>Frmi>~e~taro. "+~rriurv.nenr gird acccao[ies thrre[a.Wmirs. staves,,.
<br />refi'@tesators, sad ndxr axi:ara-an6 sa;ui~pascat nsw ., h.exeaftrr aiiX}1df ,:, ..t last =n ~nns:tnv~ v,q; a:d Rai ~wtr.
<br />Aatlvvlsereas rfic card o;wr; a>ISrv 'ac apra ~ xrd ~icw-x h<rrirv free r~ i ih, .x~:sga,;,,r sbah sad will.. rav aI1 taxes and. aasaanen[s !cured or
<br />asae>sed tipuut vwl pmmnrm m9 open thra :rx K;jL25Yr and ! e .><~rn; ua..:cd :t?crc nz ~x•!o,c !tx :ar2xstu2f-2tairme. dris`nquenr La furnish approved,.
<br />...r>ttr„c uy w :iK ~~ utrr~ cu. v.rP ~rnt:s~ i sot ..n t ~ t S~tl JG(.t Ol: a.yaktk w~.tud ,h.~S(7(:3f4T1t~N' atuf to. dctiser to sag! ':
<br />4SSl?i:1A"e1flN :nr la.~i.x.:oa vn:..ar.ncr at,.. n ,t :.. >»t,tnt -,,s tx mt. u~r artc .,n ,;, aboet satd'{acaria.a;
<br />to !'awe axr t1e€aolt u, the pc ".. t ~ ,~z, t y f the , - rs :m~f - do .: . t ~-nrrcvatc .ir tttc Aemd sccurttf !x[ebv, the tnortgaseo shall,
<br />rrn dnstmd, be enttt4rvi t.t :snnrdrarc ~>xaann -: it>:• rrntgarryd rrenc~-s .rn .i.~ :ra,rtya~r,r eterzby a.,a:gys, teattsfrn`and .wetsawer to tM
<br />tnutptgfFe ail tfte rents, ~,-vcnuc5 an:; -,;mr ~ br J , !ht ms rga0cd n n. ,iu ::ix ,ud+ r,aru ax the mott~c indebtedresa shall rennin
<br />taspasd;asu4 the tsaxtf7tRec sha11 hasc [h.. ~w r ~. rm1 .rvv azcrrt FR<nrr :! .toy ~~-s:te 't,t 42up[ttposo er€ repatrtttg sag premises utd renitatg :
<br />the satoe atxS ax>ll~s,^ixwlt the ..rots f+c~ue-r vrJ a:.,.mx as,a ~+ tort fa ,f ~,~ u~ F atl cipcnats at rc~gyriug ssat[ prs[niaes srid ntn;yaagr
<br />.
<br />IXMlVItlfLmla aAd'C7Cp[naGS :nGL'rC ~ n t4nttng 11x2 smrtx~,trcg ar ga(FK Erl n. ,trlkclurt ;es[;y(Y 121o[eln+nt. tht balineC retlflttttta~, t€ apY, to lK
<br />sppiisl to.~asd ¢de rlirr:harge ~:f a:d axrr.~u[c mde4tc 1sxz+;, ! fwac +u[krts ..f i tc srwnratgec rust' ~ c~retruea at atsy. titae durirr~the exrxtentx a€ aath
<br />defiWt, er'v[7~cC[SVS:c1 any tcn>p+taty- r-arrcr .d tt,t +~tsrrc
<br />"Roar P* amts, r.,rc.cs a :~po.t ::re C ~rturte~r;, ~ :: the v b eF" ~ shrel repay satd !.tart t.ci<rrt !Ate trsairirtty „f said "sintea by
<br />pr"rltCnt; naV [aCnf.hy to ~sn.r ~tti`rxlATFf `. ( he .u n ,pcnfcJ &ut.3 :eruc,cv; kae[t$y ay :a'~ rr .sod pnns9p~ C>n sane tour[ ci2ot "4N.f}xc
<br />the 7~rentrth day r>t c3, sn:: ese~ v m.:rntn_ tcx. ~. saw .r,3 .: i ufly prwf: ;>ox ,!i tares a!:d vwxssav;nls !rvrcd agunst sardpremwrs and on.hn Mort~tge
<br />and fhe & rti srca tea f r~bv, he re :f i-rry n ', um=aF rpare:r+e4 tat9tsa&ee a~ n •'ac butkl9tgs thnaernn n ire uua ofS 5Q r CDU . ClD ;nyebkr
<br />eo vat ,ISS[X~?,tT7f~\ spay <„ .ari titi5t>t 141 Ai?. up.,n Senand a~nwatey by t paxy f: r wch Fuca, aaxs,izterts Sad. InaunAa weitYl inures! ut
<br />ar ttsuinwm kgaf :art awre~rt :rum dau at pay-mrt[ a:l of wturn Dicxtg}~xhrteby sgretn to pay, pctm:t iti wasiasmsYidpxerttites koep,andaimrply
<br />wtth st4 the aGrcerttnts and axrndrtwns ut Ux &nW (:n S 717, OOD . D(} thn Jay gpen by, tik sad Morigxgcx :<: Haul A.SSflI'3AT10N, and ::o,mpiv
<br />rtih ill the rcywrettcntx t>f the ('rxstttua:act a ~ Bt -:.t.~s ,1 sand i`i.S(5t ~L~TIUN ihcn thtat pipE+ersiv ;Y..i! bepitwe Hall and void, gitrtrwnr: that'
<br />dull temwt to full I Ice and mss tc I<xe.;k-oee! at toe ~=.,n .:f tix ss;d t5S(lC1ATtfl3ti. aftx: =adutr !u[.ehzst ~mths' So mskrany ofsasd
<br />paytnrnia err Ire !tact Tc"atehry a a+ c n r ortaktsyt vtJ nt e they payrrxnts, s io Kestl* and. tasmply wan the tagrearmn[s and srsrtdlbam of satd Bpttd .
