<br />~~.. (}(;259
<br />UNtpoalrfCovurreriTS. Borrower and i.ender covenanCandagree as followx '
<br />I. Paymeet of Principa4and Interest: AorroweF shall promptly paywhen'dire the principal of .and interest nn the
<br />-indebtedness evidencedby'Ih< Note,-prepayment and late charges as provided in they Note..and [he principal. of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by #his Deed of Trust.
<br />r 2, hinds for Ts>cesand [tesarance. Subject toapplicable law or: to a written waiverby Lender, Borrower shall. pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of princ[paI :mi! mteresi are payable undertbe Note. untilthe Note is paid rn: full,
<br />a'sum (hereid "Funds") equal'to one-twelfth pf the yearly taxes °and assessments which may attain priority over' this
<br />Dced:of Trusq'and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearlypremium installments for mortgage insurance. if any: all as reasonably esfimated initially and from
<br />nme to time.$y Lender on ehe basis of assessments andbills and' reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />'The Funds'shallbe hcldin'an institution the deposits or accounts ofwhich areinsured orguaranteedby-a Federalor
<br />state,agency (including Lehder if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply he Funds to paysaid axes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and. ground rents.Lender mavnorcttarge'forso holdingandapplyingtherunds, analyzingsaidaccount
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Linder pays Borrower interest on theFunds and applicable law
<br />permits lender to make such a charge. Rorrou•er and-I:ender-may agree in-writreg at the time of ~xeeuuon oft this
<br />Deed of Trustthat interest onahe rands shall be paid toIIorrower, and. unlessuchagreementis madeor applicable law
<br />requires suchinterest to be paid. Lendershall not herequired to pay$orrower anv interest or earnings on theFunds..Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower: without charge; an anmial accnuntin¢ of the Fund; showing-credits and debits to tfie Funds and-the
<br />purpose forwhich eachdebil to iheFunds was made: TIie~FUnds are pledged.as additional security for thesums secured
<br />by this Dced of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held h}• Lender, together with the future monthly installments of'Funds payable pone to
<br />the due dates of taxes: assessments: insurance premiums and ground rents; shall exceed the amountrequirzd to pay. said taxes.
<br />assessments,-insurance premiums and grourtd rents as they tali. due, such`excess shall'he; at Borrower's, option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower nn monthly installments of Fonds. If the amounraf the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to-pay lazes, assessments: insurance-premiums and ground;.rents as they, fall :due.
<br />Borrowershap pay o Lenderany amount necessarc o make up the deficiency within.30 days from'the date ncirice is mailed
<br />by' Lender to Borrower requesting: payment thereof.
<br />Upon..payment infiullof allsums securcdbythisDeedof Trust. I::ndershall promptly refundto Borrower anyrirnds
<br />held by Lender. If unrlerparagraph 18 hereof khe Property is sold nr the Property is ottrerwise::acquired by, Lender; (.ender
<br />shall:.apply( no later than [mmediately prior to the sale of the Property or .its acquisition b}' Lender, any Funds held. by
<br />Lender at the time of application as acredit against she sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Application of Payments. L:nless applicable law provides gtherwise: all payments received by :Lender under.: the
<br />Noteand paragraphs 1 and2hereofshall be applredbyLenderfirstinpaymentof amount; payablrto Lenderby Borrower -
<br />onder paragtaph:2 hereof, hen to interest payable on the Nose, thzr. to the principal of the Note and then to interest-and
<br />principal. on any FutureAdvances. -
<br />4. Charges; Liens.' Bormwershall pay all (axes, assessments-and other charges. fines and imposnions attributa5le n+
<br />the Property whichmayattmn apriorityoverthis Deedrof Tnist,and leaseholdpayments or: ground rents; if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner: by Borrower makingpayment. when due: directly
<br />Yothe paycethereof:'Borrower shalfpromptly furnish to Lender all notices of amountsdueunderthis paragraph. and in the
<br />even[ Borrowershali makepayment. directly, Borrower shall promptly {urnishto .Lender receiptsevidcncing suchpayments.
