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<br />DE$TDIi q'.1IiRANTS AVD CtyVE\ANTS: (1j That wccept far the security 'nu;rest aran[edher h} Gsib[or ia,vr to the axteat <br />Chat this agreement states that the Collateral is to be acquired after the dace herevt, will bc, the owner of the:.`vtlataraifree from. any <br />adverse lien, securityinterest or encumbrance: and the[ Debor wilt defend the Collateral against aII claims and demands. d±ali <br />.persons at. any time claimiugthe same or any. interest [herein. !3i Thai nv financivg ~[atevsenc coreriagtheCotlateral nr"any <br />Di'oceedsthereof is on file. iu any public odice and that at the req[:est vF Secured. Party, Debtor rµill fain with Secured Party; fn <br />executing-one or more frrancing statements pw-sdanc to the \ehraska i',niform Commercial Cvdu in fatal satisfaiaory "tc Secured <br />Party and viH pay the cost of filing such Bnancing. statement. tixis securiry~ agreemec[ ahd. nny evutiauaticn ar termination state- <br />- .men[,. is all public .offices wherever Sling is deemed 6y Secured Yarty cv be accessary yr desirable; and if the Collateral. is attached <br />to real estateprior to the perfection of [he securityinterest firm [ed hereby or rf. the foltateral itieludescrops or oii• gasvr miuerale <br />to be extracted-or tiatber to be cut, Debtor will, on demand of Secured. fart}~, furnish Secured Party with ar disclaimer or disclaimers <br />or autwrdtnatioh-agreement signed. by-.all persons hac•ingahinterest is Che real estate, disclaiiniv.gvr'subordinating env interest in <br />the Collaterab whichis-prior to theinterest oP $eoured Party. [) \ox co selh transfer or dtsposeof [i:e. Gol3atera:. nort.ake the same; or <br />attempttp take Che same from the county a hero kept as ab ~r ~ ~[ated, without the prior wr,[ten consent ofthe Secured Party- ~ +~~ To <br />pay all taxes and assesameuts of everynature-wtticli n[av beet led or assessed against the (Jolla[eral. (v) &vt [o permib or al to~':[ny <br />adverse lien, sedurrtyinferest orencumbrancewhatsaever upon the Collateral. and nor rv prrmicthc same to 're:~~,sohedor ,ep'^^~-tied <br />(6)'1'hai. theGollateralis ih goodconditioh•.and that3ie willac ~ s own espensc;,.keep thesamein gaol condieion aua from t[m e.[o time, <br />tortDwith;. replace sad repair all such parts of the [' ma? pe 6rvken, worn out or damaged without allawing at3v lien to <br />De. created upon theCpLateral. tin. account of such reptucementvr repairs, sad that cheSecured Party may <~xamiu-f and inspece. then <br />Collateral at ant' time.wherever located. t+! That he a'ii1 ai Y 7an»ersr. kctp the (.' 7itaceral insurediua company.satisfactory. <br />to Secured Parfp agains[4oss,as appropriate, by theft, colt son. Ire and extend«d coverage, withloas payatiie xo Secured Yarty as <br />its fnterest may .appear, and. will vn demand deliver said poucres of insurance or Purush proof of such insurance. to .Secured Party. <br />(8) A[ its. option Secured Part}- may procuresuchinsaranc.. dseharge caxe. s. hens or security :nteresta. or ocher encumbraneesai <br />any: time levied or placed on the Collateral and ma. pa?-. °or ttte'repsir oP any damage ar injury to,drPOr the preservation and main- <br />tenance oP theCollateral. Debtor afire as to reimburse Secured Pxry on demand for any payment. or expeasi? incurred by Secured <br />Partypursuaatto the foregoing authm•ization. L•ntil such reimbursement. the amount of any such` payment. with <br />interest from>date yavment until reimbursement, shall be added' to the .indebtedness owed by ~.Debtvr :and shal]'be <br />secured by this agreemen k. 191 Tliat hu will not ass the Collateral in violation of. any applicable statute; regulationor ordinance <br />_ and if. any of theCollateral is motor vehichss ihr. same wtil notl>e rented, ased in rvita! service nor in any spend or enfiurance <br />„.