<br />and M.>rt,~afrur +{rrm :t. "u.e a re. c,.rc-r ztp:ru~.i .`rte, eF+v ,h ,n u~^, frrcucf~.r,.xe prtxyedyptya,
<br />If the rr ^ and iut~t at ,'»~ncrah:p ai ttr teal Hatt mar tyt>lext Setesa. }ir sale arestherrvix, rl~ the enYise rennrniag~iadebtxxloess hescby
<br />entttwed shall, r, the ~rptnr. siTiK E.qua>hac BuHd;rrb ami L-ran .lsaacsataeaaaftts~dd i3laisd.Ntbrasita.it~ame nteaudiataly doe andptyatrk withvu[
<br />ftathn nrxace, ane; :hr arsxwnt retmumrex due ,;odes va b,zstd, astd aatyottrer baa.i Iot any addetitanttl adsraruea made tticreursde[, ~iail;:ftrwt the
<br />Jatc nt eae:cne of sasd spt.wt. ~xar Interest. at :9e ;rvxuaum, tc'gal tare, sad t3tiz oxrrtgag may ilrea be forrekwed tp satiafyth amrn®t d>re:[m.3taid
<br />Mned, an.1 seer .xfrer txtn.t lest adriitvsstxl a.ivarts'cs. ,n{t<!irr rit4. a$wma peludlty yard TFR 1- table
<br />!+tbrnitr fr+ uesorancr.:sY.es rstd asvessee<nts, and zburx:. Wn ~ sad !.Iran Asxxiatgm t>4'{:raWllsianJ.
<br />-ng cx[crisir'rrr chin. with i^uses[ thcwwn. from date o€ lnyvcna at the. tnaximtrm
<br />irpl ntc.
<br />As pr..sviekvi m the Br»td xewed hzrcr,y. wrhtic nc~ rcwr:t!~:=:`tsasrnm €.^r-cF~fec3 tic smtx[gagee: stay hcaeaftex adnaee. ©adrtgrnafsutna ta: ttte
<br />makers rrf said ffaxx. cam„ rxsytt~ - ,c~rvu . tr ~.. w~ieb a-rtn zvII ix wr[hsa ~ scwnty ~L !has muxt~{ge the zame as the f4intlsnritinalty
<br />soured abes¢~Ay. the toeat amwat yf ~ s..-.e~a1 ueh, n ,; to occ*ct<7 xt my ~rnt '.tm atr~rra8 atn<sunt of the aarrstpssc_
<br />~.1tri ahn /J/'.:.tykrt, ~ ..I ~ilr"Y6, A. 33., 39 ~2-
<br />-- ~ .._.._.____ r
<br />_'~4~ 1.. JC~J.'tLGn
<br />" f... ,"
<br />~r'rf~t..'scr~~v~
<br />t:'iN.'*[T'Y alp st,ti. f. ~ y. 2$tii day o€ 3tiisG', tv$Z , ~efotr oae.
<br />thewxtrrwd, a tiataty #haBrlac en andfor sxai Cosurty, pea>'yna6ly catrur
<br />fv>n , ~z~~n_ r_ ,~,'ff3 L~~ri K. Sx:rartcs,-~. =~ch iza his ara3 her own rent arc! as ~~ e ^~,.
<br />"kl ?t .. „<rp_Z , c1yYa her!l,aa .y 5 tY.'aMr tt9
<br />mr u: ~u ,h.- -.~. ;,,s -~s.t~, _~ ~.-trsr :rz::,, 3. .t*_'t t y?".':c. _: ~,; ;rir xbcsve tsz.~svttsetvt ai ;rnutra' ~. srK3 ~'1~'.~i <evessiH.r,
<br />:ua.,u,.rstiSn-....,c *.u zr~.:r<vr[ ,,, ?,.- y,.: i C .t+aazt sy ail :„. ,x. ..
<br />tr7F^tFw.: rwab i ._.~, ~",, _h >:e ai..:_ra+d.
<br />/'~.
<br />r ...
<br />,:
<br />` n a ns-3,C -...._
<br />