Loan No. 49797x1-19
<br />,~g~, ~~ DEED OF TRUST g~.., 11~~5~~~
<br />t THIS DEED OF~TRUST is made this......21st. day of ....:June ................ .
<br />_ ]4.$2., among the Truster,. 13ggald. C... BdtteT9haw, ,A.SingJ.e .}'eI3oA ......:-. .................... .
<br />............. (herein 'Burrower i .. .
<br />Joseph H. Badami ; ,, , , . , . (heru^ Trus ee"), wid th Bench~i y,
<br />. ...
<br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN .A$SpCI~TjQN:,p~_ LZIZCQLN ..... , , . ,, a corporation or~aniz.c, and
<br />existing under the laws of..the . Stata. o±:.Nebraska :'......:.......... whose: address'is.. 1235 ,"~i',', , , , .
<br />s.treet.. T~Lncola,. ;7eb.L3ska. 685P~$ ...........:.....:. : ......, ....(herein "Lender").
<br />BoaQOwet;, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and thctrust herein created, irrevocably gram,
<br />and convey, to Truster irr trust, with power of salq the following described property. located 'in the County of
<br />Hal:. ...... ....::....:..::...... ~ .,State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Seven (7),.except the Northerly, Four feet (4') thereof,
<br />in Block Six (5) in he Third Addition to`the Village of
<br />Cairo, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br />which has the address of........ 3JJ. yubla .. ... ......................... pad-F.o , .......:..... .
<br />;5veet} ~ fCity)
<br />Nebraska .....58$.24... ;hereir. '`Property Addrass") ;
<br />: rstatc a~a Zip Coae7
<br />TOGFTFiE0. with as [he impro.~cmentt row or hcrcalt~r crcctcei on the property,. and all'ca~crosuts_ rtghb..
<br />appurtenances, renU {subject however to the rights and authontiesgiven herein to Lender to collect and apply such r
<br />rentsj, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profit>, water, water rights, and water stock,-and all fixtureu,pow or `
<br />hereafter attached to the property, alt of which, including reptacemer3CS :and additions thereto, shallfbe deemed io br
<br />and remain a part of the propern covered h}' this Deed of 'Trust; andaIl of the foregoing; together with said property
<br />f or the leasehold estate if this Dced of -Trust is on: a ieaschold) arc hereir, referred teas the "Yraperty";
<br />To Sect;ue to Lender (a:1 the repayment of the indebtednessevid~nced byBorrower's note da[ed.,7uae .21, .1982
<br />(herein `Note"), iit the principaLsum ofNineLeen.Thousand .and. 00,/1.00..:....: , .:.... .
<br />:Dollars,"with nteri ihercon. providing for monthly installmenis
<br />cf prinnpal aru in[erest.:vith the balance: of the indebtedness. tf not soo :er paid, due and,paysbie on... ._;
<br />... 1uly. 1,. 1_A9L ........... ........ . . t1e-paymem of all o;hcr sums, with interest Thereon, advanced
<br />ir, accordance herewith io protect the accurit.' of this Deed o; I-n~a: arnl the performance of the covenants and.
<br />agn°mtms cf Borrower hercm ~ontained~ and 1 hj the repaymenr .t ~m n u c ac ~anc:~:. wdh :ntercSt thereon. taade
<br />[o B.~rrowcr ,>y I_enacr puu,uant to parneraph 3 i hcrzol (hero . FaUR ~dvanc, ' i
<br />Borsewer covi•n.rrtts that I3crrowcr s I•awiullc ,cised o[ the aaatc h ch~~ conveyed and itas thc;:xight togi'ant aixi_
<br />cor.vcp t;~c Fropert~, ahat the Fns~er±y is uncncnrraxrcd. anu tn.,t l3nrruwez'.will warrani~and defend gtnerullythr
<br />title to the Yropertc ar,a_nt :ill claims avid rtJman.±s _ object ! i,: c,.~,_i.~ratCOns; easemt:nts or. restricttn.., listi=d in i~
<br />scheduPc o: c ._cptii~r ,< .~cer:, g. in any ~tlc inS~n ce po1~c, nr.urieg Lendcr'sant.:re4tin the Prca~ri}.
<br />NE9tkA.ii[A 3 }d.. ~, .; ;r _ r>+tturvNtrwc uMivorzM tesrnu~t[wr
<br />Farts Sua
<br />