~..: ~,gntest. (Id ~Uebtor wiJI1)ut:.Srict.ra~tl.. °art, an ..;)-"fir ,~ndr•t rnaas. ;nr r .r 1 - ~ ,~ ,. i, rPral and <br />•~ ~or~ ~. <br />mcurred~in enforcrng.. this. security agreement,. andthe. sam_ shall be ,rr are%',. .rts sec tray agreement.. ' <br />L'1YTiL DEFACI.T. Debtor may ha •P possession of the :,oifateral and dse [t. in any IawYul manner rtrit inc.~nsistent. with this <br />agreement and oot incovsistent with any policy of insuranc . ~_herean and aipon default .,rcu.*ed: Yarty shall have'tlia immediate <br />right to the possession of the. Collateral. <br />DEBTORS'H ALL BEIV DEFAtiLT. ltnder This agrcementupon the happening of any vF.the following scents orconditions• <br />Q) default in the payment of performance gi`ant' r?bligation. cgvenaut m• liability rantained Zrr 7eterred to "here'mor in andnotr• <br />evidencingt.he same;,.(?lany u'arruaiy, represev[a[ipn or statezn en [. made orfurhished to Secured Party by;:ar oh. hebai£ of,.Debtor <br />proves ca haSetieen'fa/se in ancmaterr.[i respect when made ar furntslied; (3Y any. e.vetit which resultsin the acceleration of=the <br />maturity o[the-indebtedness of DS~~htor do others under art' indenture. agreement orundertak±ng: (4):Ioss, theft, dflmege,destruc- <br />tion sale or encumbrance. to or of any bi the {'.ollatPral, or the mak:ag of any I`.er: snizur« yr attachmentthereof or thereon; <br />(5) death.. diasotution;termination of existence,. tiasoivency. business failure, appointment oT a recei i•er vY any part eY the property <br />aL, haeignmenti for the Aenedt oP creditors by, or iris commencement of anyproceeding tinder any bank rupicy or insolveimy tavra <br />Dy or against. Debtor. or. anyguarantor. or surety felt. Debtor <br />L*POh SliCH. DEFAGLT and at env time thereafter, or ri tt deem5ltself insea:ure; .Sec urad. I--'art may. dcrlare aH:OLli gallons <br />secured hereby Immediately due and par•abie and shall line ~ [he remedies ir+' a servrad. pa ty ender the Yebraska UniYOrm Com- <br />inertial Code. Secured Percy may regvire.Dt?btor to `assemble the Collatero.: and deliver or make. a available to Secured Party(at <br />a.Diace to De des[gnatedby Secured Party. which is reasonably~conv enient. ru both. parties. IIiilesa the Collateral lspe.r[ahableor <br />threatens todeciinespeedfly [n. valve or is of a t pe customarily. sold cn a recognized markPT;-Securedf?arty 'willgii•e Debtor <br />reaegaable notieeof [he. time and. place of eery public sdtethereofor pP the time after u•h hany; private sale-or any otheY intehded <br />dlsposltfo^ ffiereoC is to'be made. The requirements of reasanable not:c,^. shall b- m't IP such notice is maCed. pastagepri;paid; to <br />the address of .Debtor shown at the beginning of this agreement. at lea r fizz days before ther,Lnq vP the sale'. yr disposition: <br />hq waiver. by Secured Party ofany default shall operate. as a wan•er of any ; th:er iiePault or of Che same defaultan a future <br />occasion.. The taking of Qhis secvrit:yagreemebt shall riot, n•aiivp ar impair any oth.^. s-~:urity- said Ser.ured Party may have yr lists- <br />alter .acquire Porthe..Dayment oP. iris -above fndebtedness: nor shall>the. taking. M. any s,~ch. atlditionaisec[irity waiveor impair this <br />security agreement: but said.Secvred Party may resort to any: security it rosy have is hs order it may deem Vraper. and natwith- <br />standing any- collateralsecurity, Secured .Party shall retain .its rights oP setoff agaii[sf Debtor. <br />All rights. oP Secured Party hereunder shall inure ro ibe benefit of itssucdesscrsand assigns, andali prom[ses'and dutieaot <br />DebtotshalL bind his heirs, executors or administrators yr hisor its successors or assigns. if there be more thaaone Debtor, their <br />lLbi lilies hereunder shall be joint and several. - <br />.This agreement: shall becomeeflectivewhen ii. is signed by Debtor. <br />L <br />