<br />,cvew Ai.r, Msx sr 'rxasx nres~.:~TS, *_hat,HOME FEDtRAL SFyINC~S .Z.LDAN ASSOCIaT•Ilt'J -0F GR~I~ip~ND
<br />~ assiynar") foc good n:d valuable consideration to it in ::and paid by the Nebraska Mort- -
<br />_ getge Fir:ance Fend, crganized under the laws of the Stag of Pebraska ("assi.y-nee") , the
<br />receipt of which cansidezation is hereby acknowledged, daes Hereby assign, transfer, and
<br />set aver unto Aasignes all its r:g:aa, title, and int~rtst. in and to that certain Mort-
<br />gage executed ~y ..IEFFRY J: LYUN$ aND Pr1MELF {AY E, LYONS,, husband,at~d,w;if~ _ „~to
<br />. )tt Yt? ~8, 1yi~C _ mortga g
<br />kss ignar, dated. gin the foliowino
<br />describe3 real property '_n_ated in the Countg of ~+~I-~ ~ 6tate of t7ebraaka:
<br />;IT'! dF ZRAt2D iSL;uND, riALL G0tlNTY, ,NfiBRASKR.
<br />:anal fiicid `ar _ecnrd in the 9Jffice of «he ~ea~s._<.. .,_ Ceeds "i MALL .
<br />oursCy. ,iebzaaka, on tf:c '?~y~ day of :~Q.~~ts.~- ^L ~ ~5 V'?~, ar.d aptxari ng
<br />of record .n ~ ~, Arid:, E•r~'~"~~~~~/ together wi iF. the voce{yy and indebtedness
<br />dr<acribed i ar_d secnrad !~}' the >_r.a trur.+er.t afcresai3.
<br />TO NAVE .AEYD TO H6~L.A the same urta the said t:ehraska ?5or tca qr. Finance Fund and ua to
<br />its auccrecora and scaign^ forev_.r.
<br />THIS TSS:'~41P.N^.' I5 tMltCSE axgressly auA;ect to and in vccordanr_e with the warranties
<br />and reRrmaentati vnc of Aif:Gnar with Asaicaee oursuar.t to n certain Mortgage Loan Origi-
<br />nat~on Agzetiaert betwren tsaignor anti A.xeignce, a cop ^P wh!..rh i.s on Lilo ir: the office
<br />of Aasicnee.
<br />Jd i.iFE2ED tl:15v daq nT . , i9 .
<br />?~•T fl'P7'^.~'S'.
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<br />uC}t'' ~k.:JFhi~L Sn4'Ir~GS 8 L6RN
<br />4Nnme of aaaignrrl . .
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<br />" •°ts: President;.J. Q. Seltzer
<br />S7J1T~K Qf itE8RAS2CAl
<br />1 55.
<br />CGtiii3'X u£ h~L ~
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<br />7^a fore einy znst~uaer.~ wsS aG.a:`cw e4~rd +rzo v as ti:.=. ~L:
<br />dap cf ~une. , _s$~. J 5 3e,Tt er, ~r~s7d~n~ ;ind S>;~~hEl~ K, u8i±z~r., .
<br />SeereLary _ o__H(~f~~cDERRi. SFi.VZ"i6S 3 `OAN ~$Gl;I;rTI±~ir ~n~ ..___~,:~~~-, :~
<br />7~E~~;"~-"Y" .::or{~crza _>>a ~. ..,sec iatxor, ~: ne:,alf ~. ....c .._~,,.-+ztiUn
<br />R:L3YFF'S ~1-.a r~r.'; .v"tu' hotarisl _-aa1 ac ,as ':.~,. _. paid. )i~tit_ -
<br />UC-crttg' at. ~,RAl~tjT LSLnh L', iiG «his ~'.Ot h. _ cay of vIJ (ll' _, 47Y
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