<br />Borrower shall prornp[Iy dixrharge any lien which has priority nvor this Deed of "frus~; provided: chat Borrower shall nor be
<br />requiredtodischarge any such .lien solongas-Borrower shall.aeree in'.vritingto lhepaymznt ofihe obligation secured `by
<br />suchlien in a manneraccep[abletoLende[,orshaHin good faith contest suchiienby, urrJefendenforcement ofstich Iicn,in.
<br />legal pproceedings which: operateto preventthe enforcement oEthelien.-ar forfenure df the Property or anypart thereof.
<br />S. Raard lnsutance. Borrowershall keeplhe improvements now existing or.hereafter crecteti on the Property insured
<br />againsrloss by fire, hazards inchrdedwithinthe term "eztendedcoveragc": and suchother hazards as Lender may'rcquire
<br />andin such amounts andfgr suchperrods as Lender may rcyuiret progided: that tinder ilia(( not,regwretharfhe amount ul
<br />such coverage exceed'thatamountofcoverage required topay_thesunts secured by:thisDecd oFTntst
<br />The insurancecarrierprovidingaheinsuranceshall be chosen by Borrower subjecrtuapprin•aI by I:.cnder: provided.
<br />that. such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld: All premiums on insurtncc polices shall be paid in the manner
<br />provided underpara~raph2 hereofor; tfnotpaid in suchmanner, by Borrower makingpayment,.whendue,rdirectly to the
<br />insurance carrier
<br />- All insurance policies and renewals thereofshall he in aormacccptablc :,; i-ender and >hnll incline a standard atongagc
<br />clause in favor of and inform acceptable to Lender. Lender chill have theright to :hold ine policies and renewals thereoL.
<br />and Borrowershall:promptly'furnish to Lender ail renewal notices and all receiptsnf paid premiums. in the. event of;oss.
<br />`BorrowershallgiveprompF.noticettiihe-rnsurancecarriecandLender. Lenderniaymakepwpfof1ossifnotmadeprotrrpil}
<br />by Borrower."
<br />" Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in ~vrinng, insurance proceeds chat( beapp3ied to`restoranon or repairof
<br />[he Property damaged, provided such restoration or repamis economically feasible and the security of this Dee2I of Trust. is
<br />:not thereby impaired.: If such restoration or repair isnoLeconmiicaily teasibleor ~f thesecuuty ~ftfiisDeedof'hnist would
<br />beimpaired,theinsurance proceeds shalt beappiied tothesumsseeurrd by this Deed bf"Trust, withrhe excess: if any, pool
<br />to. Borrowcr..lfrhz Property is abandoned 6y Borrower, car if Borrowarfails:torespund to.Lendzrwathm 30. dayslrom the.
<br />date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that tfie insuian~e'carrier i~tfers to settle it'ciatm forinsiirance benefiis:l.ender
<br />is authorizedao collect and apply: the insurance: prceeedsatLender's opuon either to rzsictrjtion or repair oPthe Iroperty
<br />or to the solos ecured by flits Deedof Tmst_
<br />Unless LenderandBorrower otherwiseagree m writing,aiiy such applicationof proceeds to principal shall not eztznd
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installmenu referred to in paragraphs land ? `hereof or change the amount of
<br />suchinstai(ments: Ifunderparagraph.22ihereofthePrapert? isacquiredby Lender,allright, title-andinteresiol Burrower
<br />in and toanyinsuraoce policies and in and to'the proceeds thereof. resulting from damage to the Properly prior to the sale
<br />'or acquisition shall pass to. Lenderio'[hzeztent of the sums secured-bythisDeedof Trust immediately prior to loch sale or
<br />acquisition.
