~,m.. iaU~S `"
<br />~' r
<br />Lender's w~~i:tee sgreemeni nr applicable law, $gemwer shall pay the amountafall m<xtgageinxururcepremiumxin the
<br />mannzr provided under paragraph '_ :rercaC. '
<br />.our amounts disht:rxre b~~ Lender purcccant tc this paragraph' u~th interest the[eoa;. shall become additional
<br />o indthtzdness of Borrower seuired by this yongagz. Lnles± Borrrner and Leor!e: sgree to other grins a: Paytncnt, such
<br />amarn5s shall bz papab}c upcm naive from L-code. [o &~rrower *eruestini p«vmzat thereat, aaashall he.zr interest from the
<br />dale of disbursement at thr rate payable from time m time nn aur,standing principal ;isder t}:e \o:e unless payment of
<br />interest at such ;ate w•cnlJ bz coniran' to appliubla lain, n •x~hich event such amounts sha(I bzar mtercu at the highest rsre
<br />permissible usdr: a{>plicnNe yaw. N,,thing eor.uilned ir. this paragraph ' .hail require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />ary aetioa hereundez.
<br />8. igtectian. Lender rr.ay makz or cauva ¢o he made rea?orxahle entries upon and inspecricns of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Bcr*ower nrxicz prior to ary su::h inspecnon spcCilyrng :easonabte caaiv, therefor related m Lender's
<br />--:Herres: in the f rt:peYy.
<br />9. Co~erwnat{en, l?ae pnx:eeds of am' award nr claim Cer darort~s. direct or cor.>equc-nfiai, Sn conneciior, ~.vith any
<br />cwdemnadar, or pthar taz5^~_ a` tEte Propetic. nT part :hereof. nr it~r ~orvevancC in lieu e( condemnation, arc hereby assisened
<br />anil shall :re paid en Leader.
<br />In the event of s total Caking of the Pr.Txtrtp. 6he ;rreweccts sleail re ;applied to ;he srtms secured by !his blort¢age.
<br />wiL4 the e,ccc-e.. if aae, , _id ~~~ Bo ~ ~r she cvc-. Carta nrklr.e of the Pro~.rt ~~. vnicc Borro,er and Lender
<br />otherxiaeagree ere .rating- then sh h be upplicd ro tb~ _.ms kc amd by this ~fa~ngaRe such proportior, of the proceeds
<br />as is rgrtai to chat n; ups rticn which the ~xmount u; the ,ems cectvred b}° rho if ortga Ye immediatele prior to the date of
<br />:.along bears ro the fair market ~aal:re of the P-<wr~p immediateia~ prr~r eo ;he .:ate of ~.ak.ng- ~.cith :he balance o. the proceeds
<br />Paid to Born~wer.
<br />If the P:opecn~ is ahaada-,cd by Bo:-r: v~cr.... S. at(cr notice hr I_er;der ta.Berrew~er that the condemnor offers to make
<br />as award or xtt?e a claim Car damaeex- Borrower f:u!s .;; rc-s pond ro Lcader~withsn 3n days taster the dote such notice is
<br />mailed, Fender is aotheuizrd Sn c.~[kct aad apple rh< prreeads. at l_cadCr's 4ptian. erth~r to restoration or repair of the
<br />Prnpcriy pr *o the sums ia,u red ?s•; rhi> Nor_wage
<br />[Unieas Lender and Borrower atherwisn agrc~ en ,vritin„ a.°~1~ a,;h applicsrirzn of p;~>Lezdv m principal shel'- not extend
<br />or pasrpune the dex rate rrC thr m rthfv installmerrs r~fcr-. cc! re :r~ph, 7 :+nd ~ hrrent or chu ,2e fhe zmeunt nF
<br />such msraiimarza.
<br />]~, forrowrr Aof Relrared. F_rtcr.aor. ~, i the qmc for pati,rz;,t or ~n dtfic:er:on :. amortiza.on of nc~ c~.itns scarred
<br />hy' ibis liortgaare grantee hti Leni^ r .+~,v' stk~cessar in : e•erc~: A~ rror+cr chin! nee r;>er re ro refs<e- in. arty mannt;r.
