<br />44582
<br />82- t) ~ r~ 4 :~ ~ ASSIGNMENT OF TRUST DEED
<br />riot.-, the party of the first part. f^ consideration of the sum of Ten Do11aTS and other good
<br />and valuable considerations
<br />-- ----- - nollars,
<br />:o it in hand paid by. IdESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY, aNebraska Corporation
<br />a Corporation, the party of the second parr, receipt' whereof is herebyacknow/edgcd, has granted, assigned and
<br />r:ansferred, and, by rtese presents does grant, assign and ttansfeYUnro f[s successors and assigns, acertain
<br />Tr:ar Deed wherein rbesaid BI"MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. iaBeneficiarp, Edward F., $io2Ek and
<br />Jane A. Brozek, husband and wife
<br />James S. Reed
<br />:s Tr~:r~r, and / is Trustee, which Trust De~dwas dated the 3rd dayof_ ~~ ob r `__,
<br />- Docutgent Ne, 80-0'65560'..
<br />!9_90 ,and recorded rhe__~S~>,day of October , 19$~-, in J#ae~k~ , 12,age ___,
<br />Re aster of Deeds
<br />of ;he__ S Records of Hall - ,County Ne{'. ,..a'nd alf i[ righ[,
<br />url. and ~ nreres[ to the.. property' therein descrfbtd, as follows, to-wiG:
<br />Part of the Southeast (2da_rter'of the Southeast:~uarter (SEl/GSEi!4) of Section Trver.t`-
<br />(20), in Township Eleven {11) North, Range Vine. (9), Crest of tfie 6 b P,M,~ More:
<br />particularly described as 'follows: Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly< line
<br />of Del Monte Avenue said point being,628,0`feet soutfitresterly~fromtfie Northwes erly
<br />corner of Lot. One (1) Block Five (~) Hel Air Addition to ttie Gitynf Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska; thence:running southeasterly, parallel to the southwesterlir line o~ said
<br />lot one {1) a distance of One Hundred Twenty-six (126)'Feet tfience:tunning
<br />southwesterly parallel to t?ie southeesterly line of Del Monte Avenue a dis ance of
<br />Sixty Six (66) feet; .thence running northwesterly parallel to tfie S'vuthwesterly:
<br />lineof said lot one (1) a distance of: one hundred twenty six (126)",£eet; thence
<br />running northeasterly along and upon the sontfieasterly line;.o~ Del 1~onte.Ar+enne
<br />a distance of SYkty SiY ("66) f8et to the place of beginnilzgt in Ii"all'County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />.Together with t5e promissory note therein described, and.-the money due or to become
<br />Sue thereunder, including interes[ thereon, subject orly,to the provisions of, said 'Trust
<br />Jea9 therein contained.
<br />Further that Title Insurance Company of Minnesota, a Minnesota Corporation is hereon
<br />aubstitu^ed as Trustee replacing. the above referenced, Trustee
<br />i.'J W/TNESS WHEREOF,.the BI" fORTGAGECOMPAhY, I\C. a corporation, has caused this
<br />4s.;gamenr of Trust %leed ro be executed 6y its Treasurer _, andaitestedby its Chairman<.oP_ the
<br />3~arp'4 .and i[s corpore;e seal to be hereunto affixed this 2$th_day of May 19 82
<br />BI MORTGAGE CO2~PAIvTY, .,INC. , a Corporatior.
<br />J ~i E. oe; Treasurer
<br />- `
<br />STAGE ~Oli' =~ IOkA .l rtes[ ~~
<br />1 ss. olmes Foster, Chairman of the Board
<br />COU":TY OF POLk )
<br />On rhis_~8th ___day oL__._ *Say 19 82 ,before me a notary public duly
<br />tor.:,,:asiored and rua,:(ied fn and: for said county and sraie, personally came.the above named~_____~_
<br />Jo`L-~_E. Gauge Treasurer and Holmes Foster, Chairman of the
<br />--.
<br />3~~r~ -- -__-- ofrhe BI MORTGAGE :COMPANY:, tiC. :
<br />-- - Z~ who are personally known tome to
<br />o°- ' ,e ~der,;ica: pe:oor,~ :, hose names are affixed ro the above Rssignment of Trust Decd as zhe_Treasurer
<br />~_ aaY n of }~ Board ofs r ~c-p~~atian,.and they acknowledge [hc instrument [o betherr
<br />•oF ~~.~.: a_, and ..ee~ s-c the voluntary ac; ant' cec,i oI said rorporation.
<br />lies `icines
<br />V,'f?l Ft~ ,z~~ h,~r;7 and olficia! seal, at .r sand county, the dare aforesaid.
<br />'' ` r',~-.t<..~..r-rte.-»
<br />Iv'otary F?ubl; c.
<br />b r cs
<br />_:~__. ,. ,,n. >, nr3ftPd b' `rc..,, ,r
<br />