.-,.. t~~?~4~i
<br />~2
<br />tivoa A,L ~:u ar 'rx~sU PaesavTS, that 4Qi~1E rEvERAL 5AVI:NGS 8 ,LOAry lS$Utii(~TZO?'J . .
<br />("Assigner"', *cr good and caluahle cor.sideraY.ion to it In hand paid by the Yebraska Murt-
<br />gage Finsnce Fend, ozganized under the iaws of the State of Nebraska ("Assignee";, the
<br />r>ceiot of w!:ich consideration is hereby acknowledged., does hereb}• assign, transfer, grid
<br />set over anto Assignee ali its :igh`c, title, and interest in and to that certain Kort-
<br />gage executed b}• !wi L!,i ~h4 ,~+ ~Af~j~h~ 11nJO drt;'.{d. .unto
<br />Assayror, dated. ".Une =~+ j032 ., mortgaging the following
<br />described real property lecatr_d in the Cos.mty of _ '~'~~~~ State of Nebraska:
<br />THE SOUTh THIRTY FOiJR ~Ei_T (S 34 ` ? i~F .UT ~JtdF (1 SLOCK Q~{E r'-~:NDRED FURT't-SEVEN
<br />(147; , i!lJIJN PhCIEiC RAILWAY :~~JMP?.NY's iE!'QNC P.{~OITIuN '~ ,RANU _SLAND. HALL. COUNT~f
<br />"JE3RFSKA
<br />and :rim for reword in "ha Office o: *.he ~egieter of Deeds ,~i .h~~-~ .
<br />~tL1t}•. Nebraska, cn the .~ ~.~ dny :,. _ ,7u NE _9 P7. , an3 aooearinu
<br />of record in irk IZ:dG n~E~Yr ~ ~1. ~ ~~~_ .,
<br />*cgethe~r wire the no.w~s! and ~^debtedness
<br />dascrit~ed ,n, and aece:red by the ~nscri:.•nent afQ:esa_d.
<br />TO RAVE AbfO ro HOLB the same ;into the said Nebraska Mgrtoage Firancr• 'rand and an*_a
<br />ita succ-e~sors and axalgnr forever.
<br />'N. I.S AS3ZQiMl:N'L ZS MADF, expressly saD?ect to and i.n accnrdan::e •.iti: ^. pie warranties
<br />aad. reprosantation.s of Aoy clnc>r with Assignee pursuant. e:.o a certain hlortyage Loan Crigi-
<br />nstion :+qre~sent '.~etween Aasagnar and AnaiGnee, a copy of which is on .`iic~n the office
<br />o~
<br />S, O$Z.;L'ERSD ^ais .~ia•. of _g,
<br />`.~. '~Z t 935
<br />~'ti ~'.
<br />i
<br />1'
<br />.~
<br />?T_ThT_-:: &ecretary , Jtephea R~ $e i t.~er
<br />a?A;`E OF NEH Fr15KA;
<br />i 55.
<br />~DL~N TY VF HALL ,
<br />HOME rfiDEE:,L SAV1"CGS ?+ LEAN
<br />i5e~e of Aatcigrcr) .
<br />r4 , , ~.
<br />. 7 .
<br />-ITI.a-_ President, 'C B. Seltzer
<br />T:ee fnre~oirig iratruaa:it was acki:.c:~ledged beP,;re rte, ._. as. `~Ctl.
<br />day et ,7une. 19 22, ,y ~..8. 3EE.TZER,~ ~RESIO~ri? ftl~ ~r~P~iEi( R..Bi:L?ZE°. .
<br />~~C~~ETA~Y _ Qf~(7A1E FED£Bl?L SAY:,"Jra: ~i~ .L4t~i SSSUC:Ai ii1"{. -. ~ .,,~e~~nrr, ~,
<br />t1EBRA5KR- ~_
<br />.. .- - _ .~orporatiCn a.. ;.esociat. or:, -n ~e}is;.E c1 the r..roo ratzon
<br />Q. Aai3QCla tl.On.
<br />" i1+'TIiE58 ~y hnnd anA Notarial Seai ar_ .ay cf `ice :n said. ~~~`_~-_
<br />axs>~.. 3[ vPdnd ISidnd, i~~ th la .2t;Lh _ day -.:;£ ~1tF1,? 0 1~2.
<br />~-~~ ?~) !1 ' r
<br />-~~R .' P ._. ..
<br />Y
<br />:4y %~e~naG:asir;~n ~.ixP?-rase f` ~ ~ G- 3 ':t
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