ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE - Corpot~tion GNME1' 47796'x...
<br />g2._ u~-2504
<br />KI4OW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS, That the BI MORTGAGE COMPANY, INO.d corporation, the
<br />parry oI the fiat part, in consideration of the sum of Thirty seven thousand one hundred and Dollars
<br />(37,100,00) 00/100
<br />/awful money of the United Slates of America, to it in hand paid by
<br />WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY P.0. BC;~: 14495 Omaha, Nebraska 68124
<br />a Corporation, the parry of the second part, at or before the enstaling and delivery of these presen rs, receipt whereof is
<br />hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, said, assigned, translerred, ano set over, and, by these presents does grant,
<br />bargain, sell, assig~r, vansfer, and set over unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a certain
<br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing dare 25th of February !g B,1 ,
<br />Document 2:0. 81-000902
<br />Retarded in Book- -Argo- , of the Mortgage Records of Hall - County, Nebraska
<br />and made by Sharon Lee Sexton, single ro
<br />HZ MORTGAGE COMPA'?Y INC, and all its right, ride and interest to the premises therein described, as follows,
<br />tb wi t:
<br />Lot Seven (7), Piper's Glen Subdivision, Being a Subdivision of Lots Eight (8)
<br />and Nine (9) Warren Subdivision, i.n the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />also IaioWn as 210 N. Piper, Unit 7, Grand Island, 27E 68801
<br />Together with the note [herein described, and the money due or to become due thereunder; including interest
<br />thereon, TO HAVE ANO TO HOLD the same unto die said parry.. bf the secc;`d part, its successors and assigns forever,
<br />subject only to die provisos o/ said INDENTURE Of MURT6AGE.thereincontained.
<br />And the parry of the first part does hereby make, constituro end appoint If}e said parryof the setondpart„its true
<br />andJa wfui attorney, irrevocably, in its name, or otherwise, but a[ their own proper costs andcharges, to have, use,. and
<br />rs-ke all /awful wvys and means fnr the recovery of the said money and interest, and incase of payment, rodischarye the
<br />same as the parry of die first part rnigbt, or could do, if these presents were nut made.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 3I MORTGAGE COMPANY" , ISC a corporation of Ie~.aa has caused
<br />!iris Ass~pnmenr o/ Mortgepe to be executed by its Treasurer arrested by its Chairman of ano' its
<br />the Boara
<br />Corporate-SsA! to ba hereunto affixed this 19th day of May in the year 79 82
<br />t._
<br />o n E. ~oe Treasurer
<br />i _ ~7 ~!
<br />Attest <"''~`~J/GrG~(/~ ~~/Lt2~
<br />~~ ~ „_:' F~olmzs-Foster C ai~i [man ci tee Board
<br />S7AT,k, OF,:,_~~OWA
<br />ss
<br />On this 19th~y of May 19 82 before me, a Notary Public, duty commissioned
<br />ar•.d qualilied in and for ,yid County and State, personally came the above named john E.. Canoe
<br />Trea~ii~er, and Holmes Footer, Cha_i;aan of the Board df the BI :•SOFT'G~GE
<br />='~:~`L'-\"i', 1~[Gt w~a<ara, personally known to .me to be the idenncaf persons vfiose names ate affixed to the above aasiynrnenr
<br />of Mq~}pap:es=LtjeETreasurer and Chairman oR`R th fsaid Corporation, and dreyacknowiedgedthe ~,osrun:e ~~
<br />o be-}ltNr vpluntaryect'and deed, and the voluntary acfanadr~d of the said Corporaron.
<br />Des Moines
<br />411 Td6~SS_rf 1sar,+d ano official spa/, at ~,v sa:d Co;;nty, :he dste alores3id.
<br />,~ _
<br />.... ' •~~ No r;4ry Pubhe..
<br />. ,;."r`+ Sian exy3rC
<br />~r ~Gl~~~
<br />-:Ls Srrs:;,L:ent .:as ciafted b}• D15,chael C, Crow~~w~~_y
<br />