<br />the Siabilin~ rat the r~rifimal 6cr ~~~-.>•~zr and Bc nwrr'c ,. ~ _. r•: -n in rerzsi 1 e^ucr cha?1 ~~ r nc r.n-i red •~ corn mence
<br />ymcttdings uk3mst eu.h c.rec~snr of rafusc u? extend ,i a f=rr t.a•ment or rt tt: ^a~uc ,n~.rdi f. arnnrtizlticn ~ef ;he slims
<br />secured by ehia S4nrzgag,c ht rexscr. zo( any dcma;rd ;naciF h+ ;hc r. anal Rer ~- er :md Rnrrow~ ..,. t_~r. .^ ir,tnrest.
<br />77. Farfe~ra~ce by !rarer :~,N a W17rec. -Anr' `:~rbearanre . ~ i andcr rv -^Jur. nv rich. .- remad 1 t~ce Herr, r~r
<br />oiherw3sc afforttri by uppliCahl? law. shall nrx tx <+ wa:w~er ~.. ,,, ~r.a,ude thr cxerasc rc an .,.. -+~h.. r- mr.~ech~.
<br />T?u prcx urement ri irean a>`ce or thz prime^' aY ;a:cr r~r .ih,...;,;n~;~r ~hurtzc ?+,~ Lrxlc ±:~fl .nos ~ ~.,~ -; o[ Lcn~ier's
<br />right to aceelerate the maruriro cr 'hc -ne:ehtcdneca ccca;-rd he ih.= 1tor!y;.,gc
<br />12. lsedk+r Cra~4H.e. Alt rrmedee. ~ ~~.,dc~d n •?~~~ tit ,;i,c ,,^ I s-~.-~: _ui l c:cn.i.ati t, m r,~ her -igh[ or
<br />rrmc>iy aadtr Chic Atrxr,grgc er at?i+rde6 by la•. ~. .; ur. .and m:r~. 'r __.~ccJ :uicufr a ;~. as:9rpenacr~'.r e ~xc,n~eh~.
<br />23. ~'cewrea rr ~3rfrM {vrwd; Jnint ~anA ~,ard (irbilin';~ Capfk.ns. i'~e -.+: Hann ,end agra?scnis herein
<br />covtarned .feat! bind. and the rights h<:eLru?cr shalS :rr~'. ',. 'hr w ; c,_ :~f .~~ c~~ r~r~ .,r r' a:aii_,n~ r ._ .~1rr ;. n,! B'rTrwer.
<br />eah}eci ..c %hr provisloq; _af paragraph I' bercnf 411 ~- a ~:ar,e: ,rl yrcenicnt~ ,~t Hr . .. ;i he ;a~n[ ~'d cc^eral.
<br />The captions anc bra iagc of the paragra;<t;~ r true ~t¢;kag: _ .'°r~~ ,,erect c ~s., .rc ~,; ~,i ~~ curl r^
<br />interpret or define the preti-rz:era }ce:rcca,
<br />!{. 5etke. Except ;:?r ar. •~ reaaracc ;rr,;;ucd umler appl!~a61r Iav !„. ~(ivaa m tint tnr' rr~tr:,cr a to}~ novice [rr
<br />Borruvrer provde:d ?ir bn 'his \fe*agagr sha31 bc. ti, vice h} ma~Gng .h _, .cr:ife~ r-;il .wdr....rd fl-~r~,:.s ai
<br />the Proptrt.• ~lddtcs. tier ~r: such c>cArr mdd resc a B<*-mwe* n-.+r~ d_<.s,rn.~ rrr~nicr ~, i. cud°: .s m<wi_' c he: ci r.. an«
<br />(E an n:riice ec (.ender chaff i>e d tart 1, ,:cr;~fkd msu .ae.~e; r- rce:re .a.G :;; i rn,I_r ~~- ad1 sratCi ~,rrcie; or Fo
<br />~~ ~ .,
<br />w:h other addrews ai I_tvde. ~-ar de.:gnrte he Honer, r,: Rer ~ r a. ... ; ?+e ^,r< .^r -.- ~ . r9Jca ~~r ;,, ?lri~.
