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MORTtJAG~ <br />82- t~~.i2~Q1 <br />This mortgage made and en[cred into this =st___ dap of ~~~` .-, <br />19_{!1-_. byand tte:wcen Tom Wieck and ?ovice R. ~Jieck, Husband and :wife, <br />(hereirsaftrr referred to as mongaeor) and Commercial National Hank and Tntst Company <br />(hereinafter referred to as <br />mortgagee), whe maintains an office and place of !>usiness a[ ~l'4 wept rl-:, r-t -____ svect in Grand Island, <br />Halt County, Nebraska. <br />H'rT!CE45EFH, thaI for the considnatiort hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />doss hereby mort~c, x[I, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, iu successors and assigns, all of the fol- <br />lowing described prvpct•y sitnatcd and bciret in rho County of aa11 <br />State of Nebraska. <br />A tract cf i3lid cot~risin~~ a part e` ;he ?yortawrest ~t.tarter t;3'e7~j c-r_ Section Four i4) , <br />2bMmship &lwen [l.l, 5cr~~r F.ange I`en ;i~~`; ~7est of the ot^ ..K., riall County, .F~raska <br />and amore partia~~larly desc~iBed. as foi'_-owe: Ca-e.;inrirc at tl:e Ydort:~west c-orner of ~ai3 <br />NW~t; t'rence r:L::.inq ~'ast.erif- ..ior:c t^.e `:crtF. i._r,e of said "ih'~1 n dis`ance of iWO rho:tsanc <br />Six Hundred Forty one 3r,c? Eitihtc Jrc- riu:td_e~tits ,6~1.Si1 .get to the Northeast comer <br />o€ said *:[d4'i thence running Scut :ply alo..g _-_ East fine of said hTWta a 3i stance of Nine <br />2urdred °ighty Eicsht and Fctuteen F~~radreracs (43~3,~d: feet; t_sence 3efieccing right 1330 <br />^.9` 3D' and rurzing Nor`.hy~s~erly ~ .1c*_ar~ce cf Eix fiundred Ninety rive and Ninetr Six <br />H,~dredt-~s (645.96) fee"; thence de`lec`i^~ --:et=t 410 ~_' 40" sr;d runainq Wes[eriy a <br />distance of TVo ^_'housand Or.e ffur.3re3 TFirty Seem and `itcelce ~ undredtts (2,1J7.12i feat <br />to a point an tht Pest lire cf said *'.kT=~; tf:er~ce ru^.ni:ta ~FOrtherly along the west line of <br />acid NWT a distance of Five Ht:rdre3 Thirteen and Fr,rtp `?`kc Hundredths (513,~7~) feet to <br />t'_ie point of beginrtinq and con*_aining i4«"a a.~res ;Wore or '~ess of which ~.3? acres more <br />ei- less is occupied by Pttblic 9cnd l=ici;t Of i~ay. <br />together with all the tenemrnts and appunenances thtreto belonging. all the rents. issues and profits thereof, and all <br />easeYnents, rishts, royalties, mineral, od and gas rights and profiu, water, water rights, and water stcxk. and including <br />all htatittB, plumbing, refrigeration, fighting, equipmtnt and all iixturrs oi~ evrn~ description belonging to the <br />mortgagor now or hereafter attaehed thereto ar usad in cunnectian with the premisc_ herein described and in addition <br />thereto [hr following describcYl properties wtuch are and shall be domed to be fix[ures and a part of the realty, and <br />ue a portion of the security for the inciebtcdrxss hereto stated.. (If none, state "acne") <br />7o have and to hold the same unto the Mangafta, as herein pravidrti: <br />The mtxts~or is lawfully seized and ~sessed vi and has the right to sell and cenv»y said progeny; that die <br />same is fra from all cacumbnnaes except as hereimborc recited: and that Mortgagor cavertants ro warrant and <br />defend the titk aforesaid thereto and every part thereof agairuc the cta3ms oC all persons whomsorva_ <br />This instrument. is givers tv sttvre the pavmcnt of a promissory nag dated ~,:~P g -. 19x2 ^--_-------_.__-- <br />in the principtl sum vf~ 775,OQL1.r,4 ______, signed by Ton wie_~k and_Jovice_R. Wreck __ <br />- - ---- <br />in behalfof _,rtyQtq i4i~,~,~td JoyCe R. W,~e~k-_--_-_-- <br />also, as stash note a notes may from dme to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing. <br />to the event the rick to said real matt is transferred, yr contractril to he transfcred, from the tmdustgnrd for anti <br />reaaoa a br- any toethod whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and <br />4vyabkatthe election of the holder hereof. Facture to excrrise this option because ~~f vantes of title as chose ,rated <br />in ont instance shah' not constitut: a waivtr of the right to aerrtse [hc lama in the event oC any subsequent a ransfrr. <br />I . The tnortsagor covenants and. ag; ere as follo+rs: <br />a. Ta promlrtly pay tht in:ietxedness Cvlderacet~ by said promissory n,~te at the ti;nE~ and in the n;anner <br />thsrtin l+rovtdctl. <br />h. T3 pay ail t~tcs, asse9smeats, water ra;ra, a_nd oi;tc- ga<~nrricnt~] :r,r count A'. :Gatvc- t"~tx,. : r <br />impasttiors, ft+r which pT4vi9.iOtt has not been naie hercinbcfarz, and x~ii! prr,m,.tL~ ucfi,er the t isi ~,_ <br />t3serrEcx_ to the said rtoaga~tt. <br />fa aa~• sash eiperxst: and fem. yq mat' ire irteurrcil n he ;;rt+:c--unn : n , aarrr.~ ~ . ~ ~ ~l <br />irtbtt:4en~ the fees cf arzk att~rn.-y entrric)'t~! he the me:r~,;tsg.c ;o, ;tt~ ~ cs:i€,s : i _E,;v : , rf~;# ,. i,ic~ ,. . <br />ht±rt•y ;i^~'t;t~°i1. ~t : ,. <s~,u;c n_s atorcKa>^rc'y gale ,. ~c+.;r; , r<k~rci t,~.- .., ~.r~ -, __~ ._. <br />n'te~,":nk,atdDr~*rv,'rt. <br />