<br />AF~SDAVS'?'
<br />Under oath,. 2, Kenneth H. Elson, declaxe:
<br />1. This Affidavit is executed for filing of record in the-Office
<br />of the Kegister of Deeds of- Hall County, Nebraska ,.: as to the
<br />followincZ Described real estate located in iIail County, Nebraska:
<br />4ot Ohe (1? and the Easterly One Hail tg~} of Lot Two
<br />i2j in Block Eight f8}an Gl~dstan Place, in the City
<br />ofrand. Sslaad, Flall County, Neiaras}:a, as surveyed,
<br />platted andrecordede
<br />2. As attorney for Ray W. Hongserm~ie_ and ~~udrey ^c. i.ongsermeier,
<br />hi:aband an3 •aife, a& joint tenants 'svittz right of survivorship and
<br />not as tenants in coma~>nr record owners ~f the real estate as
<br />i~rantees in the Survivorship '~tarranty Reek: filed of record in the
<br />Gfficr_ of the ~tegister of Deeds raf Hall ~ounty, vebi-aska, an
<br />June 9, i481, ^ecorded as Sns~rument va. 31-00:983, 1 have examined
<br />the pr.avisions o€ the W. Havtard.Bonsall Trnmt dated September 17,
<br />1475, and knrn+ of ray own pe=sonal knowledge the trust instrument
<br />creating the W. Fiotitard Sonsall Trusr_ dated September i7, 1~'S,
<br />appoints w. H+~ward SansalZ'as'Trustee of the trust and ~roaides in
<br />subparagraph (m) of ARTICLE x'OL'RTF3 cn page ~, in part,-r W. '~towar3
<br />Sonsall becomes '~znable to act as individ;~al trustee, my spouse
<br />shall thereupon act as such' Gad in sf.ibparayraph (c--) ~~f ARTLCLE
<br />FIRST states, ::n part, "at the 3at~ ;cereof ?, am married ro :3 ANNA
<br />80NSa'~F,L [' my sp..use' j
<br />3. The RQiease signed by Hanna 3cnsall, `Prvste~ of bath w. ;icward
<br />Bona all and 3anna 3orsall Trusts, filed of record ir: the Office <~*_-
<br />the Register. of Deeds ;~f Hall Coun*_}', Nebraska, on .7une 1, 1982,
<br />recorded as Instrument ~5a. 82-OG2175, releasnc0' the. real estate
<br />described is ParagraYh :~ of t2iis Affidavit from the .+lartgaye
<br />ret:c>rded as ~7ocuzaeat No. 81-0 0 2 9 8 1 filed in the O£fice of the
<br />Register cif weeds of ~3a11 ~_ount; , Pzebrasica, ->n .Puna 9, L981, was.:
<br />signed by the duly aYpvinted and acting 'irustee of the W. Howard
<br />Bozwall Trust dated September 17, 19; 5, .and the Hanna Sonsal l
<br />Trust dated September 1'', 19;5, as <~virSenced h~ the W'. Hawara
<br />nonsall Trust Gated September 17, 1475, and the Hanna Ronsall
<br />TtusL dated September i7, 1975, ~~f which i '.:ave persona, knowledge
<br />as a teoult of reading the eontents of the tr21l3t'instrument_s ~v
<br />which the W. doWrard i3onsa1l Trust dated SepternhEr Z7' 1975, and
<br />the Manna aonsall Trust Sated September 17, 1977, ~Aeze created.
<br />4. T kuar of ay o+~ai persoztal knowledge ;v. :#oward Bonsa,~ll menticned
<br />in this Affidavit died on April %8, 1482.
<br />.'7 .-~
<br />~ ~. ~ . ,
<br />(Kenneth H. Elson,
<br />Quly sworn to acid signeii before sae on .7uzte 2382.
<br />f ••
<br />--'~atar~ Fu 'cic
<br />.OO~IIIM ~~Jg11~p
<br />_-_, _ -___________ SEt~L
<br />