<br />Mortgage xha;l he detr^cd .~ h.+-v, S~r^ giver. -o Rx~,rrew~~ ?r fnd... :a gran it ~hr t~ i err ; :<t.:d h rein.
<br />IS. l aifunw NwgaKe: farernin~ f.~.: Sewera6ilk,. ~f1>r, 7. .e ,e< mar treat e. =tr`h ,rs ucifor e : -+ena Lis for nadonui
<br />uu and nor.-unifrrm a*venams with e rr.ied. ~ ri <,r,rn, '-~~ ; rr.d,.--. ... cr. sr+0.~te a ei eiFvr.~~ sa_ ': n~vtnn~rer,i cn.c,-mc
<br />real properzv 'T'his b4c~rtgsge shat; tz governed bc~ •}:c f tt• .~_. ~rhi,; ibr Prni_., r; ;~. igc~~led ]n !L•r
<br />er'eaC ihai aay p=tivistan cx efatr<e of thin tvteRgage -~* : - '>•o~c :.* r,. ~ w Rer• ,~+nizea.b L.!riu-, µ;fCh :rri~`iti. shall. rcn .efTeci
<br />Uikrrr prt?-ra6,ms of thxs lfottg,agz nr the V, e •,vie:e'e :~n bt tire: cn etie,i a8~ut h >n?ir; ri n.? i~r:,: ieion. anvf tr- tLi~
<br />rnd the pro~+isiar;ts or t}m ylattgage and the A.tre s*z sic la -d ;.~~ Ne ._verah!c.
<br />1~. ~onuwers Corr. Borrowrr ahsi! he !'urre+chcc -.ecd <-ap~~ ~t ;hc V,,tr ;red .,~ 'h Vlcxtgagc :rt the Lmc
<br />ut exe._uticm or after rccordnriorr hereof.
<br />17. Trasder of tfe Proreny: .lvwnrrtien- It ;a?( .rr snr .~.rrt ,,: the Pn-•,re, v; ~~r ., r, ,ntc re>r therern i. ;:old sir rran.tcr red
<br />by Bz3ttower wlttr,?ui L.e rider's pr.nr w,i;zcn ..or, e_-e v. r^.-~i..i4 '..~: [M. :tars.,. r : cn r. c_r-m ,ran,c whr~~3i,rrc t ,
<br />tfsit \lfnrtpayc. (h: thr c-catirr n(r ~,..c bast mrsnr. ~ , .i .~r-:-s ,~. _t;oui.c, l._ ;.pp_u.r. .~ _: .i wan.. . er h; der-xe.
<br />d~'er.: or bg ispenrion of ,'au ,rps:n ttx death r .noa: z cant .,r - _
<br />Lender mag. of hruc<icpL-.. d,_Lare ael e6e ;trt, sea~ra ^_'h-a M r,age~sn hR
<br />r ,.-
<br />imme+fistel}' dsYr and pYyable ixttafr thus! h.. .r~v~rc..._._ rcpt _n - ,arc cue-.~•c :r- .o thF r:)e e ., rf~r. lender
<br />xnd !ha perm tc w-irom the Prr~+er: a- is r;e S+e i.., -r [ra.,.., -. rr., r_x.r a~~-err ;rrr :n u ._..~ ti~. ~ _.._ „~h !~c rasr
<br />i3 saticyclcin en.icr acrd that rhs iniereni ra, ah c er. nc a ~-•. x ,ea '^ , tiL•rt.,a~c h :: ~ ~,n<h -rtr >, Lander
<br />sihail rrquett_ ;( S.erder retie waives] £ee rpt a^r. ,. ~ccc;c ~, ,. i_~ :cis ~:infra P?r ~m r? H-~rr,.ae ~_ ure+sor !~.
