<br />~"i;sr utrn
<br />K':(3CJ 1I,I. F'IE\ g`;' ~,?:,-^..~.~ 'r'PLSE?h"tS: t*~:it ndwar:: :+. .,ol.ar andI?cinna
<br />S. Kolar, the ~rusLnrs. [c sc:~ure [`r~r,-iss~~rr ~'o*_es bearicg ever_ date,
<br />i~ereo-i[n ,o; the total pri~;~i.;~3 sums ~_ ~>l: ?'hoirsand 1'trree Hundred "Chirtti~-
<br />'+ine and_9?~1Gp t~~cllars ~ IJs~3_ f-.° ~ii]G tl~h[ Lli:-i4_nd ;i_le Hundred
<br />i'4_.r~nC~-sever^_~ Q3 :00 Do' Lars ~ L~f.2~ ; ~~ _ ) F ~ "~: 1c~ .~. tne> order of
<br />~_,-._
<br />:mane I<inR, Glre P.eaef:ei:a~~, ~rroi r ,~a~;rer,c ,~f r le r:;tire octincipaT
<br />~alaaee, tegeLher u}th iaterest ___ ti;~ .:t,>s ,; iaven p eent _.%'j and
<br />L~rt pence^t l,10} er anm,..,resoe e~i:> i.^ ^or, h,-: r.,t '^r•rr~s of
<br />'?car.~ired wort-r-tr.: ee a i>i ~ ?~ C; `.L3rs t ~ . T ; ) s^d _
<br />'~< <e Hundred Sint°:-se~F~a '; d ~ ~~`1C10 _ .~l,~re tia,i._" _ `• i'tt:_ su;; h
<br />a5 T 3. pr a:~~p $~ i3 [lu 1ritErEb.- ~.rO~i rG =~• "'x1CSi.. ,~c!-'_i5 .l.i~~c' `~:`n av1C
<br />d.: }'.Ci lYJi nTS:II 8L!G ~QnY"+~'.' '.'.Ct t., JCJ f1 i t. _,x%S'rYtPCi. CIIC lr.. ~.~~._. '_}72
<br />~ali:,vi:g-dr~aeriFed i.rcperty:
<br />ict T~^. [ 40? is 7;uck T~'r ,; Vii:: :3[ .,._ctne Ursa
<br />.o-dditin:~ ,o t e C1Cy .. ",read _s; ,^;+, ;i:3'i
<br />i.;ci[tp L ~.• . .~~. b r;zs k=
<br />it? 3AF~ .1., u .u ~~:tL' --.~- s~cn~ . e .~'aer w~=t;: .~1.. p*_~r =-nancea,
<br />in ensue new ho~ie~s, and in ,_as _. ..~ ~ai.it _ n~rt resit _. :_iiici
<br />Sates tin arw parr _~~„_ .:[ gate ,~ th:r ,,. t-:.. ~,irc ,1,:
<br />~~~nv rc+ven.~ctt ItereSxa°cec ±e;_ E?arr`r, ... . ~'e~ i'c~..c_~- st~3: ~r.~~~e r.h~ pslk~er
<br />LU ~e:~I L'tse abrtve~-:it'~crihed -~raperiv, ~a;~~ urc~ L..e~t _::r. c_..:~ciarr,
<br />*he Tcuuter ~nazl c ilc :or r~_co*-d i;, : nc> .°siscrr • _ n: id - _, ; _ .. _. 1?a I i
<br />CovcaiY, tie~rask.y, a 'sct i~c~ i?>^~u~s_t. ~ <r;~ c~; tst;iC ;~ hr_ath t,L s^
<br />o$ISgv2'icn. fir :r?ai h tS~° saf p:.~pt°rc~r as . ~ r.~ _ti-c as ~;e=tu: i .+,,
<br />flccurrRd, >+.ttd ~~-tt:n~ _ert1; ,*?~~ -.iturs^ ~. ,:uzh tirca~i, a-d t'r~r rr~_r~teu=_',
<br />e1~~Cinrs ;u selz .., gr.;~nerCv .._ ~,~:1sf•~ thN ,,c,~xynrlo[ an:.~ va~'rr i~h.:.
<br />Lu~ee ~~~ rat least t?•a~z u°ls ~s~_h, .'ar ~riisttie sral~ F; ire v ...~^n ,mot'.
<br />¢f [!:+^ t>ae ~rni ,_;.ipce .. rasie uhlc'!+ mzy `•.r 5wtuerrx r:Ct` hh." . ~¢' ~:CiO ..'s.