<br />6. Presersation andMaiatenance of Property; Leasehtilds; Condominiems;Planned Unit Uevelopmenis. Borrower
<br />shat!-keep the Property in:good;ri:pair .,ndshaii not commit asteor permit impairmene r r dcteriai.,tiwt c>f the Pro erty
<br />andshali rnmplywith theprovisions of any lease if thisDeed of "Trus^, is on aleasehold. If this Deedef Trust is on a uni~in a
<br />condominium ora ptannedunit'deveiopmcnt, Borrower shall perform allot Borrower'sobligations under the deciaraiion
<br />or covenants creating. or governing the condominium' or planned itnu development: the by-laws and .regulations of the
<br />condominiumor planned..vnit'development„and copstituent dor:wnenta: Ifacondominiiim or-planneduntdeveiopmcni
<br />rideris execuredby Borrower grid recordedtoge[her with Yhrs Deedof 77ust,%the covenams and. agreements e+f suchrider
<br />shali,be incorporated into and sttalbamend and supplement the covenants and agreements of thisDezd of "trust as rf the rider
<br />were, a part hereof.
<br />T.-'Protection of Lender's Security. If Borrower tails tti Fx.rferm the covenants :rod agreemenLc ciintamcd in this
<br />Deed-of Trust, ~~r if anyaeiion or proceeding s cemmenc~d which materiaEly afTects Lender's interzs[in the Property.
<br />including, but nor hmitedac, eminent dgmain, insolvency, code enforcement; or arrangements or procecdings,inyoiving a
<br />.bankrupt or deczdeai, iherrL.enderaF Lender'sopuon,. upi~r, notice to Harrower, maymakc suchappearanccs; disburse such
<br />.sums and take ,uch . ctidn as is necessary tp"protect Lender's interest, inetpding, but-no: ivnited to;'disbursrn+ent of. .
<br />reasonable araxncv'ti feesand enirg upon the Property to make repairs IfLendcr`required rttorGgage insurance as a
<br />.condition of narking the loan secured bythis L7eed-of Trust, Borrou~ershall pay ilia prenvirns..regrared ±o mauriair ..+uch
<br />inSllrapGe ~^ cite( ;; n;it ;VCb time aS the, ['CCiiirement fQC $itch inSLfan Cetermlt7a['BS inaCGUrdflncCWilh Bnrr(JWCr's and '.
<br />L,endcr c w uen a -.cmcnt or applicable law:' Borrower shall lsa,. the amount of all mo;igagc insurance .premium. in the
<br />manner , ru+.de~ un,ic: ~atagraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any aznou,it ushu cd ay I:ender pursuant tv ;his paragraph 'r, wnh ~ tzr~st thereon. shall hccorne addtuoltal
<br />indebtedncs; of & ~, rntcr secured by this Deed cf Trust. Unless Hc?rrawir and Lai tz. agree tc onc~r'tc, ms of payment, Stich
<br />amounts ,h,tH he psraule upon notice from I ender to Borrower reques mg paymr.nt tnzrco{, sod shat! lx;nr rntzrest (mm the
<br />date et di§bi r- nett[ at the rate payable from time to time onauistandin~. p mugad under tilt ~o:c t~ntc.ss payttrerto[ tntettst
<br />at sucl- r;,t~ .~ouki bC contrary to applrcabfe.,law m which „vent ua h a.ints Shari bear rraiers t ,:t the hi„h~sf rate.
<br />penmsaib;a t.r;der applicable law. Nothing contained .nihis paeagcaph , • ~~~yu,.cL:endzr io ii:eur anyex}xnseortake
<br />.any aCi,ar Sercuadrr
<br />8. hupcctmn. lender may.mxke c,r cause to ~ made rcasorialitc a ;~.,n and uisrx. t ors ni th I'rup+;rtv t acs+cd
<br />thati:z 3c ~':Ji 5 Borrower tailiiee error toa[ry ,aC:n.igs~.ui .n :.--~ yrn~:a.r>c naitdc. c.ruae r„r rek+, .chrted ~ .t ader'.
<br />rntcrrsi .t `.Ite'i toxrty.
<br />