<br />intpre5t has exytiutt,Y'i a a--tttaa axsc~cimrr sg^_rmcnt a-.e. p.cc -^ , r'- s L- ..ter. LenJcr .h:rif -rl.~au T3 ~~: c. hero ~lI
<br />:-~ftfigationx an~iet tba Mortgage ar>d ;hc tiore_
<br />Lf 1. extder 0ttrci:d4 sec!? ~~ptroa ar accetr~ete Le -.e. -,.~. r ~ &r,~aw ::, -- c :-: rier<.-... -n ~.. r;an<c -x,..h
<br />parw#ra}*h t4 r±erea; ~w-h nc>GCk !rs+r ,. rr, ri'x a cnnno.. .. ~ . a_ h. ,: ?r ~ r.,rr ,he. ~-. ,,. to i ik_ i.. ., r.tlyd -~u;nir
<br />wets! Borr~~wer ;nay Pz~r [he sums tile'; ,rn? d: e. ii &~r ..~ ~. ,.~, ~ .,yes pr, t- „_... -, "char t irh lx•-r;d.
<br />L,rndee treat. without farther ntrtrc: car deneand -~ie Ek rn -:~~-o~ :..r:^.~~. ck. rrr, .: r ,;r ~r_'~p^ I'. ,c:epf
<br />'ha+-U~trorev! (`nvLSa!YSS. Aor[L xer ape !. end~•r fu, r,er c. °. n a. -.ni} . .rrr ,:y !ol]p~.r,.
<br />SR. Aceeleeat3oa: Re+wrries. Exerpi r,< proYided in parrrKraph (? heee.rl, upon Norrower'a hr,.ach of tint evreaaM err
<br />ajritvMert of torr~re.etr in this ~frxixa~e, faeludie~ thr co,enanl. to par when due en. cum. se: ured by thjFy' Mart~n@e..
<br />h~firr peiur to aece9e[afioa +6a~ rwrB rewrite la Ecrrrvwcr aF pru.ided Yn pwir~nph 7J hemvf upeat}~inK: a The-breach:
<br />k:-) tltracttw mfir+i fo cure s»c# 6rdch! ('i a date, cwt lev; thax 32i daY+ frnnt ihr die the msticY in nniltd tat Dorrvwrr,
<br />As vhieh sac- 6reair n1uM l4 eoe~ and iJl tMi fallare .;v i»rc .arch bra a<Ir rm rx trefnrr the dart cprcifeed in the.: ntetKt
<br />t•~ rvewk Fa scetaetiMipn of !hc sasv wnrrJ by rAi..~turt~~e, bur h>xurx h tudicia} p ,:ecdi,>Y and Lair of the 6$uperty_
<br />71t fYli¢e ~YaN trrther inform 6exmw±r of the right en relrasea(e afirr acceltrati<xn ur,d thr right ¢r ,ra,~rt 7n the f6terftYSarc
<br />P~'r'rr~f retie ring-esklrvice of r deiaetr rxr env nihrr rkfnne erf Aorr,anet 1n ~,ac,:o-fNratzrrn aa+d turr,.~.la+nrr: If tfra, lfreitrth
<br />iY aNF~ cared eel nr bs#rrr the d>.te cyc [bed Sn fhe iM6re, (ender ut f c*ulvr's npMO,z mi* hritare slf of the Duna ~kcurrd bp,
<br />tYlt a[t !ti be itamrdi',iittr dnr r.ad porratr6c xiffaovt Yur/brr ri¢vnarrd alud mac 'rorrci<n. Cp {udi.-in8 pr,n r*_direp_ f..cnder
<br />uinff 9e eatk3rA k evHrtt ~ nrsch pe*x-eex}Mwq a32 ca pea.ex at foreci,r.,nre-, iv:~?wJ[rri_ ?aqr ,+ iirerrterf r-, ~r•eu r~.F afrtirumcutary
<br />er fdease~ aiMru M rwrf ritlr reyorts.
<br />~.
<br />19. /ytrawe~a ItFYW to itehbtae¢- Ar ~ .,rid. g.Lecuc~ t- a. ~ ~ .. ._ ,r'e>x' 'h `.I,-~,,.
<br />Sji.;,[. rte... .jxa 1r .'„t• K," i . 1W. .. _~c,t v.E-~.-~ ;v. ~. - ! ._ _ .. ". t ~ .....;1 ., a. , ..
<br />