<br />a£ Ltte Arcs>r3es, ~.z at chc c}a?t ~._ a^.ty r.o4rwh:±ssn. a+ac! parcir~u,iari~.~ -
<br />i<eSeLi??'i.!t~, tt; jsr~?peeC~t Ln Jr ~qt1; ~J1~~ tios'' _~:~ [<? 'ce ps_bi~sns~~i:n n i7s.vspet~,r>_
<br />~£ a gen~rai ::ircula[i,on zn :i~i.i i'ganCV, >t~brrrtika, ,~nc~e a veuk ter tivc
<br />..~:r~ccuL lv°r +ae~k.~, t!~c L;FS[ pub i:rat LOn r.o ti.c: ut zt^~i3t car (1(;) davw ~i~+..
<br />n+.~ ar:re ins?~ Lhi:t~ t?t3? ras ,srtcr try r`~,. s.iic ~[a::i ;h.~ ;ris~te<. shal, then
<br />soli sari , rcp~r.'Lv ar Lkie t.~x :rr.,a place _ui~dtnaLe:i ~_, the. Ro; 1es, .in tt:e
<br />~snner ,~rai:ceil by _att in e££rtit v[ the :1:a> cE t .;i:t~ wai4 Snr;,-r~, ;,t}d
<br />public auwiitrr LC5 Lht, iY:_ghxrst ~i:4aler r r C_3za1 aac Saar i dt~i.vcr .c+ s~.~n
<br />purchas.~r :~ e.ed to ehkt prap~t[w ~~'.~. coei~istene vial [7i r; !~w in e; frret at
<br />Chat Lime. 4'ts[ :~T." e::e priscE'ed~ _. aad gale, tae 'fruatee sh,ail re*atr? ti;lr3
<br />pay Eirat ail ffe~s, rhargea rind cos[s bF ua3r. a¢ii sl. nor>iass ail*~:xr,;ec i,a
<br />Che ex~tcSse t~X Che der c~, sale. irzc ludislg i. t,r,. pai~~nc csY tti>= "i'rustre'r
<br />.aes :uciu831v iacurr~3, aai pHV ~e~oszzl ~hz u~~:ig;3Lic;s sect:rtsC_ 6v till:;
<br />Trust ~~ed aaci ripe Deilancz. £: arsy. ~:?+.ii_i a>a ~ic to Chr< arson ol~ pscssan5
<br />Legally enLitL~d t~.ereLO. ,:7y ~era+a:z, ii -.~yci°t}q Y.?ii '3€iEficiear~~ ^ss;~ pirh.~st
<br />sai;4 gzo~rty a[ sucia sa;a.
<br />'i'he Irust~r caveracr.s Chat at thc~ cS~E ,~ deli_ver.~ of t~~e:u
<br />pCeseaLS, tae :a seizeur of said property tin fee s;_~ple, anc ;hat s3:d pr;lpextp
<br />:a free a£ eacu~ra.~es's, exccpL cznc~br3:zces, easements, rLghLS-::f-y'=.~,
<br />restrict3ars sqc: res+<t +ratida5 of re _crd, and h~ vill scrcp al.: bu;i~4 iat;
<br />ir,s~x~d t`nr Lire and ixcended c.4wer£age i^. an sraount BCU::i ~~ _~:e unp7i~i
<br />bsl.anc~ oY .re atoms it? ".;cte ~n~i balaaces sue utx~•~. t:e ~c-1ci.~:1 _ .ee,._
<br />sta. ill, vi[.h ions pas a5le to Lh~ :5-e::e`Lciary, and ~.~i 11 t~~~ :ai? t.3.r:us .3 ri:~
<br />aa'S.sswe;2L!; u~a ins[ said :srapi r[ 3r.~, srv.~,:rits duo <, •, ,.. ,r ... ..cu ,. F~r~i;c~es,
<br />a°•,cI if he sha_~ ..salt tra aj insurance pram~s:Tw or 31<~a ,.. ,^r~~ ., du,~,;x~
<br />prior aac:xtt:brancts, t5e !'>eei~ll-clang ;ca= ;;av [he .a._ ~u ~ ,_.-3 -t,ns .r_s , t „,yv
<br />s?sal 5'+.:c=:a.' ar<'dlri~::xl !¢bs.otee~~:>~ ;c- b;.~-r~urr<c.; s~ri~_ v .-.. ~_ frrrc-
<br />>;~ar>:._e, 'irc4co~ ir;::. pav zzay reasana'~ii sttorr..} .~.... 1._...r*.., 3zr, ~._..
<br />.;+x' '~tcts-[e~z i.:e su>:.~ `_~vre.lcs+arr prw.'ee.•aitsf;=.
<br />