<br />82=t)~~~Q'~
<br />r ,~i1S MORTGAGE is made this 8th . day of. June , , _ ,
<br />I4. a.. , txtwten the bforiga~er, :='s~, ~~ _, _ ,i.. . ~ ~ r ~ ,.>,',L ,_ r ,iie
<br />b~ LOAN AS$QCIAT~iON JF GRANq ISLANq~herein "Borrower"), and the DKcrt~agee,HDh4`_ .r.tDEKriL. SAIiING5
<br />............. ................. ...., a corporation organized and existing
<br />under ~ 4a l af ...... . ....... NEBRrZS,KA .. . _ _ ....... ..... whose address is. Z21..SQULh. LOCiLS,t..... .
<br />ran sand, Nebraska 688J1 , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , Therein "Lender"l.
<br />.......................................................
<br />e war is indebted to Lender in the prin~~pa! sum at.TWENTV, S.~Y(;N. i NOUS.gNq. FTYE. HUNDRED
<br />EI FTT Aryffl~0------------------_____~ollars. which inde;htedness is evi;;~nced by Borrower's note
<br />. Jtirie 2$, 192
<br />drded ...................... . ....{herein'!'~1nte";, providing for monthly installments of rioa al and interest,
<br />with the baianee cif the indebtedness, if nor sooner paid, due and payable c>n_ ......~4+)Y. ~~ .2~~ i~......... .
<br />To SECURE tq Lender {a) the repayment of the indebt.dnes ~videnced?ry the ^1otc, with inttrest thereon, the
<br />payrutnt at alI arbor Toms, with interest thereon, adJanced in accordatyte herewith u~ protect ;he security of this
<br />Mort~e, and the perfortnarxe of the covenancc and sgrcemcnts of Borrower herein contained, and (h) the repayment
<br />of aoy future adwar><xs, with inteeest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuantw paragraph 21 hereof ?herein
<br />"Fttttuc Adrutces^), Hormwrcr does hereby mar, Oran[ and convoy tri Lend.'r the fotlo~ting described properly
<br />toqued in the Count} n1.......... _ ................ .... ....... State of Nebraska:
<br />315 East Hal]
<br />which hat ttc. addrexs aC ...... ................................. ... .. errand . I ~ 1 and
<br />Nebraska i,u.au ;per'
<br />....................... ... f hemin "Prop:rt} Ade~ress"; ;
<br />!514 x~d 2tG Co6ej
<br />TOGETAEll wick aIi Chc impxc~•.crtten~c row ar hcrcaiter ~rraed r+n the pr,~ixat~, vnd ;h Anse tarots, rl~;i1tS,
<br />apputtznan:,rs„ refits. rcyxttie., mt+t~ral, i>i! ani~ r~i rigi~as anti ,atnfns, alter, aster nght=.. and water ~„~~fi, ana all
<br />5arwtcs.na~c atr t~rc;at;ttr attt~hed tc, the pruptrty. sii of which. htc!udang rzpla~catenss and :,u i~i.~m th° r;<:,, shall be
<br />riitthre$t,~ ~ arxl remain 9 ~rF crf the prv~fxety cctcr-<i bs rhia '~fgrt~a ; ;and nil of the `or~~go'ng, c>gethrr u~itit satd
<br />j>at}fxry~~ {nr :k~ tt~r~.ac3xriti s~tnte ~f ttn+ ~.tvrsg-agt i+ ~n 3:c:~eh<.;td i as:~ hr%cx.n r~i~.rre,1 t;> as :;;e ' t't alp rty".
<br />~trtiw6r t,e~ettl[Kv ihlit ~rrowe* is .asv4nu}~ ~crtct:4 of ti,• ~-elate itrcty .~<rvc~ ~ sxui s,n shy ci~Pi :r n~toet~t~gr.
<br />aaa~. ar„€ ~~>n~~ey.;iie Y`r~,pv"at;r, ebs: ai,c p t;p--rt1 ~nc-3a,.ri`t±~zed.. :At+d sirai ?3ocr•i~:cr ~ fi4 :~3r~x,~. :xnu ~icZend
<br />y-e:c!'a18q tks.. Tito; rE~ _•sc. 3'rue~ap ~gair.~P a!~ t.~ai,,:7 ~;7t3 ~Sr~arao:x~ sa.,b3ts: _- . . ,.r.~a a.,-..is. -s_ ,,.cut., ,r ;.s~;ii[i<-r~•
<br />~a:.e~ apt a :ac i?e~;r]tc` .,f rx~<'pltis&'t lc, :~!ver,~~{c at+ srsy a t -as:3rar ~ ~dE~ i.. 4rot1y, ~ ~at_ o'a ~. ~ _ , ~ ^ ?r~.pcr1-
<br />